Since I was asked by Chie to do some of the research into the situation on my own, I’ve decided to publish my result in here publicly, sadly, I didn’t found anything Chie wouldn’t be already aware of, but at least I do confirm that he is honest about his findings.
Since Chie already searched through Google Bing and Yahoo, I will only add Yandex and TinEye into the list, the results are the same on these three.
A reverse image search of the photo of the girl alone returns this on TinEye:
And these results on Yandex:
All photos of this girl that have been found are the photos that have both the girl and the doll. No search engine was able to find the photo of a girl alone, which means, that it’s not publicly available, and the only copies of this photo were made after the discovery of the doll, so no one had the opportunity to base the doll on the girl unless this photo was made by someone in the girl environment and sent to the company directly with that exact purpose.
It also means that the news sites didn’t found this photo. Someone has given it to them. Someone who had made this photo, or someone who had access to private places where this photo has been stored. The only person who meets this criterion is the mother of the girl, but only because we don’t know the exact circumstances of how this situation was going on, so for now, she is only a suspect. She was the one that created the story, contacted the media and she has an ability to make such photos of her daughter.
The first entry of this image usage was recorded on September 3, 2020. One day after the initial story came out.
The Yandex search returns following images that his algorithm classified as “similar”:
As seen, the algorithm has shown photos of other dolls and of young-looking adult Asian women.
One particular photo took my attention, a photo of an Instagram model named Yami Hadaka, here is a small comparison:
This is the source of the photo:
This photo was added Nov 4, 2018:
One important thing to add, is that she is most likely from China or Japan (the country it was produced, the country it was sold from and Japanese was the ethnicity the doll supposed to represent based on descriptions of it on sites that sell it), she has a huge following of 1.3 m followers, and has a work email, which means she most likely is open to selling her services as a photo model:

Trying to find information about her age, I have found this:
It does align with her Twitter information:
Meaning her age when the photo was added was 21 years, 4 months and 10 days. A legal adult woman by any country standards.
Searching for the photo of the doll, and I did use an original photo (which I got from the second result) in TinEye resulted only with 2 entries, that aren’t the photo from the news:
Using Yandex I had more luck localizing more shops that sold this doll:
I find it curious that nothing from Amazon was found, and instead, the only big platform for selling item was Alibaba. This link doesn’t show the product, but the photo was indexed by the engine. If Amazon were to sell that doll, shouldn’t reverse image search engines also store the information about it even after the product is removed, just like in this case?
On this site, there is the information:

Which means “Creation time 2019-06-04”.
This site:
Has the following information:

Which means “Creation time 2019-09-06”
This site:
Has no information about creation date, Wayback machine has the oldest saved entry dated 13 Aug 2020:
Same situation with this site:
And this site, but with a date 20 Sep 2020:
Here is a timeline of all the information:
(This might be a better screenshot):
An additional note, I can’t help but notice one inconsistency:
These two photos:
Has been used by news sites to promote the story. As you can see, both photos look identical, and what is implied, is that this photo of the girl was used to make the doll. And while I could understand the idea of designing a doll on real human beings, like the adult and popular but young-looking Instagram model that is willing to work for money, it’s weird that the company creating the doll positioned it in the same way as the supposed photo of the girl to promote the doll.
What did they want to achieve with that? Ask for trouble? For legal action? Because making a doll based on the photo and then positioning the doll in the same position as the photo they supposedly based the doll on, creates a risk that someone will find out that they used such photo. And in case of using a photo of a real underage girl, it would completely ruin the brand name. That doesn’t make any sense.
And how did they found this photo, if it’s not publically available? If automatic web crawlers, that work all day and night searching through web, have never indexed the photo of this girl, but indexed the news articles and photo od the doll itself then how did a human being supposed to obtain such photo from the internet? Especially considering people would use search engines to do it, and this photo simply isn’t stored by any search engine.
But you see, there is one important distinction:
This girl has only a single ponytail made because this doll on this photo looks like the doll has only a single ponytail.
But here is the thing the doll has 2 ponytails:
So it looks more like the opposite has happened, The mother purposefully made her daughter wear similar clothes, put a similar plush under her arm, told her how to sit, possibly showed her this photo of a doll to make her position herself in a similar situation, and did a photo of her, to later distribute her image, with only blurred eyes, that isn’t enough to make people who know that poor girl not to recognize her, to create a narration, that “evil pedophiles has created a doll in the image of this girl, to imagine raping her”
Once again Her mother forced her into posing for a photo, most likely telling her, that she makes it to spread it all over the news telling people, and possibly her own child, that people imagine raping her.
Please, ask yourself a question, what is more possible:
- the Chinese company has gone through a lot of effort to obtain a photo of a child, that isn’t anywhere on the internet, with millions of free photos they can access online that look better, and have variants made from different perspectives, which is necessary for 3D modelling, that wouldn’t bring them any legal trouble, alternatively paying am an adult professional and extremely popular model, like Yami Hadaka, for her to take photos of herself for reference, from different positions, which would bring her fans as potential customers due to how similar their product looks to that popular Instagram model?
- or, that the women with narcissistic personality disorder wanted to play a victim, and a hero at the same time, creating this narration, so she can gain her narcissistic supply from her friends on social media, and the congressman uses the story to gain more votes in the next election, by creating false moral panic, participating in the abuse of this little girl.
Because this is what it is it’s child abuse on their part, and the Child Rescue Coalition participates in the exploitation of this little kids image for their own agenda as well.
They exploit this girls image, forcing her to do things that she clearly doesn’t want to do, for their own personal benefit. It’s not sexual exploitation, but it is an exploitation of a child nonetheless.
Seriously, can anyone look at this face:
And say, with a good conscience, that she wanted at the time for this photo of hers to be made? To be published in news media? That she wanted to pose for this photo, to base her position and look to resemble a sex doll? This isn’t just about misleading the public, it’s about child abuse in plain sight, and people panicked about pedophilia seems to ignore it.
Seriously, I think this is the story that Protasia should take under consideration, and an investigation on part of the authorities has to be made about this girl and her mother. It’s important to determine whenever her mother has a narcissistic personality disorder because that would put a lot of spotlight into her potential motivation. The child needs to tell her story about the circumstances of this situation, and how is she treated by her parents, although knowing from experience, she will most likely tell what her parents will tell her to say. And the mother has to show proof, of this photo being taken and distributed before the oldest date of this doll being in distribution. I doubt they made the photo and ordered the doll based on it, considering the time span between the story publication and first distribution of this doll, but determining the age of this girl, and asking her how old she was when this photo was taken, could allow for determination of whenever the doll could really be possibly based on her.
Seriously, I have no interest in both adult, and definitely not in child sex dolls. I can understand different views on this topic, and peoples emotional responses to it, and I do find good arguments on both sides, although not particularly conclusive. I can have a discussion about it with anyone, as long as they are civil and kind.