Biggest german legal news outlet speaks against the Doll Ban

It seems that the public mention of these dolls from the AfD party and upcoming elections has sparked a new interest in this topic.

LTO (Legal Tribune Online) is one of the largest, if not the largest, news outlet regarding legal matters. So it is honestly amazing to see this article.

They point out how an evidence based approach to laws have been abandoned in favor of moralism and populism. Every expert spoke against it during the legislative process making the so-called “evident” and “rationale” decision seem like a joke.

Run the article through a translator. It is a great read.


I looked into the author of the article and she is a lawyer specialized in psychology and sex crimes. She was also contacted for a response on the doll draft law.

According to her website she will release two publications regarding the nature of these dolls;

  • Sex dolls with a childlike appearance – a legal classification
  • “… You can’t see those in the dark.” – for a decriminalization of § 184l of the German Criminal Code