Hunter Avallone on Destigmatizing Pedophilia

A few days ago hunter avallone had a spicy twitter take that we “should destigmatize pedophilia to the point where pedophiles will seek out help.” This caused a medium sized twitter shit storm. He then released a video on youtube explaining his side and it got a positive reception. This shows that there is hope for our movement as long as people present there arguments in a decent way not “twitter map
UwU nonsense” Hunter would probably disavow us though for a variety of reasons but I don’t care, still a win.


This is definitely a step in the right direction . It’s good to see that the shoe0nhead contagion hasn’t taken ahold of all content creators


June really has no integrity as a content creator and she knows that.

The fact that she knowingly took forum posts out-of-context as an excuse to write up a smear piece that gets clicks is enough.



It also infuriated me that she threw in that clip of Amos Yee, the guy who was caught molesting children, as if he had anything to do with @prostasia.