Porn Harms women and children

Please, provide the link to this facebook group, I’m willing to learn more about it.

You trying to gather information on them?

It doesn’t.

Children often traumatized after seeing pornography. they cannot consent to watching it you should know that. Children watch porn and learn bad things about it. Not acceptable whatsoever.

It’s not.

Adults trafficked in porn is very harmful.

And yes, sexual addiction is a thing. They watch tons of porn get desensitized and seek out more extreme images this is addiction. Porn works like a drug. Phychology Today is not reliable as source so I won’t click on it.

In the UK, for example, 16 year olds can have sex with anyone 16 or older.

26 year olds still should have nothing to do with 16 year olds. Lots of stuff is legal but not morally correct.