An Open Response to the"Normalizing" Child Sex Abuse claims

Yes, but now you have a new generation of parents, people who were raised with the lolicon existence being the case. Realizing on their own skin, that these arts aren’t dangerous. The previous generation had to decide what they want to do with those arts shortly after they originated as an entity. They had no knowledge about it that we have nowadays. It was a new thing, an unknown thing, and that caused fear.

America and Europe are a little bit different when it comes to pornography culturally.

I don’t think anyone in here has been inventing new disorder, much rather, they are using the ones described in DSM-5.

Some are, but most I’ve talked with tend to be rather stable and reasonable.

I don’t know why would anyone tell you that. All I can say is that I have a hard time understanding what you wrote. Mind that I’m not a native English speaker, so I have issues understanding irony, double meanings, some references, idioms etc.

What screwed over Eyechaner was the fact that he was a registered sex offender in the state of Virginia violating the terms of his release. If he had been caught looking at run-of-the-mill smut, like on pornhub with simulated incest themes or petite JAV actresses, he’d likely been charged with 1462 or 1466. I know of a case in Iowa where a sex offender watched an episode of Game of Thrones and was still charged with obscenity because of their parole, which restricted “pornography, of any kind”.
I’d rather not discuss that, though.

Pedophilic disorder and pedophilia are not the same thing. It’s even outlined in the DSM-5, much to the controversy of prudes and lawmakers who didn’t want pedophilia to be recognized as a “sexual orientation”.

For the record, I’m not a pedophile. I just prefer to see people as people, defined by who they are as a whole, rather than their sexual preferences or orientation. People who sexually abuse or exploit children are distinct from those with a pedophilic sexual orientation or preference, in the same way that violent or opportunistic and sadistic rapists who prey on vulnerable women are from heterosexual adults who are into BDSM.


I would also add, that there is nothing wrong with having a disorder.

I, for example, meet the criteria of a schizoid personality disorder. I don’t really want to do anything about it, because I genuinely prefer the solitary life. An understanding of which disorders you might or might not have allows you to have a point of reference to google in case of dealing with any life issues, and it gives you a better understanding of yourself, which results in a better decision-making process, that eliminates unnecessary suffering due to mistakes you otherwise would not make.

Mental disorders don’t define people. They are simply used to categorize sets of peoples traits or tendencies, trying to find solutions to issues people with such sets tend to encounter. So having a mental disorder only means, that there are solutions that can help you with life problems, that has been tested already.

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They are one and the same, retard. One is a pointlessly stigmatizing euphemism for the other.
You know it. I know it. Let’s cut the bullshit.

Let’s have a flame war, fucktard. Little arrogant weeb trash trying to educate people on bullshit they hardly know any shit about, and try to posture. Disgusting. Not even consuming clearly taboo content for any legitimate reason. Just going against society and it’s morals. It’s like this is one big fucking game.

You are being incredibly rude. You don’t give a shit, therefore I don’t give a shit throwing it back in your face. Fucking hell, this is pathetic. The last thing I need is some random casual who thinks they know it all, and they’re all that. When you’re in the wrong, you don’t back down, you simply double down on your bullshit.

Fine, I’ll entertain your bullshit for a brief moment. Pedophillic disorder exists as a instrument to try to conversion therapy a preferential to non-preferential. It is right there in the definition. That is all we are. Lab rats for you to stomp on. Almighty one. Just kill me the fuck already and end this shit. How fucking dare you.

Every single day, I have to be someone’s fucking dog, and pretend being stomped on and defecated on is perfectly fine, well I’ve had it with your shit.

Let’s slam this through. You. Can’t. Convert. A. Fucking. Preferential. To. Non-preferential. Magically.
It is a fucking innate trait. Even that clown Seto wrote as such in his steaming piece of crap of a paper.

It would depend on how you would define that. For instance, some people do have a high affinity for CP, which they can’t shake off, and it can be beneficial to someone’s mental health. But, it’s also the fruit of the forbidden tree, and it should be avoided. The grim reality is that I wouldn’t even know what to tell someone, because it appears as if there is literally nothing I, or anyone else on this earth can do. And it is very frustrating.

Have we discussed this before? No matter. Well, if someone is extorting someone like that piece of crap who got nabbed by Facebook’s zero day, or that molester who AI threw a fit at. They’re certainly very unpleasant sorts. It’s not really a disorder. It is just pure evil. They’ll stop at nothing to meet their ends.

And frankly, if that is what you mean by a disorder, that is just insulting people with disorders. Branding them with a disorder is just an elaborate way to brand someone as evil, and have that follow them around. This cheapens disorders which are already attributed to those who are very vulnerable, and I have already linked to the philosophy on this sort of issue.

Child predator may be a truly fitting descriptor.

My mind is a chaotic pile of shit. A very complicated muddle of shit. But, I can’t imagine myself, or anyone I know (or knew) doing those things. However, I will never use disorder as a synonym for evil. Evil is evil.

Everything has to be so medicalized these days. But, even some psychologists admitted that simply committing a crime doesn’t mean you have some antisocial disorder. A disorder which exists purely on grounds of antisocial behavior dooes not make sense. There is some pushback to the mess. But, it is slow.

I have plenty of fantasies of death. Death is a beautiful thing. It’ll take me. Will there be lolis there? Probably not… Just emptiness. One can dream.

Actually, most are like that. It is just the difference between removing the bullshit, and stringing someone along. I am plenty stable and reasonable. Rather, you’re the one who is unreasonable, and trying to gaslight me, newbie. Quit roleplaying. It’s beneath you.

If you really think people aren’t hiddenly anxious or depressed or emotionally unstable, then you have seen nothing. But, you don’t act all anxious in public, when trying to do a PR gig. The answer is simple. People are treated like garbage. By the government. And everyone else. It would actually be more unusual, if someone wasn’t like that, as that would imply they’re just a robot.

I would actually be extremely concerned, if you take some sort of extreme fixated view where someone is pathologized for having normal human emotions, which seems to be your interpretation of the imaginary “disorder”. This would imply you’re suffering from a mental disorder where you fundamentally cannot understand human beings, and treat them like automatons lumped inside neatly labelled boxes, and it is therefore prudent not to waste any brain cells calculating you.

By the way, calling someone crazy, simply because they’re evil. Or using pathology as an insult against me, or even the evil people, is extraordinarily ableist. Particularly towards all the people who actually do suffer real disorders.

You clearly have a misconception about what the purpose of DSM-5 is, and what disorders are. Conversion od pedophilia has long been abandoned. People with pedophilic disorder, depending on circumstances, receive two types of treatment (of course it’s a generalization on my part):

  • If they “acted on their urges”, the treatment focuses on reducing the rate of recidivism, on making the person understand their action, why it’s wrong etc.
  • If the person did never acted on their urges, and instead, simply suffers personal emotional distress, the treatment focuses on helping such person deal with their emotional issues, managing fear of their close friends discovering, dealing with anxiety, depression etc.

There is nothing special when it comes to pedophilic disorders when you compare it to other paraphilic disorders. The ideas behind all of them are exactly the same because all paraphilic disorders are defined by the same template of the umbrella term “paraphilic disorders”. DSM-5 is a diagnostic tool. Used to determine whenever someone is in need of treatment or not. That is all there is to it. It doesn’t define the treatment. Only how to diagnose people.

If you find prepubescent children attractive, but you don’t act on those urges, and this fact doesn’t cause you any emotional distress, in other words, you are able to function normally in daily life without impairing on anyone freedoms and without causing any harms, as most people do, then a trained psychologist will simply say to you, that there is nothing they should help you with. Such a person in the eyes of psychologists is simply a regular person with an atypical sexual interest, but in no need for any treatment.

I have no idea where your attitude is coming from, other than maybe ignorance mixed with an emotional bias to what you understand as “disorder”. Disorders aren’t used to determine how good or evil person is. Psychology is not a religion, it’s science. It deals with recognizing problems and finding solutions to them. A person with an antisocial personality disorder might simply dislike people, but limit their tendencies to insulting others in their head, or they might commit violent crimes, feeling no remorse about harming others. Both individuals could possibly classify as having that disorder, but one is decent, while the other is not, one doesn’t cause any harm, while the other does. The dichotomy of good and evil is impossible to apply for disorders exactly due to such scenarios being possible for the same classification.

And you never should. Any person who is using the word disorder as a synonym for evil doesn’t know what disorder really is. And neither I nor Chie has been using disorder in this meaning.

No, it doesn’t. Conversion therapy doesn’t work, and I think at this point has long to be abandoned…

I think he isn’t a pedophile in any possible definition of this word, that is what he meant.

You are the one in this conversation that is arrogant and hardly know the topic he speaks about. Also, please, keep the conversation civil.

Some? I think no legitimate psychologists would claim that committing a crime is enough to diagnose an antisocial personality disorder. I seriously have no idea where you get your informations from, but they are extremely misguided.

Being able to hide anxiety or depression is a sign of emotional stability. Emotional instability is when a person is unable to control their emotional outbursts and becomes overwhelmed with them, regardless of any reason or intervention of other people.

Of course, pedophiles will be anxious and depressed. Considering the circumstances they are in, it’s difficult not to be the case. But that doesn’t mean they are emotionally unstable. Almost all teenagers are anxious and depressed. Most adults are anxious and depressed. You aren’t special because you are anxious or depressed.

Most pedophiles I’ve talked to aren’t emotionally unstable. They were reasonable, to the point where a lot of them used logic to rationalize their positions, saying things like “But what if a person makes CP of themselves and grows up giving consent for it to be distributed” or “Children can consent, because they have minds, and can agree to things. For example, they can decide that they want to eat ice cream, they clearly have a will and can consent to eating ice cream” etc. Being reasonable doesn’t mean you are correct, it means you are capable of reasoning about a topic, even if your reasoning has serious flaws like in their case.

The ones that were emotionally unstable, in all cases except one, simply liked lolicon/shotacon, and pretended to be a MAP, identifying themselves with the concept of pedophilia, trying to convince me that they are extremely victimized due to being pedophiles.

And when I did ask enough questions, digging up information about their past, it turned out, that they actually never knew when they discovered their pedophilia, that they actually never found any underage person in their area attractive. Some had strong social anxiety, some had bipolar disorder, some have been borderline. And when I said to them, that I don’t think they are really pedophiles, trying to explain that they simply misdiagnosed themselves and that they have nothing to worry about, resulted in them being extremely angry, defensive, even throwing insults at me. A complete switch from a “poor victim who suffers due to circumstances they can’t change” to “what did you say about me you little shit?”. And that followed with a stream of arguments, during which they tried to convince me, that they are really pedophiles.

But besides such individuals, most people describing themselves as pedophiles, had many weird and flawed ideas. But it was surprising to see, how easily they were convinced to change their mind on them, or at least “think about it”, even thanking me for informative and civil discussion. They were far from unstable, and more reasonable than an average person is.

Mind you that I’m talking about my personal experience with people who claim to be MAPs or pedophiles. There has been a lot of trolls that I’ve encountered, but they are fairly easy to distinguish once you start asking them questions.

Real disorders meaning, the disorders that you personally approve of?
No one is calling anyone crazy, and just because a person is evil, doesn’t mean they are crazy. No one is using any pathologies. Disorders aren’t pathologies if that is what you mean, and definitely, no one is proposing you have a disorder to insult you.

No, it’s not. You created a strawman of me that is easy to attack, but everything you just said about me is simply incorrect.

Once again, I don’t think you have any disorder. I think that you simply lack knowledge about the topic of mental disorders, never read DSM-5, and you fill lack of this knowledge with your own misconceptions and beliefs about what disorders are, based on the misinformed perception that you think the public has about mental disorders, that triggers you emotionally for some unknown to me a reason.

You don’t have to believe me or Chie blindly about the distinction between pedophilia and pedophilic disorder. Here is an official note from APA about paraphilic disorders that tells you about it. If it’s too small, open it in a new tab. Sadly this forum doesn’t allow uploading pdfs.

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