The motherfucking AfD. Disgusting fucking neo-Nazis.
“Omg you can’t just call everybody on the right-wing a Nazi !”
Bitch, read their fucking policies. They’re a far-right extremist party, the furthest right Germany has seen since the 1920s/30s (and we all remember how that turned out, right)? AfD even won in the exact same state that Hitler did, in Thuringia.
I will remind y’all that the “pink triangle” wasn’t just used to identify gay men and trans women, but also for pedophiles and zoophiles:
Later, the use of a pink triangle was established for prisoners identified as homosexual men and transgender women. (Lesbian and bisexual women and trans men were not systematically imprisoned; some were classified as “asocial”, wearing a black triangle.)[7][8] The pink triangle was also assigned to others considered sexual deviants, including zoophiles and pedophiles[3] in addition to sex offenders.
I’ve already brought this trivia up twice before:
I reiterate: note how the Wikipedia article makes a distinction between paraphiles and offenders, meaning the Nazis mass murdered non-offending pedos and zoos. We NOMAPs are the very demographic of people that the Nazis would see experimented on and/or gassed to death. Fuck the AfD.