Announcing Ask Prostasia

Prostasia Foundation is an active and growing not-for-profit organization dedicated to protecting children from all forms of sexual abuse using evidence-based and human-rights-focused methods. Our mission is simple: we want to see a world without sexual harm and violence, a world where our children can grow up in safety and joy.

We know sexual abuse prevention is a complex and often misunderstood topic, and we have been the target of misinformation campaigns in our work because of this. To help you get answers to any questions you may have about keeping kids safe, as well as who we are, what we do, and what we support, we are launching a new initiative called “Ask Prostasia.” We want you – the public and our supporters – to ask us any questions you might have about Prostasia and prevention.

Select questions will be answered in our newsletter, so subscribe today to be included in that discussion. These questions and their responses will also be available on our website for all to read.

We are so excited to hear from you! Submit your questions about child protection, internet censorship, artistic freedom, and more today to get the answer you’ve been waiting for.