Horrifying study: 33-50% of mothers get SEXUALLY AROUSED WHILE BREASTFEEDING

Stop it now us doesn’t have any issues with nomaps either from my conversations with them ,so I’d say both charities are good :heart:


I don’t see how this is horrifying, honestly.

  1. Involuntary excitement happens when erogenous zones are stimulated, no matter the source.
  2. Oxytocin is a hormone released when nursing and birthing used to increase bonding and stimulate milk production, among several other factors, and is the same hormone used during intimacy and copulation. It is no surprise to become aroused while nursing.
  3. Not all arousal is sexually conducive arousal.

I’m aware I could be missing something integral here.


What is it with anti’s and thinking exclusively in terms of vague cliche’s and meaningless platitudes?

Getting back to the point of the matter, an otherwise benign action does not becomes abusive let alone criminal simply because of what the person is thinking when doing it. Either the action is problematic, or it isn’t. Making thought the delineating factor between benign and criminal is thought crime, by definition.


Even if true (how specifically would you even define “sexually aroused” in this context?), it’s not very alarming. The truth is that a large number of men (who are not MAPs) have gotten erections from their children sitting on their laps, cuddling, or crawling over them. Doesn’t mean they’re sexually attracted to their children, it’s just a physical reaction to stimulus.


Friend this kind of moral panic is one of the things we are fighting against here.
Like, listen to yourself. And now let’s think a little. Ok now, how many cases of mothers abusing their babies while breastfeeding do you ever hear about? So… can’t you connect the dots and conclude something here? Well, allow me to help you with that: Have you ever stopped to think that, MAYBE, the fact that someone feels sexually stimulated by something is not enough for them to abuse someone? :exploding_head:


There’s always the possibility that some people get sexually aroused by condemning what they see as other people’s sexual shortcomings.

Seriously (or more seriously anyway) I would love to understand how a person who thinks this way deals with their own sexual desires. No doubt, zorzatorda/Fedisha will insist they are only aroused under very specific circumstances, but does that mean it’s under their control: “Heads - I’m aroused, tails - not today thanks.”

However, although the arguments are asinine, there is something that can be gleaned from the wreckage. If someone experiences a sexual arousal from something that is totally unexpected, possibly even shocks and upsets them, can it lead to a shift in their understanding of what is or is not ethically/morally acceptable more widely?

Obviously, I’m not suggesting women become MAP allies because they give birth or breast-feed… well, not purely from that anyway.


The name seems familiar, I think we spoke on MSC? Your profile picture was a frog?

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There are a lot of people who orgasm during labor and it makes the process easier for them. How would anyone go about enforcing a law against that? Nipples and genitals are sensitive areas that can be stimulated whether or not the person is sexually attracted to what is stimulating them. When children brush up against your privates or nipples and the sensation makes you feel weird that doesn’t make you a creep or a sex offender. You’re creating nonissues.


We are literally a survivor-led organization. Many survivors become aroused during their abuse. Of course we defend the idea that arousal isn’t the same thing as enjoyment


Either arousal indicates sexual enjoyment or it doesn’t. If mothers being aroused during breastfeeding means they’re enjoying it sexually then that would imply victims becoming aroused means they’re enjoying their abuse. Neither is true, because arousal is an involuntary response to stimulation that does not indicate enjoyment. You can’t just apply logic where it’s convenient for you.


Explain how it is in any way harmful to others for someone to experience involuntary arousal in a non-sexual situation


I mean you said that if a mother has “arousal” while breastfeeding they shouldn’t give the child milk so that doesn’t seem very protective of children to me.


No, it fucking isn’t.


Thank you! I absolutely despise it when people say “Men can’t get raped because they must have enjoyed it.” or some similar argument. Arousal does not equal consent, nor does it equal enjoyment.

To OP:
There is a difference between mental and physical arousal, this situation would be physical arousal, not mental arousal. It is actually baffling to me that you are somehow trying to conflate this into an issue about sexualizing children, I actually can not fathom the mental gymnastics you are playing to reach this conclusion.