I legitimately hate people who say that women who wear Kawaii fashion are contributing to pedophilia

I hate every single sort of argument of this whole “this contributes to x” or “this normalizes y” crowd, I have an special hatred for people who hate on women who are wearing"childish" fashion such as kawaii fashion. They say that they are contributing to the attraction of random men and even worse, contributing to the sexual abuse of young children just by the way they dress up. (?) They say that they contribute to a culture of pedophilia, just because they happen to have a style which is on the cute side? It’s not even just with kawaii fashion, e girl, lolita and coquette girls receive the same treatment as well. No one is responsible for another person’s behavior by the way they dress or act.


Barring Islamic countries and the like, there are no laws against what one can wear, especially if they are legally adults. Like I said, I feel a certain degree of power when people hate me but can do nothing lawful against me.


It’s really sad when obese women try to wear those things to try to look cute. It’s not something I needed to see!
I do enjoy it when young girls dress the part! I don’t find it sexually attractive, just super cute and fun! Especially when they get all the little detail accessories right with a cute hairstyle! Just fun to see! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
But when AMABs try to do it, eew!! Not!!

These are all my personal opinion. Anyone can wear anything they like!
I have long hair. I like wearing my hairclip. The scrunchie knots it up. You won’t see me wearing a dress or make-up ever. Some guys do the hair bun thing. I don’t like it and I think it looks silly. Overcompensating with full beards.

Topic being, saying something is contributing to some other, semi-related problem/issue; is just people’s imaginations running away with their oversexed, repressed, perverted minds. So women and girls should stop wearing bikinis and dress fully covered at the beach? Like they did in the 1920s? Or perhaps all women should wear burkes on a daily basis?

People are so quick to label and judge others. Mind your own business!

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What gets me is that people who have such opinions often are feminists. Like, if it contributes to something, then if a pedophile sexually harrased a woman wearing kawaii fashion then it’s her fault as she is contributing to his behavior? Is it the woman’s fault if a man followed her on Instagram and that man sexually assaulted a child? Of course not! No one should stop wearing what they want just because you find it creepy or some pedophiles may find their clothes cute or sexy. Amazing how they blame the pedophilia problem not on tabus, not on the lack of help that pedophiles receive due to the stigma, not on the social hierarchy, not on the corruptness of the government, not on the lack of instructions on how to recognize the abuse but on random women wearing what they want and lolicon! It feels like they don’t even care about the children.


Generally these “normalization” arguments fail, because they don’t take into account how these fashions or depictions normalize something, namely, those fashions and depictions themselves. If it normalizes pedophilia, then good! Because guess what, pedophilia is just a set of desires and fantasies. That should be normalized, because fantasies and desires hurt no one. And if we normalize the use of fantasy outlets, be it lolita fashions in adult models, or fictional representations, then that will only create a culture where people with certain desires, namely, pedophilic desires, can find fulfillment through harmless outlets.

These things do not normalize acts of sexual abuse against children. That is a moronic assumption. People can distinguish reality from imagination. And for those that say that stories make you feel things and can have an impact: yes, they do, and that does not mean you still cannot distinguish a story or imagination from whatever else happens in reality.


Nowadays, “feminists” and the like want to “save” people, like the Inquisition tried to “save” souls. Their so-called “salvation” makes me nauseous.


Yeah, it makes me mad because it’s so stupid. They fight for women to have the freedoms of choice but hate on women wearing goddam clothes.


The moral busybody is a more repulsive tyrant than the most selfish robber baron.

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I hate it legimately cause most of the way these girls dress is not even childish, just pink and delicate.

Some weird ass feminists in my country would say that a woman wearing any of these is contributing to some random man’s pedophilia, even tho these clothes aren’t even childish. It gets to the point that it feels actually sexist, because they are putting the blame on how some men act on some random woman. They say they are contributing to a culture of pedophilia, when it’s not even about that! Culture of pedophilia is about the sexual abuse of children and how it’s enabled by family, how is wearing clothes contributing to it? They don’t even have the ability to ever question themselves whether that makes sense, if women who dress like that are a minority here where I live (Latino America) and culture of pedophilia is something predominant, how are they contributing to it? That’s weird.

Just a little vent, since my style is also on the “childish” cute side and I hate when people hate on it saying “Hur dur, you are contributing to a culture of pedophilia.”. Like I was even responsible by the way a person act by the way I dress.

Also, I am not against feminism by itself, I honestly don’t really care about them while I agree with some few stuff with them. I just hate when teenagers get to meet an ideology without even understanding what is that about and act like prophets of that ideology.

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