CSA survivors very angry at Prostasia

I don’t know if I was understood the way I intended ^^". Perhaps I used the term pedophilia incorrectly. Anyway, whenever I referred to pedophilia in a “negative” sense, I referred to the practice and not the person’s condition of finding children attractive. I don’t think anyone chooses to feel sexual attraction to anything, so nobody should be punished in any way for that. But I think everyone is in a position to “suppress” any sexual desires. So in my view, people have this prejudice against pedophiles precisely because in their minds, pedophiles are unable to control themselves, which again, in my perception is pure ignorance.

Now about lolicon, I have to say that I would be the first one to be harmed by everything I propose, because, besides being a consumer, I also wish to create content of this kind. Like, not being able to trade it would certainty harms me in every way possible. BUT, I am willing to give up that right just to be able to live peacefully with the part of the population that finds it “disgusting”. What I could add here is an exception about donations. Like, I believe it is a good idea to ban advertising and direct trade of lolicon content, BUT I also think I would be more beneficial than harmful to allow groups that already consume this content to make donations to people who creates it. Also note that I am aware that this is not a perfect solution, but in my view it is the best solution that we have. And again, I’m not encouraging anyone to put this idea into practice, I know many lolicons would hate my idea ^^", Anyway, I’m just commenting about it.

I don’t think villanizing people with mental illness is going to make them better. Also this forum is at least trying to find helpful coping mechanisms for pedophiles where as all the people in this thread who are against this forum have not given any helpful alternatives to help pedophiles get better or at the very least cope. It can be a very permanent mental illness from what I understand and telling these people that they are evil, or saying they need help yet shitting on the people who try to help us a pretty shitty thing to do. As a sexual abuse survivor, I feel as though all the posts here are very anti child abuse and are trying to accommodate these people who are struggling and give pedophiles an outlet that doesn’t involve abuse. So provide some valid solutions to these problems and maybe people will listen. And don’t just say that “go to therapy” bullshit. Because while therapy can be extremely beneficial, the mistreatment of non offending pedophiles is a problem on a societal scale. It is a mental illness and is not the persons fault. Same as depression or autism. Doesn’t mean a depressed person has the right to lash out and break the law due to there disorder but at least they are given help and understanding. Stop being part of the problem


Anti’s never offer advice or a solution they just want someone to hate