I have seen curtains claims that there’s a difference between pedophilia and pedophilic disorder, is there anything that confirms that? Also, if pedophilia is not a disorder by itself, then how could it be classified?
Pedophilia is an attraction to prepubescent children. It’s an orientation like being gay or lesbian. Pedophilic disorder is when the attraction is not easily controlled, and it adversely affects your life or wellbeing.
The DSM-5-TR’s updated definition is in line with that. I think I posted a thread talking about it.
Basically, if your attractions are associated with stress, anxiety, and/or there exists some proclivity to perpetrate a sexual offense against a minor or consume actual CSAM, then it becomes ‘pedophilic disorder’ since the latter involves the use of a real child.
ICD-11 also is in line with this, but many will not see any change to their treatment or rights.
I was bored and looked through some public german documents regarding the migration from ICD-10 to ICD-11 and the experts currently responsible for the implementation argue that:
Pedophilia is classified as a disorder in ICD-10 and other than a different terminology this has not changed in ICD-11.
It should be clear that ICD-11 clearly differentiates between pedophilia as a disorder and as a preference. This is not just a “different terminology”. This is important, because sexual preferences which are pathological cannot claim protection under the AGG law (Anti-Discrimination laws) this is why hate crimes against pedophiles are not punishable. Laws targeting objects and non-offending groups of people will still be legally sound this way.
Ah, so having their cake and eating it too:
If they call it a “disorder”, then discrimination/hate crimes against pedophiles is ableism.
If they call it an “orientation”, than discrimination/hate crimes against pedophiles is bigotry.
By using “preference” as a weasel word, lawmakers and authorities can turn a blind eye towards anti-pedophile discrimination and violence.
So MAP are not born that way? And LGBTQs are? Is that what they’re getting at? It’s OK to kill MAP but not OK to kill LGBTQs?
I’m beginning to believe that people NOT being sexually attracted to children, especially tweens as they’re beginning puberty, is the rare exception. There’s more likely far fewer people that don’t have any attraction towards minors.
They’re the ones that find land-whales and disproportionately large breasted women attractive. And are willing to overlook the other negative learned traits of the adult female. The self-centered, entitled attitude of most of them.
I’ll just quote Dr. Cantor.
Decisions about what does or does not go into DSM is a compromise among multiple competing factors, including both scientific and many purely political ones. I don’t think much be said about any single factor when isolated from the others in the equation.
IIRC (don’t quote me on this; anybody who can pull up actual statistics please feel free to do so), hebephilia and ephebophilia are officially no longer considered disorders due to how common they are. As in, 20% of adult men are hebephilic and/or ephebophilic. That’s ⅕ of all men, or every-one-in-five. That’s a fucking lot of people.
NOTE: the following paragraph is NOT justification for adults statutorily raping teens. Teens are still minors and legally cannot consent. Just because they’re starting to menstruate (and therefore becoming capable of being impregnated) and become cognizant of sex and sexuality does not give adults the right to come along and exploit their budding curiosity and growth into adulthood.
It makes sense from an evolutionary /psychological standpoint, teenagers are capable of menstruating and getting pregnant. No wonder so many men prefer teens and young adult. So common that psychiatrists don’t feel comfortable classifying it as a disorder anymore.
This is in contrast to pedophilia, which only effects 5% of adult men (one-in-every-twenty) and is an attraction to prepubescents who have no knowledge or frame of reference for anything sexual beyond maybe rubbing their genitals on the playground equipment or against a pool jet. From an evolutionary standpoint, it doesn’t make much sense to be attracted to a girl who hasn’t begun menstruating. It’s much rarer and potentially affects a much more vulnerable group if acted upon. Ergo, many still consider pedophilia (and nepiophilia) a disorder while hebephilia and ephebophilia, while still illegal/immoral to act on, are not.
And obviously: teleiophilia, mesophilia, and gerontophilia are generally not considered as problematic as minor attraction. Although, gerontophilia could become extremely troubling if the elder in question is losing their mind and becoming unable to consent to sexual activities. Elder abuse is a very real thing, including elder sexual abuse. Of course, I assume the vast majority of gerontophiles also refrain from taking advantage of those who cannot give consent, similar to most pedophiles and basically every other chronophile group.
Thank you. Politics often gets in the way of science. Remember MyPlate?
Nutritionists originally wanted “protein” to be even smaller and “vegetable” to be bigger. But, the meat and egg industries wouldn’t allow it. Ask any nutritionist: we eat WAY TOO MUCH animal product. Some is good, but we eat too fucking much! But the government caved to pressure from those lobbyists from those industries and demanded the creators of MyPlate fudge the results of their research a bit to allow more protein (meat). Fucking capitalism…
I mean you can also get protein from plant products, or nuts etc.
Yes, but that’s not why protein is included on MyPlate. It’s there because of the meat industry. The people who created MyPlate admitted this and are pissed that their research was altered due to politics.
Oversimplifying a bit, Pedophilia is several different things, depending on context and individual.
Neutral: An abnormality, as it is just a difference from the norm.
Negative: A disorder, if it is mentally affecting a person and/or others.
Extreme: A crime, if a harmful physical act is inflicted upon another person and/or their property.
Positive: A lifestyle, if a person has fully embraced and found peace with who they are, at no cost or harm to themselves and/or others.
Many people on social media will assume #3 is what Pedophilia is, by default.
Many pedophiles may hover around #1, #2, and #4, while the minority of pedophiles and many non-pedophiles will indulge #3 extremes.
I believe in either 1# or 2#.