So in an exchange with a prominent developer of PhotoDNA, this developer pointed out that the censorship tool could be deployed relatively easily. He also pointed out that it would not be used to report anyone. If you were to come across CSAM that is hashlisted, it would simply block.
His rational is that the reason why it would be ill advised to have an auto report system because you simply cannot determine the intent of users.
He also pointed out many browsers such as Firefox are skeptical of this deployment because of privacy concerns.
I believe that in principle, PhotoDNA SHOULD be deployed to all browsers at some point in the future and could be deployed to operating systems to make it extremely difficult to collect or see CSAM. However, I do believe some concerns pointed out in this group and elsewhere need to be addressed first.
There are some rumors or cases that legal images have have been hashlisted. If this is the case, it needs to be resolved.
What are the privacy concerns? This is not some wing of the government to report people, it’s simply a censorship tool if it were to be used for browsers as he has stated. But are there moral hazards that it could eventually become used to censor things which have absolutely nothing to do with CSAM. Such as by repressive regimes. So there are valid concerns that it may start out as an innocent anti CSAM censor, but could be used for evil by despots. What kind of safeguards could exist to mitigate this?
I believe once all the privacy and ethical issues are worked out, it should be deployed, and should be deployed to TOR especially. But in order for the TOR community to accept this, I believe they will need proof that it won’t be used as just another arm of the government, but simply as a censorship tool against CSAM that is about two things: protecting people from being exposed to it as well as preventing revictimization of CSAM victims.
The general consensus within TOR is CSAM is a blight in OUR community, ON BEHALF OF THE TOR COMMUNITY, WE WANT NOTHING to do with CSAM. If you were to work out all the issues, I for one would love to make it extraordinarily difficult for anyone to access this contraband. IF PhotoDNA could be deployed in TOR in an ethical manner, WE WELCOME IT WITH OPEN ARMS!