Legal Moralism - We can defeat it, but how?

You didn’t cite the wrong academic, you did it multiple times. It’s not a misspelling mistake, it was a completely different surname. You did insult Michael Sato just now, the very crime you accused Protasia of doing.

You don’t even know which people you want to cite. And when you are proof that the sources you do cite don’t really confirm your beliefs, no surprizing, you never researched your position ever in your entire life, you follow only the people’s quotes that conform to your beliefs, like a gullible sheep that you are, trying to convert people into your cult of thinking, instead of convincing them, and you deny any endorsement of them and jump on making excuses, like a typical narcissist.

This was your entire time spent in here. You state your opinion, make demands using “we” instead of I, as grandiose narcissists do. You didn’t provide any evidence that supports your claims. Not even a single scientific paper. You commit argument from authority fallacy and cherrypicking fallacy as your main and only arguments, choosing the “academics” that conform your belief blindly, just because they repeat your opinion, and not because they have a convincing argument, and equally as blindly you dismiss multiple and actual clinical psychologists that do happen to say something that is true, simply because it makes you feel bad for some reason.

You don’t care about children, you don’t care about victims of sexual abuse as myself. You only care about your own personal feelings, that is what your entire reasoning is based on, this is what you all arguments are. That is your only motivation. You have no concern for others, you are not willing to set your personal feelings and biases aside to listen, and not agree, but maybe infer new solutions that haven’t been yet tried. When I showed you sources, you said:

Psychology Today is a website, but that website, allows actual experts, hundreds of them, which you can verify, they use their real names and surnames, that have years of experience, spending their entire lives learning about topics, to explain to people what they research and study, giving references to the research papers they have been using.

Even if you disagree with hundreds of people more qualified than you to talk about the topic you have no knowledge of, then you can simply ignore it, check the references, and make your own opinion on them. But you instantly denied it, you didn’t even try it. The fear that there are maybe more effective methods of dealing with child predators was too scary for you, so you decided to live in denial.

And let’s talk a little bit about Michael Salter, shall we? He is a Professor of Criminology at the School of Social Sciences at UNSW

Criminology at the school of social sciences, as in Sociology of Crimes and Ethics.

He is not a specialist in Law Enforcement or Criminal Law.
He is not a specialist in Crime Detection, Prevention or Investigation.
He is not a specialist in Correctional Methods.
He is not a specialist in Psychology or Therapy.

He literally talks about sexual exploitation in the context of philosophy.

He applies critical and feminist theory to the study of complex trauma.
Critical theory is is an approach to social philosophy that focuses on reflective assessment and critique of society and culture in order to reveal and challenge power structures.
Feminist theory is an extension of feminism into theoretical, fictional, or philosophical discourse.

Both theories aren’t a reliable proven concepts, but he makes his conclusions about the serious topic of complex trauma, based on such ideological ideas. Which is the opposite of what scientific method is all about.

Those theories have some truth to them, but that don’t automatically validate all the logical glue that has been used to connect facts. And in most instances of those theories applied, the results were highly unreliable in making any solutions.

And it is not to say, that Michael Salter isn’t a reliable or good professor. He clearly can be, I didn’t put enough effort to verify him, and only made a surface level analysis of his history and some of his works. But most of his papers on research gate are about topics of trauma, or abuse in adult relationships, or technological aspects of those topics. He barely had any writings about sexual exploitation of children. And he is only a single person, with thousands more qualified than him in this topic, disagreeing with the opinion that he presents. And he has the right for that opinion. But it’s that, an opinion. It’s not a conclusion to a research, it’s not a suggestion what empirical evidence shows, it’s not a hypothesis he makes based on his experiences. It’s an opinion of a human that studied social sciences, likes feminism, technology and earns some money working with the topic of sexual exploitation of children. He is a human, he can be wrong, he can have his own unconfirmed beliefs, he can have political opinions and take sides. He certainly has no scientific history that would show he is a reliable source on information about effects of media or sex toys on people, definitely more than an actual psychologist or therapist. So in this regard, he isn’t trustworthy, but if he were to ever make any research about the topic, I would still read it with curiosity, checking the methodology, verifying the statistical analysis (although the folks in soft sciences rarely do that), and trying to make a judgement about his conclusions. Because that is what I do, I care about knowing the truth, and not about feeling that I’m right. I want to be effective in protecting minors from abuse, and not have a feeling that I helped them, by not doing anything to actually achieve that. There is no easy answer to the problem of abuse, of any kind, so stop believing you know the real answer to it when it’s as simplistic as just “ban things”.

You are literally dismissing trained clinicians with years of helping child sexual abuse victims who have studied actual pedophiles, and conducted a lot of research about them. Over a person who had no contact with either of these groups and makes an unconfirmed hypothesis, driving his entire scientific career on an unreliable theory that has so far failed to help in anything related to social sciences.

But moreover, he is an advisor to the Australian Office of the eSafety Commissioner, the Canadian Centre for Child Protection and White Ribbon Australia. He literally has a hand in fighting an effort of sexual exploitation of children in Australia. So let’s see how his efforts, and all people in Australia, has helped them to reduce sexual crimes against children?

Australia rate of rapes as of 2010: 28.60 per 100000 citizens
Japan rate of rapes as of 2010: 1.00 per 100000 citizens

Japan, in contrast to Australia, allows video games that glorify terrorists, they allow child sex toys, they allow ageplay pornography, they allow drawings of childlike characters being even brutally raped. They allow pretend incest porn, pretend rape porn, and much more.

Australia and Michael Salter do oppose such things. They are so preoccupied with banning those things, that they seem to have no concern for real children getting groomed and sexually exploited every single day in their own country. All they do is they complain and try to ban porn and games, and movies and sex toys, without having any proofs of them causing any harm. They decisions are purely ideological, not scientific.


It’s not proof that those things reduce sexual crimes. It’s proof that the Australian government doesn’t try to implement solutions that work and doesn’t care about being effective in protecting people, all they care about is feeling that they are correct. Because here is the thing, even if those outlets result in more people wanting to commit a sexual crime, if you have actual, effective measures to prevent sexual abuse, then it doesn’t matter, because no abuse will happen thanks to those measures, even if most people would want to commit them, they are prevented from committing them before that happens, that is a system that works and not a blind belief of censorship and banning rampage.

There used to be a time, where there was no porn, no child sex dolls, no sex toys at all. AND THE AMOUNTS OF RAPE HAVE BEEN MILLIONS OF TIMES HIGHER THAN TODAY. Going back to that time, won’t magically change things this time. Unless you want to argue that “It wasn’t real medieval times”.

You are literally like that, you could see a child being raped right in front of your eyes. And the first impulse you would have is to go back to your home and start complaining that “pornography normalizes pedophilia”, a concept that you can’t even define. Instead of putting an effort to help that child.

You are a disgrace as an adult and an excuse of a human being. If this is the approach you want to use protect children, then I, as a person who has been sexually abused among multiple other types of abuse my whole life, have only this to say:

I don’t want your help. You will cause more harm, and will not improve anything even a bit. You aren’t a shiny knight who will rescue children from devils. You are a looser that argues on the internet doing nothing of value with a child sexual prevention organization, because the idea of being effective in protecting children has made him feel angry and scared, for some reason.