I am just going to say it: Even if child sex dolls become legal, it’s very unlikely for them to actually increase the child sex abuse rate.
Let’s start by the fact that most pedophiles aren’t going to own them. A high quality doll is expensive and the average person can’t buy one. So it already eliminates the majority of pedophiles (specially poor ones) of having sex with them. So only the ones with better financial lives are going to have them.
Second, I would like to add that child abuse (not just sexual one) is a structural problem. Often related with very disfuncional family dynamics, family hierarchy and etc. The pedophiles only get advantage of something that is structural. Many families don’t teach their children boundaries, many families make jokes about grabbing the child’s genital, many family don’t teach the child to say no, in fact, they often force the child to do something that they don’t want to do only for the sack of pleasing a family member. It’s a problem related to the social hierarchy between the way the family treats children, the lack of information on child sexual abuse, the fact that many family aren’t prepared to have children but still have one, the religious background and etc. A few people buying dolls (As said before, they aren’t going to be the majority) will not change such background. If a person wants to abuse children in the current state of time, they sure will. No doll incentives them to do so.
The claim that dolls increase it is stupid, they talk about feeding paraphilia, like dude, what are you feeding? You can’t feed something that you are born with. It’s like saying that a homosexual guy is feeding his sexuality by masturbating to gay porn, that’s not a thing. If you believe in feeding paraphilias, you will have to admit that pedophilia is curable and that you can be less attracted to children by consuming nothing related to them. Thing is, that’s not a thing. It’s impossible. Because pedophiles are born like this due to genetics. The idea that a man will offend because of doll is just so…ugh. Dude, why would someone pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars on something just to go after actual children? I believe ruining kid’s lives is cheaper, no? That’s also taking away the responsibility the sex offender has in what they did, because you are blaming a doll rather than the individual.
Also, the normalization claim is nauseous. People CAN tell the difference between a doll and a real child. Dolls are supposed to be the idealization of what a pedophile finds sexy on little ones, so much that many of them have idealized clothes and hair. Real children often don’t have those clothes, they aren’t always smelling good or are they always dressed up, in fact they are often messy and dirty due to the fact that they play around a lot. Hell, even their clothes are clothes that children usually wouldn’t wear. They are completely idealized models of what a pedophile find attractive on children. It’s the same with adult sex dolls, they have flat stomachs, big butts, big breasts and wide hips. Real women don’t look like that unless they had lots of surgeries. Hell, often their faces don’t even resemble the average women’s face, often they look like aliens. Same with child sex dolls, at least the majority of them. Dolls don’t normalize anything, no fictional outlet normalizes any action, because the human mind can tell the difference between fiction and reality. Pedophiles who engage in such acts with dolls know that children in real life DON’T act or look like that. So, how are they normalizing anything if they aren’t even realistic representations to begin with?
Also, even if they did increase the pedophile urges to act on their attraction, that’s only for why pedophiles shouldn’t own them, not why they should be illegal and criminalized. It doesn’t make any sense to arrest people who have bought the dolls because the dolls may lead them further harm. Regardless of everything, dolls are objets. They are personal property, not a reason for why we should ban them. It’s no different than banning drugs, alcohol or guns for that matter. Sure, they may increase the individual to become violent and addicted, but wouldn’t it better if instead of arresting the individual because they were consuming them, we got them to therapy and started to talk with them and try to understand what lead to them to use it on the first place? Baning dolls is just as useless as banning drugs and guns. You are punishing an individual for the potential of doing something bad, not for something they have actually done. That’s not fair and unethical. Pedophiles are going to find a way to satisfy their sexual desires, trust me and the way they find it can be far more damaging than dolls. Like CSAM.
Talking about CSAM, it was proven that it doesn’t increase the pedophile’s tendencies of sexually assaulting children. It’s logical to assume that if actual child abuse material with actual children didn’t increase the pedophile’s tendencies to abuse them, then sure idealized children won’t.
Long text, but I really wanted to share my two cents cuz I’ve been thinking about that a lot and I found the opportunity to share my thoughts.