Louisiana Castration law

I made a topic a little bit back about Louisiana sentencing a man to physical castration: Louisiana man sentenced to 50 years prison, physical castration for raping 14yo girl

Also, there was a Reddit thread about this very topic where I encountered the subject again. I made several comments there:

Mutilating people by surgically, physically castrating them? Might as well start arguing we should start cutting off the hands of thieves like it’s the Dark Ages again. And what would the equivalent be for female offenders? Oophorectomy? A much more invasive and complex surgery than castration?

IMO, physical castration/oophorectomy counts as a “cruel and unusual punishment” and should be nowhere near the table, even for proven repeat offenders. Heck, even chemical castration is basically forced sex transition, and should be itself viewed as cruel. Never Forget what chemcast did to Alan Turing. Physical castration would be even worse…

This is unfathomably evil. Ever since 2016, this is the natural trajectory of the Republican Party. Project 2025 has removed all doubt. This bill is just them trying to introduce something akin to Aktion T4. Just label all LGBT as predators, then forcibly sterilize them all. Mask is off, and every single MAGA has a toothbrush mustache that’s plain as the big fat noses on their smug hate-filled faces.

Forced sterilization is something that several regimes across the world have engaged with. Canada, the US, and Australia all performed forced sterilizations on blacks and indigenous people. The various colonial empires (European, Ottoman, Japanese, etc.) all tinkered with sterilization and forced abortions on “lesser” peoples. The German Empire in particular experiments with sterilization in what is modern day Namibia during the Herero-Nama genocide, experiments which would serve as foundation for the Nazis’ larger sterilization operations during Aktion T4, the Holocaust, and the Porajmos. And now we see China using similar tactics against the Uyghurs.

Forced sterilization and forced abortion has a horrific history across the entire world. The fact that the Republicans’ Project 2025 aims to continue one of humanity’s darkest traditions makes my heart weep.

Chemical castration is cruel enough, but ultimately reversible. Actually getting your balls lopped off? Not so much…

The party of “small government”, everybody…

Guys… I’m seeing a LOT of y’all misreading the title.

This is a bill for PHYSICAL castration, NOT chemical castration.

They want to cut their balls off, not give them libido-killing medicine. Stop justifying and supporting this bill because you can’t read. I’ve had to correct several people already, who changed their tune the moment they realized their mistake.

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