FB group says you guys want to LEGALIZE "Child sex dolls" WTF

:face_with_monocle: wait, does that mean you think a child’s life and safety are worth 50% more than that of an inanimate object?


One of my former coworkers was a survivor of child sexual abuse and when I told her about Australia, the UK, and other government’s attempts at criminalizing child sex dolls, she genuinely got upset.

“So you mean to tell me that they wanna put forward money and resources to go after DOLLS and not human trafficking victims or child pornographers?? Does my struggle mean nothing to them??”


I’m a little late to this thread.

Proscribing dolls proscribes expressing the ideas that sympathetic magic has no effects, that what happens to a doll doesn’t matter and that it’s never morally relevant for anyone to feel more protective of any doll than of a nondescript sex toy.

Jenkins v. Georgia (1974).

“[N]udity alone does not render material obscene under Miller’s standards.”

Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969)

The test for incitement is the imminent lawless action test. Doll ownership doesn’t even express intent or advocation, so it cannot be proscribed as incitement. Proscribing because of speculative ideas (such as normalize, desensitize, intensifies, or other speculations) is disallowed.

Texas v. Johnson (1989).

“The Government may not prohibit the verbal or nonverbal expression of an idea merely because society finds the idea offensive or disagreeable[.]”

Ashcroft v. Free Speech Coalition.

“[S]peech that records no crime and creates no victims by its production” is not image based abuse.

I will now tap on dates to get the year to show.


And when they’re not used for that should that person be punished? For wanting to love and holds his dolls. Not feel alone and abandoned. Creating their personalities to be what he needs. Or do you force them into an uncomfortable relationship with a woman he has no interest in, who mistreats him and is cruel. Go fuck yourself @joycelin!

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You’re heartless and cold.