Interview With A Non-Binary Feminist Doll Owner

In recent weeks, the doll community has been under vicious attack from a group of radical feminists operating under the Australian non-profit “Collective Shout.” They make false claims about the motives of doll owners, the likelihood of escalation to abuse real people, and even quote news stories that have been thoroughly debunked on this website.

In addition to slandering doll owners on their own website, the activists at Collective Shout have also begun a campaign of reporting Twitter accounts of people who own what they call “child sex abuse” dolls. Their goal, as admitted by one of their board members, is to get all dolls banned from Twitter, even the adult ones. Their ignorance and desire for the promotion of thought crimes does not stop at child-like dolls. They view all porn (or at least the porn that features females) to be evil. Like many other hate groups with ulterior motives, they hide behind a veil of wanting to protect children, when their words and actions tell the truth about their real intentions.

As a result of this persecution, a few dozen Twitter accounts were either temporarily suspended or banned, even ones with adult dolls. This has caused many doll owners on the platform to lock their accounts to remain hidden from this hate-based witch hunt.

In order to combat this campaign, it is necessary for doll owners of all backgrounds to make their voices heard. The alternative is for people like this group to create a narrative of who and what doll owners are (none of which is positive). The world needs to hear the story of doll owners, because right now, only criminals who are caught abusing real children or being in the possession of real images as well as dolls, and false information coming out of organizations like CS, are the few interactions the general public has with these dolls.

Below is an interview conducted with a doll owner who identifies as a non-binary feminist who was kind enough to volunteer to help shed some positive light on who doll owners are. For reasons that should be obvious to anyone here, this person wishes to remain anonymous because of past and current attempts at doxxing. With stories like this, we can combat the negative press and hate and show that we are a community of people seeking to enjoy fantasy; not sexual deviants preparing to harm real people.

Q: What made you initially interested in dolls?

A: I must confess that I’ve been attracted to realistic dolls since I was about ten years old. Initially it was about mannequins, actually, because we have to go back to the 90s when the “love dolls” speech was practically unknown, especially in my country. I looked at the mannequins in the shops and I was fascinated by their beauty and elegance and I thought how nice it would be to own one to dress, make up, hug. A kind of friend-girlfriend-adult woman of unparalleled beauty and eternal elegance who was always there in my room. At that age, the form of attraction was roughly erotic but very romantic, made up of fantasies in which the doll-mannequin transformed into a beloved character from books, films, comics, video games or cartoons when needed. Fun fact: my mother could never buy me an expensive dressmaker’s mannequin, but she came home one day with a plastic leg used by the shopkeeper near our house to display pantyhose. That was hilarious, that creepy leg is still somewhere in my old house!

Q: What sort of dolls do you own?

A: I have love dolls of all kinds! Of course I own beautiful love dolls in the form of adult men and women as well as young boys and girls. I own “minidolls” i.e. miniaturized versions of adult dolls, transgender and “futanari” dolls and I also own exquisitely crafted children’s dolls. I also have some “reborn” dolls that I created by myself, studying the techniques of great British artists (but I’m not as good as them) and then I own stuffed animals and dolls of all kinds!

Q: How long have you owned dolls?

A: In 2019 I was diagnosed with cancer, my life wasn’t going great and I was very sad, probably depressed. So while I was doing the exams to prepare for the necessary operation, I decided to go back to my great love for love dolls. Many years ago when only the famous “Real Doll” brand dominated the scene, I dreamed of owning one, I desperately participated in every draw, in every competition without obviously ever winning anything, not even a discount. At the time (I’m talking about the early 2000s) the prices of a Real Doll were around 25,000 dollars and the information on this type of product was fragmentary. Of course, I didn’t have that much money and I could NEVER put it aside, so in my twenties, my dream love doll remained a beautiful, unattainable dream. But let’s go back to 2019. I decide to re-enter the magical word “love dolls” on Google and I find myself catapulted into the incredible world of Chinese-made love dolls, splendid and extraordinarily cheap dolls. Unfortunately, however, the first results took me to Aliexpress and sites that I later discovered were almost all “scammers” with very low figures, around 400, 600 dollars. At that time I wanted a young-looking doll, a girl to dress like a little “scene queen” to make her into a sort of synthetic gamer girl, a way to combine two passions: the love doll and video games. Luckily, I stopped in time thanks to my husband who found a very interesting article that warned against the danger of too low costs. Fun fact: the article was written by the first person who drove me in a purchase in the world of love dolls; an extraordinary, kind and honest doll owner to whom I will always be grateful!

Q: Are any of your dolls used for a non-sexual purpose?

A: I have to be honest, I use them very little in a sexual sense. I find them sexy and very attractive. When I choose a love doll, I must necessarily be attracted to her in a total way: it must combine an expression, a body and a general model that makes me say “yes, you are next”. With them I make many videos and photo shoots but for most of the time my dolls are in one part of my room, elegant and beautiful, satisfying me with their mere presence: I look at them and I feel happy, if I had the space I would keep them on display all but, unfortunately, the size of my house is really small!

Q: What do you primarily use your dolls for?

A: As I told you before: to look at them. I’m an artist and an aesthete; I love beauty in all its nuances, even in its darkest or grotesque sides, I find beauty, and also drive in themes that today are banned from every corner of the web. I work with my dolls, I make films and photographs. Perhaps to reduce this answer to the juice I would tell you: their primary purpose is to make me happy by letting myself be admired in their timeless beauty.

Q: Do you feel your use of dolls makes you want to perform similar acts on real people?

A: Absolutely not, and I say that with absolute certainty. If I may go into detail, I would describe myself as a person with a “solitary” sexuality. I love my fantasies and I’m not interested in the idea of other biological human beings participating in them. I am enough, I am man, woman, monster, god, I am what I want. What I sometimes need is a simple sex toy, other times, however, to have the doll related to my fantasy next to me. And my fantasies have no brakes even though we live in a sad world where someone would like to handcuff these fantasies. Then try them, convict them, lock them up, kill them. Just look at the level of censorship on pornographic sites, the fall of many tags such as the controversial “rape”. It is evident that a real rape would be a huge tragedy for anyone who suffered it, I think it is a pathology to honestly fantasize about being raped or about raping but the percentage of people who fantasize about rape in a “fictional” way is very high. Among women, it is in second place after lesbian fantasies (and I’m not saying it, but a lot of polls).
If I have a fantasy of zoophilia, violence, gore, piss for me it remains PURE fantasy. Having to think of stuff like that “in real life” just gives me bad chills (I’m quite a picky person especially with human beings)

Q: Do you have a partner or spouse? If so, what is your partner or spouse’s opinion of your dolls? Does it aid or hinder your relationship?

A: Yes, I have a beloved partner! My dolls amuse him, he supports me a lot, he helps me move and arrange them when I need (especially when I had surgery and I had a 33kg Piperdoll to lift!). He is not interested in the world of love dolls at all but I think he appreciates it because I transmit my enthusiasm to him by osmosis and I often flood him with information on prices, styles, materials and market laws!

Q: Some activists claim that sex dolls “sexualize” women and normalize violence against them. As a woman and feminist, what do you have to say about that? Do you agree? Whether you agree or disagree, why?

A: I had to think a lot about this question, precisely as a woman, a feminist and a non-binary person, therefore part of the LGBTQIA+ community.
And before answering this question that I have been asking myself since the purchase of my first love doll, I wanted to get to know the people who are dear to me today and in some cases I can call virtual friends.
While I met “incel” doll owners with disgusting attitudes (which I eliminated from my life in one click) and I met “unpleasant” doll owner men, I met simply TERRIBLE female doll owners who tried to boycott me in the most subtle ways because my preference for a certain type of dolls compared to those that were deemed acceptable by them (according to some of them, in fact, the only acceptable dolls are dolls at least 160cm tall and with the features of big men and horny milfs that, in my eyes, have nothing to tell). I also met doll owners with a slightly boorish sense of humor but who, digging a little beneath the surface, proved to be affable and likeable. And I’ve met amazing, friendly, supportive and intelligent doll owners. Of this last category, about 80% of all those I have known, the link was the “sensitivity”: seeing adult men discussing clothes, make-up, hairstyles for their dolls made me understand how far away the objectification of women is (or children) or men. Dear Nazi Fem, if in your opinion women undergo an objectifying process through love dolls… why doesn’t this discourse also apply to men? The sale of even very realistic “dildos” all over the world should be higher than that of love dolls: don’t we objectify men with them, even reducing them to their single sexual organ? I personally consider love dolls and people not interchangeable. You don’t buy a love doll because you can’t find a girlfriend, not in all cases, at least. Emblematic is the beautiful 2007 film “Lars and the Real Girl” by Craig Gillespie with an excellent Ryan Gosling in which the protagonist chooses the company of a love doll following a series of difficulties in his life that cannot be traced back solely to " Lars is a loser who can’t find a girlfriend." A relationship with a biological person is a physical, mental, moral and spiritual commitment. Buying a love doll is passion, hobby and fun. Otherwise we would reduce the speech to one in which those who decide to adopt dogs or cats are told to have children instead, as if the commitment were the same. Or when reborn doll owners are accused of making “real children” instead of plastic dolls. We border on the absurd.

Q: Some manufacturers make dolls of small children, some as young as newborns. What is your opinion of the manufacturing, sale, and use of such dolls?

A: I have wonderful baby dolls and also a newborn. They are my little treasures but now it seems to have become a crime to even take a picture of them. Think how perverted people are who see them and immediately label their use as “sexual.” It’s true, they are produced to be anatomically realistic but where does it say that each of us who own them should want to use them like this? And I’ll tell you: even if it were? Although we doll owners (labelled as weirdos, freaks and often as dangerous and disturbed people), WE distinguish very well a real child, his sensitivity and his rights compared to a fake child who, reducing his essence to the bone, it’s just a mass of metal and expensive rubber. If I wanted to insert my virtual dildo in this heap of inert artificial materials what kind of crime would I commit? Or better yet, since the legislatures are different according to the country: who would I hurt? Am I ruining someone’s life? Would I be branding a minor for life by committing the most disgusting and cruel of acts upon him, robbing him of his innocence and abusing his trust? No. What I would do has the same value as my masturbating in front of a drawing of a loli or a shota.

Q: What is your approximate age?

A: 31-50

Q: On which continent do you reside?

A: I’m European

Q: Are there any more comments about your experience as a female doll owner that you would like the world to know?

A: You know, at the beginning I was a little afraid of presenting myself as a woman to the other doll owners, I thought it was a male and somewhat chauvinist world in which I risked being marginalized. So I was a bit “smoky” for a long time in the descriptions I made of myself.
Now, however, I am proud to call myself a female doll owner of often controversial dolls, young dolls, futanari dolls, monster dolls and centaur dolls. I met exquisite and kind men and women, extremely supportive towards me and my dolls, protective, ready to report me when my videos or photos were used without my authorization, defending me against stupid or cruel comments, protecting me when so-called “activists” tried to doxx me.
The only really sneaky person I’ve known, sadly, was a doll owner woman of my age who approached me in a friendly way and, once she understood that my tastes were different from hers, reported me and had her contacts report me to let me know. To close my social media profiles. Spoiler: she failed.
Unfortunately, as on many other occasions, I realize that the first enemies of women are other women who try to demean women who are different from them, not out of self-esteem or out of love for their positions but for the most patriarchal of needs: to be appreciated by the male circle " who matters". Spoiler: those men are a minority that counts NOTHING.

Q: How safe do you feel posting your dolls online? What sort of concerns do you have and what measures have you taken to prevent them?

A: Little. There are raids by signalmen who are relentless both on eroticism and on the presumed age of the dolls. If this concept is not ridiculous, beyond the child dolls, how do you define whether a doll is an adult or a minor? Will she be seventeen or eighteen? Twenty or twenty-one? And she will be of age for which state? Pure idiocy!
I’ve already lost my profiles twice and twice I’ve started over, rebuilding my network of contacts, friends, producers and sellers one brick at a time. It’s my job, whoever reports me wants to hit me right on my earnings, they would like me to do “a real job” because the stigma of being a Sex Worker is alive and dangerous in 2023, as if Sex Workers do more harm than adults tax evaders or financiers of international terrorism. So I chose to make my “fans” park. Maybe leaner but safer. If I can conclude with one piece of advice, then this is it.
Watch out for self-styled “activists”: they will kill you if only allowed to and they have no qualms about putting you in danger or causing you trouble. There are authors of comics, video games or simple fan fiction who have taken their own lives because of crazy crusades prepared on bigoted and ignorant moralism of those who have no mercy for the freedom of others and would do anything to crush it. Stay safe, protect your profiles and if you are afraid, contact the Prostasia Foundation whose members are often also available to answer legal questions that could help you in your time of need!


I would like to thank the person who agreed to do this interview. If you want to have your voice heard as a doll owner, send me a PM and I will arrange an interview.

Please share this story. It is vital that voices like this are heard!


Excellent! We need more of our voices heard! What an awesome, awesome interview! I encourage all doll lovers to speak out against these false narratives that are being shoveled upon our community. We are sensitive, caring individuals who choose our fantasy life over even a remote thought of harming another human being.

Everyone knows I’ve been barking loud about non-sexual doll relations. The madness that consumes the naysayers, their obsession with sexualizing everything! All the persecution of all of us that don’t fit the tight mold of societal norms needs to end. It needs to end now!


This is good. I relate to the statement.