How do you feel about basic sex-ed in Kindergarten?

Hey @JustLurking I just wanted to say thanks for making the effort to be civil. I doubt we’ll see eye to eye on this, but I will take that video into consideration in the future. That said, I don’t see what I can gain from continuing to comment in this post. I thought OP was asking a genuine question to hear other opinions (even if they’re not in agreement with OP) but their response to calling my stance as “both immoral and idiotic” leads me to think it wasn’t a question I should have given my honest opinion to, and I’m not particularly interested in forcing my opinion on someone if they don’t want it. Anyway, I’m not really sure if it’s wise to continue giving this particular post my energy.

Also, I wasn’t trying to not read your other post in its entirety, so much as I’m tired and my eyes tend to skip over lines of text unconsciously.

That said, you’re alright with me, thanks for keeping a cool head and trying to mediate and understand my opinion, even if we disagree in some areas.

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