As a frequent user on the ATF booru, there’s SO MUCH HENTAI AND PORN based on the likeness of actual child actors. The little girl from Poltergeist (RIP) or the girl from the recent FNaF movie, for example. Or even stuff based on images of random not-famous children. Hell, I’ve been helping compile a blacklist of artists if we suspect/find out they’ve based their art on actual CSAM! Yeah, some artists even use actual child sex abuse to inspire fictional child sex abuse! These guys think they’re slick until those who recognize it come forward with evidence of what these “artists” have done. I’d like to know the psychology of these people…
I know I’ve talked about this before, but what I find hilarious is when a lolicon artist puts “pedos/MAPs DNI” or “100% fictional characters only” in their bio (even saw one explicitly say “MAPs and NOMAPs DNI”, wtf??), but turns around and makes a hentai based on an actual child actress. Like, huh? I’ve seen debates between several users here (including admins and mods) about there being a difference between the character a child plays and the child actor themselves. As for me, I vehemently disagree that there’s any meaningful difference.
If a person watches a live-action movie or show, she’s a child character played by a child actor/actress, and proceeds to have sexual fantasies/the need to draw sexual art of them, their attraction goes well beyond being “just a lolicon” at that point. Anybody defending themselves otherwise I deem incredulous and completely can no longer take seriously. Kanna Kamui, Anya Forger, Mabel Pines, Pan (Dragon Ball), etc.? Cartoon characters, not necessarily a pedophile! Live-action like Hermione or Stephanie or Eleven or X-23 (Logan), etc.? Nah dawg, I got some bad news for you…
I made another post some time ago also detailing some of my thoughts/feelings on the matter:
And just now I saw this other old post from a different user sharing much the same concerns as myself:
Even at the time, people accused Nirvana of being/catering to pedophiles by featuring uncensored baby penis on their album cover. Nirvana’s simple response boiled down to:
“Only pedophiles would actually focus this hard on a baby’s penis. What does that say about all of you?”