CSAM filtering options compared

Originally published at: https://prostasia.org/blog/csam-filtering-options-compared/

No Internet company or website operator wants to allow its platform to be used to distribute child sexual abuse material (CSAM). But especially for smaller operators, it has been difficult to access the resources needed to filter out this material quickly and automatically. In 2019, only a dozen of the largest tech companies were responsible…


We are not going to rehabilitate our way out of this issue either anytime soon. Look, as much as I hate to say it, we need very powerful filters. The amount of traffic towards CSAM darkweb sites have exploded. We are not doing nearly enough to crush these degenerates. We need to invest in ways that would utilize PhotoDNA in such a way as to make it very difficult for someone to access known CSAM for main browsers whether we are talking Chrome, Firefox or TOR.

Maybe best case scenario without PhotoDNA censorship deployed to the main browsers, we could reduce traffic by maybe 70% if we invest heavily in both prevention and semi-prevention programs that would make it easier for MAPs to get help so they don’t act on their demented sickness. But this isn’t a complete solution.

The unfortunate reality is that there are always going to be crooks. So prevention and in combination with even semi-prevention like Stoptinow and Priotab will only go so far. (I consider them semi-prevention since they mostly appear to focus on csam possession offenders aka individuals who have already violated law but keep them from continuing or escalating)

A powerful filter if done right could render detected CSAM unviewable. We don’t know yet, but it’s worth really considering.

Imagine if this software can be installed on every single piece of consumer computer. Imagine if it has the ability to completely destroy any image it detects to match identified CSAM. Imagine if this was on every Browser from TOR to Chrome. It would make it profoundly difficult to access known CSAM.

The next step is to be able to disrupt livestreams in real time. Right now, AI is weak, but in 30 years, it will be very powerful. Perhaps powerful enough to detect prepubescent bodies engaging in activities that are illegal to be recorded and would disrupt such live-streams in real time. Such an AI installed on an end users computer might be able to prevent him or her from ever being able to view any image, whether historic or live that is illegal. We will make it impossible for anyone to view real csam online. Ideally, it should be made so difficult that it would actually be easier to commit premeditated terrorism than it would be to view even a single image involving the sexual abuse of a child.

Ultimately, we may never know if these technologies will ever be used in this way, or if they could ever be used in this way without evil pedoscum hacking into them to attempt to circumvent it. Or whether there is a way to safeguard it from such scum. But we ought to really think outside the box with regards to stamping out this problem. Maybe only some of the technilogical solutions mentioned above will be possible. Maybe and hopefully all of them. But the bottom line is CSAM censorship will continue to play a significant role.

Part II

The Final Solution:
Enlightenment Eugenics through the principles of the enlightenment and respect of individual rights

In the future, it will be possible to customize a perfect baby. Perhaps in this new world, we can customize a baby to be free of addiction of all kinds, including freedom from the capability of becoming addicted to alcohol, texting, social media, pornography, anything you can think of, and of course, CSAM. We will have greater control over AOA (age of attraction) to ensure they all will grow up to be attracted to adults. 18-30 year olds. We can make sure that our designer babies are born with the right genetics and other important biological markers so they grow up to be ethical citizens. There is a fundamental reason why some go out to rape children and why others recoil in horror at the idea. Biology has a lot to do with it. Some grow up in horrible households and never commit these crimes while we have people born in luxury that still commit these atrocities.

Once the age of Enlightenment Eugenics comes, homophobia, transphobia, racism, sadism, hypersexuality, pedophilia, hebophilia, nepiophilia and other degenerate states of the mind to be cured once and for all. We shall ensure all babies are born FREE from such horrific mental states. And we shall deliver the cure to all the living who are cursed with such states. A great new world can emerge out of this, a world of eternal glory, if we can keep it.

Aside from the serious privacy concerns that would come from building any such software into browsers or operating systems, those who want to access such material will work around it. They will create their own browser that uses the tor network if it was necessary, they will create their own operating systems, don’t underestimate their determination and ability.

Of course the bigger issue is that this would completely destroy privacy, and provide a backdoor into every single computer. This would allow for the complete and total tracking of every single persons computer use.

This kind of scanning tool also likely wouldn’t address these people effectively, it will only work on sites where images are posted directly. I’d imagine the kind of people that would use Tor likely aren’t just posting pictures on a forum, they’re almost certainly uploading everything in encrypted .rar or other such files. This kind of scanning tool only addresses the tip of the iceberg.

You actually just said that?

Let’s not shall we, really not an okay way of thinking and definitely not the right place to be saying it.


He’s either shitposting, or else telling us who he really is. Either way, this post was reported but I’m leaving it up so people can make up their own minds.


Aside from the serious privacy concerns that would come from building any such software into browsers or operating systems, those who want to access such material will work around it. They will create their own browser that uses the tor network if it was necessary, they will create their own operating systems, don’t underestimate their determination and ability.

There will unfortunately still be a small group of dedicated criminals. But aggressive censorship will make it much more difficult.

Of course the bigger issue is that this would completely destroy privacy, and provide a backdoor into every single computer. This would allow for the complete and total tracking of every single persons computer use.

It doesn’t have to necessarily include surveillance, would it? I’m mostly thinking if there is a way to autocensor images if the user tried downloading an illegal file (through image cache or affirmatively) or censor images the criminal tries to transfer from old hardrive to new one that would have the censor program. The censor program installed on a person’s operating system does not necessarily need to send any info to anyone.

On the topic of browser censoring, I believe Hany Farid when asked about whether it would report on an end user who comes across illegal stuff it censors, he essentially said it wouldn’t.

The way I see it, if none of your information is sent away, it is simply censorship, not a privacy violation. Ultimately we will want to make sure these censorship tools do not get used by the government, whether it is the CIA or FBI to start surveillance. I believe the 4th Amendment of the US constitution could prevent it. We just want a censorship tool while preserving privacy.

This kind of scanning tool also likely wouldn’t address these people effectively, it will only work on sites where images are posted directly. I’d imagine the kind of people that would use Tor likely aren’t just posting pictures on a forum, they’re almost certainly uploading everything in encrypted .rar or other such files. This kind of scanning tool only addresses the tip of the iceberg.

Yes, this is unfortunate. And this would limit the effectiveness of browser side censoring. It still will be effective against regular image files though. But I do wonder if operating side censorship might do the trick. The people downloading into encrypted folders will once on their computers choose to open them up. Any file they take out of .rar could be destroyed when operating side censors detect it.

The goal is to make it very very difficult to view, access, save, or distribute this stuff.

Once again, I’m not a computer expert, I just came across the idea by Hany Farid of browser side censorship which will not use any surveillance and wonder if we can somehow apply it to operating side censorship.

You actually just said that?

Yes, because I believe this could eliminate almost all crime, especially crimes related to sex crimes against children.
Well, when it becomes possible to engineer healthier babies, there is no reason not to. We want healthy, functioning and law abiding citizens who do not commit sexual violence nor non-contact sex crimes of any kind. We want to take humanity to the next stage of evolution by placing it in the hands of every consenting couple of parents. Virtually all parents will opt for designer babies on some level. They may not want to customize the height or hair color, but they definitely will want to make sure their baby does not grow up with severe mental disorders like having pedophilic disorder.

Because it is such a heavily stigmatized crime, even parents who aggressively oppose the concept of designer babies will be begging the state to subsidize engineering that would ensure their baby will grow up free from pedophilic disorder, sadism, low functioning phychopathy or hypersexual disorders. Just as Down Syndrome has almost been eliminated in Iceland due to abortion of Down Syndrome preborns, similar concepts of selective breeding could be applied to other disorders of the brain of preborns, but instead of abortions, perhaps biological engineering of some kind.

From my perspective, if it’s safe and possible to do designer babies in such a way to eliminate crime-prone states of mind such as pedophilic disorder, why should it be simply voluntary. Perhaps a liberal or non-aggression principle based argument could be formulated to make such engineering compulsory. I myself am a libertarian, I voted for the Libertarian Party and I am very open to support such compulsory policies.

My prediction is that by 2100, there will be no more pedophiles or nepiophiles, addictions of all kinds including social media addiction, pornography addictions, food addictions and CSAM addictions will be non-existent thanks to humanity taking the next stage of evolution through the process of Liberal Eugenics.

Designer babies in combination with effective cures to living people born with these disorders will render pedophiles extinct. There is no need to kill pedophiles to achieve this end. A pedophile born in 1980 could be cured in 2050 and live to 2120, spending 70 years free of such horrific disorders. A pedophile who takes such initiatives should be celebrated as contributing to the next step of human evolution and should be thanked for contributing to the extinction of pedophilia.

We can achieve the extinction of the pedophile without committing crimes against humanity and without harming nor killing a single pedophile. I use the term “Final Solution” because this really is the final solution to the problem and could stamp it out once and for all. There is no need to violate the non aggression principle to achieve these ends. A new glorious society can be born out of this.

As an evolutionary biologist, I’ll just comment that the poster’s comments about CRISPRing away items such as homophobia, and sexual dispositions that vary in twin studies, are not possible, since they go beyond what is directly heritable. In any case, genes often have multiple functions and the ‘interactome’ engaged by trying to edit them would be full of hidden pitfalls.


As an evolutionary biologist, I’ll just comment that the poster’s comments about CRISPRing away items such as homophobia, and sexual dispositions that vary in twin studies, are not possible, since they go beyond what is directly heritable. In any case, genes often have multiple functions and the ‘interactome’ engaged by trying to edit them would be full of hidden pitfalls.

Well, is there any way to modify a preborn if we discover that he or she is at risk of developing certain brain disorders like pedophilic or addiction disorders? Even not I do wonder if we can apply certain brain surgeries to newborns.

I’m not that terrified of transphobia or homophobia since people can be educated out of these thought processes. But sadly there is no cure for a brains of people who are pedophiles. And there does not seem to be a cure for people at risk of addictive behaviors. Yes, therapy and rehabilitation works, but they still will generally carry a greater risk of becoming addicted again when compared to the general public. Example being of extreme alchoholics. As they say, one drink is too many and 10 beers is not enough. There is a reason why I can responsibly consume alchohol and not be addicted and why certain people can become easily addicted. When someone has 5, 8, even 10 DUIs, feels remorse, is not a psychopath yet keeps continuously violating this law, there has got to be something wrong with their brain. Of course I’m not trying to water down the seriousness of habitual DUI offending, but they did not choose to be born with such a disorder and it’s difficult to not feel sympathy for the way they are born, or whatever trauma that lead them into alcoholism.

Same could be said for the pedophile. What is it that leads them to conclude that a 10 year old girl is “incredibly hot” while not finding a 20 year old woman attractive. In the case of non exclusive, they may still find 20 year olds attractive, yet will find prepubescents more “attractive”. The thought of this sickens me to the core. Yet it is not their fault, they were victims of nature.

Like with habitual DUI offenders, people who access CSAM also struggle with addictive personalities, and sometimes they will also have pedophilic disorders, or at least the ones that access and distribute large quantities of this material. While they must take personal responsibility for their actions and cannot shift the blame to others, it’s difficult to not feel an ounce of sympathy for the way they have been born. They were victims of the cruelties of nature, and sadly they are continuing the cycle of harm.

A cure to pedophilic disorders, impulse issues, and addictive personalities will reduce a large amount of suffering in the world. So I do wonder: how far could CRISPR go in addressing these disorders? And secondly, how else can we cure these disorders.

I’m not up to date on the current status of inherited predispositions to alcoholism, if any. Nor do I know whether the Alcoholics Anonymous concept of ‘addictive personality’ has been established in any neurological way. Maybe another reader could comment. I’m a bit more up to speed on sexual orientation, and I can pretty much guarantee you that a manipulable inherited character won’t be found that will influence this. Every indication points to post-zygotic differentiations of various kinds that occur before the age of six, starting with the fraternal birth order effect (Fraternal birth order and male sexual orientation - Wikipedia) and going on from there. And when you get to hard-wired object fetishes, people can often remember the early childhood events that set these things in psychological concrete. I’ve published a detailed speculation elsewhere about how this all pulls together, but in a piece of creative fiction, which is really the place for it at this point in history. You’ll be glad to know, though, that scientists recently managed to piece together the ‘connectome’ (universe of neural connections) in a very small part of an insect brain. Progress of a kind.

I’ve always found it strange how AI is so pro-LGBT in their crimes against humanity advocacy, but never mention creating a world without homosexuality or transgendered individuals.

If we follow eugenics ideology, someone being trapped in a body of the wrong sex and killing themselves over it would surely be something you’d want to stop. Harm is harm and it would be illogical to say a harm should continue, purely because it is politically correct to say so.

I wouldn’t advise such things, but it’s bizarre to say the least. And for someone who purportedly holds leftist values, like pro-LGBT, they talk right out of an alt right textbook. Degenerates, degenerates, degenerates. These values are important, not to adhere to some strange dogma, but to grant people basic human rights and freedoms. It isn’t a cult or a religion. It follows basic human decency.


Even this reasoning is flawed, as pedophiles have far high levels of activity in areas of the brain related to nurturing children , according to some scientists. This means pedophiles are very good at nurturing children, but there is also an achilles heel of some of the other components.

If someone avoids commiting a crime:

  1. You will never hear of them.

  2. They will contribute to society in a number of ways.

Some scientists also believe most people have some level of attraction to teenagers, and a very significant number of people have some level of attraction to children, but it is overshadowed by their attraction to adults, so it is moot to talk about some strange dilineated age attraction, when we’re talking about the human condition.

In a similar vein, it may be possible to “cure” autism, but many brilliant and talented individuals are autistic and they contribute to fields in ways which have allowed them to move fields forward decades. It introduces a different way of thinking, which excels at certain tasks, although perhaps not at all.

Talk of eugenics is largely pointless, and it looks as if you are too emotionally attached to this subject to engage in any reasonable discourse regarding it. And do you seriously believe most people on this earth have absolutely zero attraction to 17 year olds in your “18 to x” idea?

If you can engineer someone attracted to a certain age, can you not equally stop people from ageing when they don’t want to age? Some individuals even get a severe body dysmorphic disorder from getting adult characteristics, it would be good if we could resolve this problem. This may sound like a magic wand solution, but so is your solution, and it is equally possible.

Have you heard of self-driving cars?

Look at the posts on her profile and her alt’s (Katya) who only ever appears to support her.

Why are you really saying any of this? Disgust?

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