Because the very idea you propose is the same idea nazis have been proposing. Don’t be surprised that people after tasting an object who looks like an apple, smells like an apple, and tastes like an apple will call it an apple.
You live in an imaginary idealized world where a single entity has the ability to perfectly and without any mistakes plan out what the population at large can and can’t do. You are an authoritarian brat, who without any basis in evidence, baselessly puts his entire hopes in a simplistic worldview in which some big organization can be created that will solve all the problems of this world, with no effort, with no pain.
China tried to do what you propose. They thought they can control how their population should or shouldn’t breed. They introduced the one-child and two-child policy, and now, they have a demographic crisis, with not enough Chinese people being born, and an enormous population of old people that need to be taken care of. Simply because they didn’t predict the enormous amount of side effects such policy had on the people. So now they think the three-child policy will fix things.
Because that is the thing about authoritarian types, they very strongly like to look at the past, see that some idea has failed, be arrogant enough to claim they can do better, make some mental adjustments to convince themselves that “this time I will repeat it and it will have a different result”, repeat the same mistakes, fail, and still keep persisting in the belief that they are right about everything.
The reality is simply too complex for any person or group of people to be capable of doing such things, every authoritarian regime has been a testament to that very fact, with good intentions and appeals to morality and safety ending in the extermination of millions of innocent people. You repeat the same mistakes these people do for whatever emotional needs you have.
And when you are met with valid disagreement that is both sound and logical, you play around performing various mental gymnastics, ignoring people, starting another pointless thread, arguing nonsense, spreading lies, backtracking previously made exposed to be incorrect statements.
You lost any credibility you had on this forum by proving to be too immature and emotionally unstable for discourse about topics adult people discuss, so your further activity here is considered by me as nothing more than a cause motivated by malicious intent because you clearly had no care to change your mind on any topic while trying to impose your views on others instead.
Were you seriously the best person from this twitter group of violent child predators of yours to represent them?