How the right defines grooming

From here:

About the term “groomers”: it’s usually used to describe pedophiles who are preparing innocent kids for sexual exploitation. I think it is coming to have a somewhat broader meaning: an adult who wants to separate children from a normative sexual and gender identity, to inspire confusion in them, and to turn them against their parents and all the normative traditions and institutions in society. It may not specifically be to groom them for sexual activity, but it is certainly to groom them to take on a sexual/gender identity at odds with the norm.

Looking at the failures of conversion therapy, we can see how this is an example of magical thinking. The fact that most of the time they refuse to define it is also frustrating because if you ask them how it is grooming, they say it is “sexualizing” children, but don’t say what that means or how that works,


They want to promote “normalcy” as the gold standard. I think history show pretty well how that usually ends


The left are unreasonable in their own way. I believe that I had mentioned that I value the tangible over the intangible in all things (AKA mocking condemned POWs of annihilated armies still thinking that they won in spirit, as I mentioned before). I get singularly called out as a “transphobe”, probably for no other reason that that’s the popular buzzword nowadays. That’s like being called antisemitic specifically for criticizing Yahweh, despite the fact that Old Testament stories apply to all 3 Abrahamic religions. Oh, wait, that did happen to me.

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Well, you can always look forward to the day you are called a racist, antisemitic, transphobic pedophile. :rofl:


I did see some idiot put a swastika on the MAP flag once. Didn’t go over well for them, obviously


It would only be funny, if it were simultaneous, like Odysseus shooting an arrow through all the axes’ hanging holes.
Oh, and given all my comments about room temp cunny, I’m guessing that necrophile is in the works somewhere. I’d ask for my own villain song, but Elder Scrolls already gave a villain song for the entire human race, so that’s really all that’s needed:

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Please stop with the “whataboutism”.

AKA “my justice is absolute”. Didn’t you know? I’m trying to speed-run my villain status. “Absolute” justice is the best type to troll. FYI, as Death himself admits, it doesn’t exist:

If “people” harassing streamers over playing Hogwarts Legacy consider themselves “heroes on the right side of history”, then I will always gladly wear the villain’s mantle, and I always have. You just react like that because now I’m the villain in your personal hero story. Difference is that the villain wins in my favorite stories. Hail Sithis, my Brothers.

I’m also apparently a Russian bot. Hamilton 68 said as much.

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My article, Republicans Need (Fake) Pedophiles to Win Elections – Have They Hit the Jackpot with Groomergate?, which I’ve linked elsewhere in this forum, explains the purely opportunistic origins of the revised ‘grooming’ concept. It’s just the latest fake-pedophilia moral horror campaign conducted by criminally unscrupulous Republicans and neo-Nazis.


It’s all about culture war mentality. I’d argue they’re taking the same approach with this subject matter that they took with immigration leading up to the 2016 elections. Republicans were actually on the verge of passing legitimate immigration reform that was beneficial, but outsiders within the GOP (Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, etc.) took the issue and turned it into a polarizing talking point, playing into racism, xenophobia, etc.
Now we’re seeing the same playbook be used with regard to matters pertaining to gender and sex, playing into genuinely-had concerns over child safety and protection that’s so deviously easy to fall in-line with prejudice and ignorance. And because there are some genuine bad actors, they’re not going to be willing to see reason.

It’s a damn shame that such things are so heavily politicized. There’s no rationality, no sincerity, no genuine care, no good-faith acting on the side of the Right.


Wow, you are really projecting your faults here. Tell me, you ever criticise the right do you?


The religious nuts? Yeah. They freak out whenever their master, Yahweh, is criticized. Gets in the way of a good MegaTen game. Hindus aren’t too much better. Oh, I think there was some Republican politician freaking out over Pokemon and Dragon Ball of all things… There satisfied? Both the right and the left have chains. One should be free of chains from either side. Oh, yes, they both also value the intangible over the tangible. The right call it “a saved soul”. The left call it “gender identity”. Both are worthless before the headsman’s axe.

Dearie, “faults” imply that I feel the slightest bit of shame or remorse about anything I’ve said or done. The word “projecting” implies some sort of shift. I embrace my darkness. Not my problem if you get consumed by it.

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Wow, you don’t know science.

Increasingly, science is discovering that, in our brains at least, sex is more of a mosaic than a binary. In distinction from our primary physical sexual characteristics, the way our brains are constructed, we’re not necessarily either men or women but often exhibit a combination of gender typical traits in different areas. Knowing this basic fact can help people understand the existence of transgender people, not as a “lifestyle” or as “psychologically disordered,” but as fellow human beings within a sort of sex spectrum.

Understanding this mosaic, transgender brains do look more like those more typical of the gender they identify with.


No matter what, barring eunuchs and hermaphrodites, what’s between the legs is either a vagina or a penis. What else is there? I mean, again, eunuchs have neither, and hermaphrodites have both, but I don’t think that’s what you’re going for.

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Science has decided that sex and gender are two different things. A person’s sex can be “female” (xx) or “male” (xy). Most people fall into these categories; those who don’t are rare and are considered “intersex” (between the sexes).

“Gender” is more cultural than purely scientific. Humanity generally assigns different roles to the sexes; we’ve come to refer to these roles as “gender”. Men hunt and build shelter, women cook and clean and look after the kids, etc. Not all societies are universal in their approach to assigning gender roles, indicating that gender isn’t a neat category like sex but a fluid cultural concept. Many societies are extremely patriarchal (like the ancient Greeks), some are rather matriarchal (like various tribal societies). Others are more balanced and equal (like the Vikings). It is culture who decided these things, not biology alone.

Sex is what’s between your legs, gender is what’s between your ears.


Irrelevant to what I’m talking about, at least? Yes, women can be fine warriors, but are still ultimately women, while men can be fine dancers, but are still ultimately men, but 87blue specifically said “sex”, or did he conflate the 2 words himself, despite, like yourself, claiming that they are different?

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