FB group says you guys want to LEGALIZE "Child sex dolls" WTF

Is this true? Lots of people on facebook posting about how fucked up prostasia is including sharing screenshots of your posts. Is it true you guys want to LEGALIZE child sex dolls WTF what the fuck is wrong with you if that’s true.

How can you support legalizing something so heinous??? By trying to legalize “child sex dolls” did you mean ANY doll regardless on how young it looks? Or only legalize dolls that the apparent age can be at least disputed by reasonable people? If people want to have sex with a doll that looks like a literal toddler those people are screwed up in the head

What’s heinous is trying to criminalize the possession and ownership of a sex toy, a lump of plastic, on such a weak and unsubstantiated premise backed wholly by sensationalist “moral panic” rather than an objective overview of the facts surrounding the subject matter. We’ve seen this paternalistic approach made throughout history, and time and time again the results have always been bad.

Child sex dolls may be undesirable, or outright offensive to people, but that is not a valid justification for their criminalization. That is the literal definition of thought-crime.


I don’t want to lock people in prison for possessing them. I just want to fine people thousands of dollars for possessing them. I DON’T CARE if it’s a thought crime. Over 85% of people believe it should be a criminal offense. Of that 85%, 35% want it to be a finable offense in the “thousands of dollars range”, 20% want probation and the remaining 45% want incarceration.

Lets compromise and fine these sick fucks thousands of dollars. If owning these heinous dolls could lead to someone loosing 10,000 dollars, they are really going to think HARD about owning these sick fucking repulsive items. There is ZERO justification to possessing them and it’s not a victimless crime. It NORMALIZES children AS SEX OBJECTS.

AGAIN! It being unpopular or offensive to a majority is NOT a justified reason for criminal action! What is it about that which do you NOT understand?? That’s the mindset which made up the backbone of Jim Crow laws, anti-gay laws, and other cruel civil rights injustices that have plagued us. “We don’t like it” is not compatible with due process, nor is it compatible with reason, or even the philosophy which makes up the bedrock of Western civilization. Censorship and thought-crime are antithetical to those core ideals and your refusal to reconcile that fact is both disgusting and horrifying, moreso than the subject matter in question.

It IS a victimless crime and normalization is NOT a real concept, nor could it be used to justify censorship or prohibition.
Even if the “normalization” argument had merit, the likelihood that the availability of these dolls would have any effect on society’s views towards children and their rights is minimal. The average human can tell the difference between a piece of plastic and a human being, just like they can tell the difference between reality and fiction. Other kinds of media, even pornography, are easily accessible and viewed by much of the majority and the alleged effects of which have NOT been evident. There are studies which even clarified that pornography in and of itself is harmless, so long as nobody was abused or exploited in order to make it, and that the availability of such material may in fact LOWER the commission rates of sex crimes, which we’ve seen happen in countries like Japan, Denmark, and the Czech Republic, and even in the United States! So don’t tell me that these dolls are in any shape or form harmful.

Sex crime statistics in Japan (US Dept. of Justice archives)

Sex crimes overall


AGAIN! It being unpopular or offensive to a majority is NOT a justified reason for criminal action! What is it about that which do you NOT understand??

When LITERALLY 85% of the general public wants it to be a criminal offense, you damn well know it’s fucked up. There has never been a time in history where over 66.66% of the general public supports jim crow laws or anti gay laws. When such a huge percentage such as 85% want it to be a criminal offense, IT MUST be made a criminal offense.

The only discussion to be had is what should the penalty be. And a high fine in the several thousands of dollars range should be enough.

It IS a victimless crime and normalization is NOT a real concept, nor could it be used to justify censorship or prohibition.

Normalization IS a valid concept. It leads to the perpetrator thinking it’s OK to do it to a REAL child. SO MANY MENTAL HEALTH EXPERTS have defended the criminalization of child sex dolls.

There are studies which even clarified that pornography in and of itself is harmless, so long as nobody was abused or exploited in order to make it, and that the availability of such material may in fact LOWER the commission rates of sex crimes, which we’ve seen happen in countries like Japan, Denmark, and the Czech Republic

Correlation IS NOT causation. Even so, child sex dolls are not the same as legal adult pornography or even adult sex dolls.

I hope you realize how weak your prose is, especially in the face of valid research evidence and common sense. You’re acting out of personal offense and emotion, rather than reason. Part of being a reasonable adult is being able to make peace with and understand facts of life which may offend, enrage, or strike fear into us or make us uncomfortable. Think with your brain, not your heart.

AGAIN - It doesn’t matter how much of the majority may feel a certain way it does NOT justify criminalizing something if there is no justification regarding why it should be a crime. Our government’s legal system is predicated upon protecting what is unpopular from being barred simply because it may be unpopular. Keep in mind that 89% of the Southern population during the 1960s believed that black men shouldn’t be allowed to marry white women, and 90% of the southern population believed that gays shouldn’t be allowed to engage in homosexual sodomy within the privacy of their own home. When populist or majoritarian morality has this consistent of a track record for being objectively wrong, then it’s wrong. No ifs, ands, or buts.

Normalization is not a valid concept in this context.
No, it doesn’t. It leads perpetrators to think that sex dolls and other toys are okay. This argument has been regurgitated by people throughout history to justify censorship and so far, even the most prudent social scientists will agree that it is wrong.
Also, that contention is very reachy and unreliable. The likelihood of a sexual predator to commit a contact offense against a child has been observed - consistently so - to be predicated on by variables consistently and wholly separate from the supposed “culture” by which they live in. You can’t blame the culture or speech a person consumes for their criminal actions when it is plainly apparent that they are distinct. If it’s a crime, it’s a crime regardless, and it’s been universally understood and accepted by the scientific community that the consumption of (virtual/fictional) pornography and sex dolls that represent minors are NOT linked to the commission of sex crimes against minors. I don’t know how many times I have to repeat myself or how many more studies I have to cite before you understand your position on this topic is wrong.

You’re right. Correlation is not causation, but when a positive correlation is observed to consistently, then one can narrow it down to be more closely related to the subject matter. Obviously, more research needs to be done in this field to quantitatively declare whether a cause/effect relationship could be estalished, but that’s what the Prostasia Foundation is trying to get going.
And, suffice to say, they are the same. The DSM-5 clarifies that pedophillic sexual interest/orientation and pedophillic disorder are distinct, in that pedophillic disorder is what is assumed to be what drives sexual abuse/crimes, and pedophillic sexual interest/orientation is merely a candid interest, sexual orientation, or fetish. This heavily implies that the desire to commit sexual offenses is guided by a wholly different set of variables not necessarily related to whatever people may be interested in - think of it as a coincidental relationship. The same observation can be deduced from other sex crimes/interests, such as with sex crimes involving adults and relevant paraphillic disorders.

I urge you to educate yourself on it. Here is a link to the DSM-5.


85% of people are stupid peasants, then.

What else is new? Frankly, the life of the 1 witch is worth more than 100 stupid peasants. Indeed, to rescue that 1 witch, the deaths of all the stupid peasants is a fair trade. That’s why I have more respect for Rusalka (Dies Irae) than Lisa (Castlevania) or Sorena (Grimoire of Zero), given that in order to ensure her own survival, Rusalka decided to “purify” (kill) the stupid peasants of her village who accused her of being a witch, rather than roll over and die, like Lisa and Sorena did, just so the stupid peasants could sleep easier.


Beg to differ about that. Pick up a history book.


Well excuse me for not being a gigantic piece of garbage child predator and for believing that people should not be allowed to act out child rape.

I think sexualizing children is abhorrent. I think having the desire to rape children is horrifying and inexcusable. But sure, I’m the bad person. I’m the problem.

Child predators truly are the most unfairly oppressed group of all, am I right?

There is no child predation with a doll. This assumption that they will move on from a doll to commit contact offenses is not founded in any established psychological science and has not been observed to occur in any recorded instance of crime.
Please refer to my previous post.
You cannot justify thought-crimes or censorship with this sensationalist, moralist rhetoric that has NOT been justified by supporting science.


Yes, you’re the problem. Glad to know that you admit it.


Clearly the individual has never been to some states in the South, where a good majority still support such nonsense!

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All of these irrational comments keep making me want to donate more and more to Prostasia!


I can attest to this, Tennessee has a law in place (if I’m not mistaken) for child like sex dolls. (not to mention they still try to force obscenity laws)

It’s a law that is very likely unconstitutional, though. There are also bans in place in Florida, Australia, the United Kingdom, Canada, and likely some other places.


Interestingly enough, it’s only illegal to import them into the UK. It’s not illegal to possess them.


That’s because they use customs laws to do it. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were moves to tighten this “loophole” though, as the world continues down this mad path.


And rightfully so. This loophole needs to be closed and the penalties need to be significantly increased for it. Possession of one of these heinous “toys” should carry 1/2 the sentence for assault against a real child. Anyone using these dolls are basically simulating child rape. It’s an evil.

Simulating crimes is comparable to the real thing? Then please arrest me for all my “simulations” of murder, terrorism, and cannibalism first.


The evil of child abuse is the harm that it does to real children. Period. Why do you take such an interest in how other people masturbate in private? That’s just creepy and perverse. Mind your business.