Japanese Note - "Erasure by Ethical Universalizations in Global Risk Society: Interpersonally Oriented Sexuality Centrism in Regulation of Fictional “Child Pornography” "

You can read about it here, but I think it’s important to share it here since it has an implication about how moralism relates to risk, and how it shapes how such risk is overtly misunderstood and how it corrupts and poisons international discourse.

I don’t agree with the paper’s overall sentiment that it’s been ‘erased’ from global discourse, even the US opposed the UN’s plan to include anime/cartoons/non-realistic CGI as CSAM, and the global ethical sentiment still seems to be guided by science (rather than morality) and sees fantasy and art as safe, and not related to, or causally associated with CSAM or CSA offenses.

I still want to share it though, more or less to remind everyone that it’s important to remain in this debate and keep an ear to the ground with regard to protecting our rights in the face of prejudice and ignorance, be it well-intentioned or ham-fisted and emotional.


That’s a very convoluted title. Either, it’s a poor translation or an attempt at an acronym.

This is why I call most labels of “far right” as wolf cries:

Boys who cry wolf should be silenced, if not by wolves, than by assassins named Wilfred. Cry Wilf… Yes, reference to that old miniseries, Tenth Kingdom.

I mean France had the following just recently:

  • No age of consent (you had to bring underaged people to court and they would decide if she is ready. Some guy was apparently infamous to keep bringing 12 year olds.)

And their current AoC is at 15 meanwhile Japan has it at 18.
So maybe go and defame Macron?

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AKA subjective opinions and pwecious feewings over tangible numbers.

Pardon me, but not being familiar with this artist or the miniseries, I am not sure what exactly you are advocating. However:

is never the answer. Unless someone is slandering, libeling, threatening, etc., silencing is not the answer. No matter how reprehensible a person’s words are, they should be allowed to express themselves. The answer is more words, not censorship.

Of course, what happened to the original “boy who cried wolf” is he was ignored. Which is what they deserve when they say such things.

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He is not only an artist and lolicon, but also a politician who has won last years election.
Too based for french feminists.

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Forgive my antiquity, but too based for French feminism, I get. I admire people who are sure of themselves and ignore the small-minded idiots. I had to look up “based”, I am not familiar with current slang.

To be clear, are you saying that he should be silenced or simply noting others reject him simply because he is not following the current fashions of the hoi polloi?

Being ignored led to his death. One should not mourn such a thing.

Are the self-professed “progressives” really even the actual hoi polloi, or are they just really good at poisoning the well by labeling all their position some adjacent of what they consider “Nazis”? If fighting against censorship is now considered “far right”, then I may as well start buying Hugo Boss… Oh, wait, I already do, LOL. Remember when I mocked the Biblical Eden when I compared it to North Korea? While the religious right worship their precious Eden, the woke left have their own Eden. They just call it the “Safe Space”.

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“To be, or not to be, that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them.”

I mourn the loss of a creative mind. Even if I don’t agree with it. One needs to stand up for what they believe.

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Wait, who was lost? Akamatsu’s still doing his thing. It’s just that his thing is now politics, rather than authorship.