On the topic of Recent Twitter Dissent

Come on man, not everyone’s hopeless. If they have to make up stupid lies then we can debunk them easier and maybe show some people that there wrong.


I think Prostasia should come out and address the claims against them as a means to dispel them and lay them to rest.
I don’t like that the team page had to be password protected in order to keep those involved from being harassed by a mindless Twitter mob.


Respectability politics. Bullshit.

I’m not in favour of the ‘forever pillory’ for people with long-ago offences of any kind who have clearly made a fresh start and are working within systems with normal checks and balances against abuses of power.

Traditional moralist hysteria proclaims people who have committed a sexual offence, however minor, as fatally flawed with a near-inhuman weakness, especially if there was any deviant aspect to the offence. This is part of the psychology of superstition built around social uniformity and its ‘fundamental building blocks’ in maintaining the traditional phalanx of heterosexual power. The frantic, furious hand-waving one sees on this topic is compensation behaviour for the lack of real issues to grab onto. That has nothing to do with Twitter - it’s a tradition that’s hundreds of years old.

People who have experienced particular problems and learned from bad experiences are sometimes the best people to talk other vulnerable individuals out of repeating their mistakes. Ex offenders need to be considered and evaluated as individuals, not as a tainted category.


I’m not in favor of permanently shitting on someone for an action but, We need to keep them out to be reputable and save face.

The virped dude tod nickerson allegedly said that we would have sex with children if society was more open to it. That was years ago though and I doubt he still supports contact. I don’t think he should be cancelled, but for the fight for map rights it’s not a good idea work with him.

“Save face” I don’t think that you should put that over the possibility of providing better support to potential offenders. Outcasting these people will just give Antis validation and continue the stigma.


We can support them in private, but i’m saying they shouldn’t be our public face.

Respectability politics. Try to drop that attitude if you can. It won’t get you anywhere. Todd is one of our most valuable anti-contacts, with great insights as an ex-pro-c.

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Tod was a co host on some episodes of a map related podcast recently. So he’s not out of the game.

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Here’s a podcast about the Prostasia controversy in which the hosts, despite being really harsh about our Communications Director (for unrelated reasons) actually come down on Prostasia’s side in the debate. They say:

Their heart’s in the right place. They are genuinely trying to make life better, to reduce the likelihood of children being harmed. And they’re also trying to save the lives of people who have a… shitty lot in life.

About MSC, which one of the journalists personally visited, they say:

They take this really, really, seriously… The rumors on Twitter are that this is a forum to… trade kiddy porn and groom children, and that’s not what this is. It’s a support group.

Take a listen: Podcast Hosting and Analytics - Welcome to Fireside!


I listened to that just this morning and although it starts out rather harsh and unpleasant with regards to Comms Director I was pleasantly surprised by the rationality with which they discussed Prostasia, MSC and the wider subject of minor attraction in the latter half.


This gives me hope. Thank you so much.
It’s still a damn shame to see Berlatsky get so much hate. I’ll be honest, I’ve never seem him. The Twitter sphere of political and social authors and commentators isn’t really my domain.

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