Appears Taiwan is moving in on regulating loli

Japanese Cartoon Association run by Mangaka Ken Akamatsu(LDP politician nowadays) supported by LDP politician Taro Yamada, Mangakas Tetsuya Chiba and Machiko Satonaka all sent messages in opposition to any regulation to the Taiwanese minister before anyone on Japan SNS even talked about this.


Wait, the DPP are the ones most opposed to the CCP, right? Ironic. Of course, an entire party cannot be defined by only one of its party members.

It’s another thing that righteous religious people find “morally reprehensible”. Something they wish would go away so they wouldn’t have to know it exists. We see what prohibition did and how it didn’t work. We’ve seen the failures of “the war on drugs”. NGO black projects using them as a source of revenue, as does organized crime such as Cartels.

Punishing the innocent is what history has shown us the religious enjoy doing. Self flagellation, guilt, and shame, is their path to humility. Another lie they believe in. So is swearing (“morally reprehensible”), and they haven’t stopped that yet! The U.S. was founded on the principle of freedom of religion and freedom of speech. Trying to control what people say and THINK has been the goal of the power-hungry since the beginning of time. All these laws against inanimate things are another way the religious want to control people. It IS about religious moralism and control. What someone is “allowed” to do, say, think, or have. By whose authority?? When did the establishment become God?!?! The Creator!

All religion has been used since their beginnings as a system of controlling the masses. Anarchy will NOT reign without religion. People have built-in limits so long as they have empathy for others. No one wants to be bullied, put down, berated, labelled, shunned, tortured, or killed. So why are the moralists so quick to use punishment (a passive version of torture, taking someone’s freedom away) as a means of control? If that worked, there’d be no crime. History once again has shown us it doesn’t work. Only the sadistic people supporting that system are deriving pleasure from it! So, obviously, legalists still have the wrong ideas.

If people are doing things that cause no harm or potential harm to others, they should be left to their vices. Why do politicians and others feel the need to stifle everyone’s existence? We know it’s for the “feel good” support of the masses, to keep them in positions of power; who have mostly been indoctrinated into the system of false beliefs.

Tobacco and alcohol kill people, yet they are still legal to use. The illusion of governance over them is what placates the moralists. When in reality, it’s tax revenue that drives the regulation of the devices of pleasure. Why is how someone masturbates in the privacy of their own home, without victimizing anyone, even as issue?? If not for taking away any means of enjoyment for people on their own time, in their private spaces. Why? We’re only “allowed” to get drunk and get as high as a nicotine buzz? It’s ALL about control in this economic system of slavery!! Nothing more!

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Basically, it’s appeal to the masses.

The Japanese Constitution is mentioned a lot (and the “reasons” for censorship are bullshit).

There are two relevant passages:

Article 19. Freedom of thought and conscience shall not be violated.

Article 21. Freedom of assembly and association as well as speech, press and all other forms of expression are guaranteed.
No censorship shall be maintained, nor shall the secrecy of any means of communication be violated.