Caitlin Roper Advertises Child Like Dolls on Twitter

Ah, Collective Shout! Prostasia’s had a few run-ins with these folks, ain’t they? This Roper figure is referring to this heavily-debunked incident:

And she refers to these dolls as specifically “child sex abuse dolls”, something I myself pointed out was oxymoronic:

And wouldya lookit that? It was Collective Shout who popularized this term! Such a small world, no?

Roper also claims that a 2019 report from the Australian Institute of Criminology found that dolls can increase the risk and rate of CSA. Tho, I believe Prostasia has gathered much evidence over the years to the contrary. Many folks who use dolls claim to have decreased sexual/romantic interest in actual children, instead pouring it all into their dolls.

Could anybody link the appropriate studies that debunk Roper’s claims? I’m sure they’re around here somewhere…

Anyways: at the end, she simply states with a cheeky smile that it’s not good enough that child-themed sex toys be heavily regulated: they must be banned entirely! And they must be criminalized, make it illegal to manufacture, sell, or own such things.

I’m not a doll owner (nor do I currently have the funds to purchase and upkeep one or two), but I’m not opposed to the idea of having one someday. But alas, if fellers like Collective Shout get their way, I’ll have to make do with poorly constructing my own out of cheap materials, print out and staple a loli to where the face should be. Would such a crude project be deemed manufacturing a “child sex abuse doll”? Would I be thrown in jail all because I cobbled together some mishmash of household materials and sex toys into some pleasure abomination? An onahole is fine, but attach a body to it and it’s suddenly a problem!