Call for Blog Post Ideas

Hi all! As part of your friendly Prostasia volunteer team, I’m posting this on behalf of our blog post editor.

We’re looking for topic and/or writer suggestions for future articles on Prostasia’s blog, and since many of the people on this forum care deeply about the topics Prostasia focuses on, we wanted to hear your ideas. This is just brainstorming, so suggested don’t have to be anything more than a few words.

Looking forward to hearing what you all want to see us focusing on over the next several months!


My first thought was articles on making NOMAPs more acceptable to the public but considering the shellacking Dr Walker and Prostasia got previously, that’s probably a bad idea.

How about articles documenting the fact that stories, fantasies, cartoons, anime and such are used to help MAPs to not offend against real children? And the same for Child Sex Dolls? Best would be any research that confirms this. If there is any.


We’re actually currently funding research on the effectiveness of fiction/fantasy outlets, and I’m assuming the results will be published and summarized on our blog once that concludes. We also have a few articles about MAPs in the pipeline, although we’re definitely being careful to ensure our authors aren’t subjected to the same harmful backlash that Dr. Walker was. Thanks for the suggestions!


Perhaps some anecdotal stories can be presented in the meantime?


It’s definitely something we’re interested in talking about. Since there’s so little research on the topic, it’s hard for us to justify actively endorsing it at the moment, but since there’s also no evidence that it leads to harm, we definitely oppose efforts to criminalize such content and will continue talking and possibly posting about that while we wait for research in that area to improve.

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