Forum now restricted to members

  1. I’m not surprised.

  2. Why are we having this conversation in this unrelated thread, on this unrelated site?
    DM me, or better yet, log back onto OMC. We miss your random “I’m bored” posts. :slight_smile:

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Nah, I can’t log back in, because I deleted my account. I can’t make a new one because OCPD, and I don’t want to spend time near halos anyway. I don’t know where else to contact you. If you want to hear me spam about my boredom, check my Tumblr or join the NNIA Matrix server or follow me on fedi.

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Putting a stop to new registrations, as an ememergency temporary measure, is always a valid course of action in case of an immediate problem, but limiting it permanantly would be counter-productive.

Not only would it give ammunition to those who object to our existence (“The must have something to hide or they wouldn’t be hiding it”), it also restricts discussion because we are then in great danger of simply become a mutual appreciation society. That is the way to kill it off; with no new blood, and no new views, there is no discussion and therefore no point in having a forum.

By all means suspend new registrations for, say, a month while Shoe and her ilk are trying to get in, but I think that should be all. They can always be removed if they cause trouble. And you never know, they might read stuff and learn something.


Our major local newspaper, the Toronto Star, recently cut off comment on its Facebook page and restricted it to its own more easily moderated pages, because the FB comments were becoming a hate-goon circus. Firehosing with bile is a common online strategy these days and the bottom line is, you need to keep the genuine discussion findable rather than letting it be swept away in the hate flood. And you have to keep your own workload as a moderating team practical. Do what you need to do.

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I’d like to know when the forum will be viewable by everyone again?


I love to “discuss” with people who disagree with me :3 So, personally, I’m totally against that. In fact, I won’t even ban those who came here just to offend.

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Not until the hate has died down, at the soonest.


It might need to happen sooner than that. There’s a lot of very useful information on the forum that isn’t readily available (like the FL sex doll scandal) and other articles.



There’s nothing to hide on the forum. I have no doubt that people may continue to screencap posts and take them out of context, but that’s when we respond in-kind with the full context.

@terminus please reconsider unlocking the forum at an earlier juncture. Hiding behind a paywall only validates their defamatory rhetoric because it gives off the impression that we’re hiding something or covering it up.
That’s bad because it’s crippled our ability to argue in good faith.


Is there not a way to make registration mandatory for looking at the forum without making people pay for it?

The problem as I see it is that anyone could see the forum and all the comments without any more due diligence than clicking a link. If you can make sign up harder, or employ a screening tactic like Virped has (your first few posts must be approved by a moderator until you are deemed not a threat), that should make it easier to handle trolls and the ilk. And you wouldn’t seem greedy or panicked as you kind of do now.

Or was that the only way you could make the site not visible via link? That would be sad. :frowning: I dont really see those people that are mildly curious about “why sex dolls” and pedophilia bothering to go forward when they’ve hit a paywall.


Even people who want to look for themselves if the allegations are true can’t do so now. It makes things worse and showcases why censorship is bad. Xi Jingping banning Winnieh the Poo just gave that joke more power. Prostasia is going through the same now. Not everyone is a braindead follower of a youtuber.


This decision is utterly ridiculous, and as my fellow forum members have elaborated on above, completely counterproductive. You are better than this. You are braver than this. Don’t lose all this forum’s previous gains just because you’re afraid.

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Upon thinking about it a little more, I can see that maybe you’re employing the “if you’re going to use our forum for content fodder, then you’ll have to pay/support us for it … jerks” strategy.

But is doing that worth not having organic foot traffic, that is genuinely curious about your foundation?


I try to make posts online that add something to a social discussion, rather than kaffeeklatsching with an ingroup, as fun as that can be.

My interest relies on this forum becoming accessible to general readership.


Registration is now open again. The registration invite code is found somewhere on this page.


Nice, hoping for some lifely discussions.

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So we need to send invites? I couldn’t find the invite code. :frowning:

By “open” you mean you no longer have to be a member of Prostasia?

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It’s in the bottom in quoted italics. Last paragraph.


Correct, although we encourage you to join if you can afford it! The invitation code will be dropped in due course, but the moderators decided to impose a limit on new registrations. Since trolls are usually lazy and bad at reading, this was an effective way of doing that.