Drawings, cartoons, and 3D CGI are not CSAM

Well, there are reference texts, with drawings/photos of the stages of development. They are not CSAM. You don’t need anything illegal to gain that information.


What is condemned is the harm caused by the production of recording abuse.

Fictional material has no link to harm.

I meant to post this in this thread.

CSAM is exactly that. Child Sex Abuse Material. That means a real person, a child, was abused by an adult. Or possibly coerced into performing sex acts with another child of similar age, or masturbating; to be recorded in some visual form for later viewing or shared or sold for the viewing pleasure of others. Very simple. Some child’s life has been irrevocably harmed by a monster!

Conflating anything else to be equivalent to such a horror, denigrates the the child and the crime against humanity. Invalidating the child, treating that person as simply an object. Real harm is the ONLY harm that should be punishable. Imaginary or potential outcomes should be invalidated completely. People are unpredictable. Attempting to surmise any outcome is no different than trying to play God.


I think the idea is that how does one know what a naked child looks like unless someone up the chronological line saw one.

Adults are grown-up minors.