Is it illegal for a minor to be an NSFW artist?

So, something I hadn’t really considered before is the fact that many artists, including NSFW artists, are themselves minors. It was brought to my attention when I began reading several posts, comments, forums, threads, articles, and watching videos discussing the issue.

Obviously, most adults are adamantly against minors being NSFW artists. That NSFW is an inherently adult space that minors have no business being in. That getting involved in stuff like this could put them at risk or get others in trouble.

It’s seems like a complex issue, but my main fascination is: is it illegal?

Does an NSFW artist count as a sex worker? If a teen made NSFW art and posted it to the Internet, do CSAM laws apply? What if the artist accepts a commission from a fellow minor to draw NSFW? Or accepts a commission from an adult? Etc.

The whole thing is honestly kinda humorous to me as somebody who was exposed to some hardcore shit from a very tender age (and now lookit me, I’m a fucking mess in terms of sexuality :sob:).