Is hpersexual behavior related to pedophilia? An article

Hi guys, I saw this article and would like to know what you guys opinions on this.

Personally, as one who has the attraction, I can say that I certainly am a bit hypersexual.

Here is a few backstory:

I am a very sexual person since early childhood. I started to masturbate at 6 year old. I had my very first contact with pornographic content when I was 8/9 year old. I started to like girls when I hit puberty at 10, when I was 11 my pedophilic interestes when I fell in love with a baby girl. There’s also other stuff that I do not rather comment.

In recent years, there has been an increasing amount of literature providing empirical evidence for a link between hypersexuality and paraphilic interests in sexual offenders [1, 2]. Hypersexuality is used as an umbrella term to describe excessive sexual behavioral pattern in research and clinical practice. Kinsey et al. [3] coined the term “total sexual outlets/week” (TSO) in order to assess the frequency of sexual behavior. TSO was defined as “the sum of the orgasms derived from the various types of sexual activity in which that individual had engaged” ([3], pp. 510–511) during a week including sexual behaviors such as sexual intercourse and masturbation. Typically, TSO is characterized by a left skewed distribution and shows a peak for the age group between 15 and 25 years

Hypersexuality (or sexual preoccupation, high sex drive) is also found among the most important risk factors for sexual offending [11] and was identified as a possible contributing risk factor for sexual and violent reoffending in sexual offenders [12]. Furthermore, hypersexual behavior patterns seem to be more likely in sexual offenders than in community controls [13, 14]. In addition, high sex drive has been reported to be associated with sexual coercive behavior against women

What your guys thoughts on this? Anything else to add?