It’s been a while since I’ve been around here, but I came across some info that was downright shocking. A group of four lawmakers asked the US Attorney General William Barr to start prosecuting producers and distributors of what the government deems to be “hardcore” porn, and I see no reason why he’d turn down this request, since he seems to be a Catholic fundie. Now, this worries me for obvious reasons, but also because I’ve heard some fundies declare stuff as benign and vanilla as anal sex to be “obscene”. So, I’m worried that all gay pornography, as well as BDSM stuff is about to be banned in the US.
Can’t do that. Erotica in general is protected under the constitution as a form of creative expression. So long as sex in general is apart of the human experience, people are going to use it as a tool to expression. Thus, it can’t be prosecuted in a story, film or any form of art.
Fear all you want but this is going nowhere.
You sure? I frequently hear conservatives say that “obscenity is not protected by the 1st Amendment”.
that’s because they don’t know what obscenity is in the constitution.
if you make a form of hate speech or, say, have sex in front of a populated kids playground, that is obscenity. But if you create art in a controlled, consensual environment, obscenity charges are rendered pointless and a waste of time. Especially since some artistic content cases also bring in artsy fartsy universities to help determine whether content is obscene, which never works because of their artsy fartsy eyes always finding something.
Like I said, as long as sex is a part of the human experience, art will show it. And because it’s art, it is protected.
I’m just concerned because our government is run by conservative Christians who hate everything that offends their prudishness…
the government is bound by rules above it. Any law by the government that violates those rules are considered illegal themselves, if I’m to oversimplify. So say “ok boomer” and move on.
Still, uh, according to this, Bill Barr seems to be contemptuous towards the law:
All the contempt in the world can’t change that the constitution was written in a way so the government can’t have any tyrannical power over people’s expression. I don’t know why you’re sharing this with me even after explaining it multiple times. Porn is art/expression. Art is protected. Nuff said. Whoever is trying to push this obscenity idea only read the title of the law and not the fine print or the fundamentals of how it’s applied in court.
Perhaps the obscenity law needs a name change so these guys would stop gravitating towards it like a magic word but that’s about it. How about “law of unconstitutional expression” which would focus things down to violent threats, planning of real world violence and hate speech respectively?
But seriously, cool your jets. I know you’re scared but getting stressed out over nothing isn’t very productive. It just sends your brain into a tizzy that won’t shut up.
He’s the same guy who wants to put backdoors in all encryption (even though the criminals would just move to platforms which haven’t been back-doored, leaving everyone else to suffer).
Child pornography is on the rise as one of the fastest-growing online businesses with an annual revenue over $3 billion .
Citation needed. Media loves to overstate how much money child pornography sites are making. I see a lot of outlets who use nebulous wording like “they must be making millions” for sites and others decide they are.
Hardcore pornography has no correlation to the proliferation of child pornography, the reason for such rather is the proliferation of technology and the internet making it possible when it wasn’t before.
All child pornography offenses, including possession are extremely serious because they result in perpetual harm to the child and validate and normalize the sexual exploitation of children.
Validate and normalize. They keep using those words, but I don’t think it means what they think it does.
There is harm however in the sense they know the images and videos are perpetually circulating, if they’re lucky, they may be kept in ignorance, although it doesn’t mean they won’t be recognized and harassed making that veil drop down.
For some offenders, child pornography is a risk factor for other sex offending against minors.
Ah yes, that one, they like that argument, even though it was debunked by simple statistics.
If anything, being in an environment filled with molesters who casually talk about committing crimes and gloating over triumphs (see Cracked) is more likely to have that influence. This isn’t directly correlated to pornography.
Approximately one in three offenders had engaged in one or more types of criminal sexually dangerous behavior predating their prosecutions for non-production offenses.
Sounds likely.
Child pornography offenses are international crimes. The images are transmitted across the world to offenders who redistribute them. Once an image is on the Internet it’s virtually impossible to eradicate all copies. The harm to victims is lifelong.
That sounds about right.
ASACP estimates that the United States has the largest share of commercialized child pornography websites with close to 50 percent of the global volume. Websites that distribute commercial child pornography offer thousands of images and videos.
These websites need to be shut down and the operators / financial contributors locked away. Do define child pornography as no one can decide on what it means.
Nine in every ten boys under the age of 18 have seen porn.
I’m surprised ten out of ten haven’t. This is not concerning in the slightest, we just need better sex education and not leave them to learn purely from peers and porn.
We all know the dangers of blatant assumptions. It may be difficult to find concrete evidence and create an analysis from that, but I believe integrity comes before impunity and immorality.
I guarantee that if you searched the hard drive of anyone that states that they are “anti porn” you will discover evidence of porn consumption. They publicly declare that they’re against the thing, but in secret they’re using it. (Kinda like how quite a few homophobes seem to be closeted homosexuals)
That is most definitely a possibility. Most people don’t practice what they preach, despite acting like moral advocates.