Misinformation against MAPS

I said that, because your definition of pro MAP, which is the word you describe yourself with, is exactly the same as the definition of pro contact MAP. And sorry, but no one in here is supporting anything that allows sexual interactions with minors. You, on the other hand, argue about things like Age of Consent, being a wrong concept, and arguments your criticism by claiming, that in the past it was lower and that in history it was non-existing, and it hasn’t resulted in any issues, implying that Age of Consent is wrong about its goal and that minors should have the right to have sexual intercourse with adults if they agree to it, or if they want to.

You redefine what you consider as child abuse to pretend that you are a pro MAP.

So no, no one in here is like you. No one in here actually promotes the ideas as yours. No one in here is pro MAP.

Also, your definition of pro MAP is flawed. What is the difference between just a MAP and a Pro MAP then? Because it implies that MAPs don’t care about human rights of MAPs. Also, what human rights are you talking about? Pedophiles have all human rights as regular people do. As long as they don’t have sexual relationships with minors or deal with child pornography, in which case they become criminals. But even non-pedophiles breaking these laws are getting the same penalty. No one is going to lock you in a prison for just being a pedophile. They might criticize you, shame you or send you threats, but it’s not a violation of your human rights, it’s them breaking the laws. So the only instance in which I could see “focus on human rights of MAPs” is if the human rights were defined as “the right to have sexual intercourse with minors” or “the right to use child pornography”. Which considering how often you play with definitions, wouldn’t be surprizing to me.

I’m not wrong, you are simply ridiculous. People who think that MAPs means “a person who wants to rape a child”, don’t just “believe” it’s a correct definition. They know that it’s a correct definition. Your counterargument is that “well, actually, people only believe they know the definition of milk”.

Belief is based on knowledge, they know informations they’ve got from various sources, and believe those informations are correct. I seriously don’t know why you keep arguing about my explanation about how other people see the world. What are you trying to proove? That people who are against MAPs actually know perfectly well that their knowledge about MAPs is incorrect? It’s an illogical assmuption.

Yes, the floor is made out of the floor. You are trying to explain exactly what I said in my point. People don’t spend their time reading scientific papers about pedophilia. Why would they waste their time on a topic that doesn’t concern them? You never spend 10 hours of reading about necrophilia either, you never had a need to do so, but you have some vague understanding, that necrophilia is an interest to corpses of people. But is that correct? Well, you will not question it, you will simply assume that it is, and you find it quite disgusting.

So imagine a person getting heated, after you expressed this opinion, over the fact that you didn’t spend many weeks getting knowledge about necrophilia before you expressed your disgust towards it. Because that is how you behave.

Pedophilia is a term. It depends on the definition it has in a situation where it’s used. This is why philosophers before any debate define the terms. The colloquial definition of pedophilia, and also a legal definition of pedophile, is that it’s a person who had sexual intercourse with someone under the age of 18 years old. The clinical definition of pedophilia, is that it’s a paraphilia, that is characterized by attraction to prepubecent children.

Both legal and clinical definitions are correct, and you can’t blame people to adapt the legal definition when most of their sources of information about pedophilia are criminal cases. Do you want to focus on real science? Then first gain that real knowledge about what you are talking about, instead of believing you already have all the correct knowledge. It’s unbeliveable how much hypocrisy you displayed in this post.

And once again, with your alternative human history timeline. The Puritans were English Protestants in the 16th and 17th centuries who sought to purify the Church of England of Roman Catholic practices. So already we have some inconsistency in your beliefs.

No one has created the idea of women being sexless, divine creatures that don’t need sex. Sex was demonized as a whole in the past because unrestricted it often leads to spread of many sexually transmittable diseased, many of which at some times in our history, has almost wiped out the human race. That is the reason why it’s so demonized, why sex has been limited by Christianity to the absolute minimum required for the furthering of the human race - a single partner, and first sexual intercourse after marriage binding you to that single partner.

And your theory, that the word pedophillia was designed as an excuse for dictatorship against pedophiles is simply irrational. DSM-5 approximates that pedophiles constitute 5% of our society. Do you seriously believe, that the only reason why pedophiles are called pedophiles, is because governments wanted to control 5% of the population? And where has pedophilia been used by religious people to kill others exactly? With all of them having a long history of sexually abusing children themselves? You are going into the levels of conspiracy theories akin to that of Q Anon followers.

But not only religious. Non-religious people also scream the death penalty when they hear about the rape of children. Almost all people do that. You seem to for some unfounded reason only target evangelical groups, in this blind belief that only they have some issue with pedophiles.

We live in a world where there is a moral panic about pedophilia. That is the only reason why there is so many fanatics abusing others under the disguise of fighting against pedophilia. But it has nothing to do with any group conspiracies, or with he historical past, or with the dictatorship, or any other concept that you used to construct these theories of yours. You see patterns where they are none in a strong desire to find yourself an enemy you can attack. Which paradoxically, is the exact same thing the people who you are referring do to you.

These things exist in non religious people as well as in other non-christian religions as well. They are a result of human tribalism, not religious attitudes.

Ah yes, the “I fight for freedom” but “I actually want to restrict other peoples freedom”. I can’t say I wasn’t expecting this from the very first moment I saw your petition. The funny thing is, you are exactly the same as the religious people you criticize. Religion is nothing more than a belief system. And you did create a belief system of your own, one that rationalizes doing evil acts, and that demonizes a group of people calling them unworthy of human rights. You are exactly the same as the religious people you hate.

Human abuse does exist and will exist regardless of the creations made by man. Your claim that religion has anything to do with the abuse it was used to perform, is exactly the same as claiming that child sex dolls will cause abuse of children. You are stripping the autonomy and accountability from people in order to attack an arbitrary concept you assume is the cause of the issue. I’m sorry, but this is not how humans work. If you go back in time to take away any religious items and words from a life of some religious zealot and go back, you won’t see a rational, logical and responsible adult. You will see a person who is still a zealot but simply towards different ideas. People believe in religions because they want to believe in something like a religion. It’s not the religion that makes them do bad things. If they do bad things, it’s on them.

Not all places in Africa are religious. And you also have China, who is atheistic and is one of the biggest criminals when it comes to human rights violations. There isn’t anything inherent to religion that causes such an effect.

Seriously, people who have such tendencies might gravitate towards some religion, because it appeals to their preexisting proclivities for authoritarian solutions. But it’s not the religions that cause such an effect, it’s them. And just because they use religion to rationalize them, doesn’t put the blame on the religion, because you have millions of other religious people who don’t behave in such a way.

You still miss the point, that those people simply don’t know that they don’t know the correct definitions. You expect impossible from them and prefer to have wishful thinking instead of adjusting your own actions to better communicate with such people.

This response doesn’t make any sense in the context of what I said. I stated, that your activity on this forum has proven, that you don’t follow the values you think you do-follow. So what exactly I have to explain to you to show to me? Maybe start actually using values of rationality, instead of rationalization. And understand that all of your opinions are dictated by emotional biases, and not any evidence, as proven by you multiple times in the redefinitions, inability and unwillingness to understand your opponents, manipulation of the historical context of the events in the past and using fallacies instead of admitting you made an error.

That wasn’t the core of my argument. I didn’t inform you about MAP Support Club to say to you it exists, I pointed it out to show to you that they don’t accept the rhetoric that you are using, and by this merit and the fact of Protasia having cooperation with them, to prove to you that no, you are not the person you claim to be, you manipulate definitions, pretend to oppose child abuse, but all of it is simply a lie you are keep repeating to others believing they will trust you, despite the contents of your opinion proving otherwise. And I can’t help but find the fact, that you completely missed my entire point, focused on the unimportant aspect of it, to make any response whatsoever, and avoid addressing what was conveyed, as a sign of your extremely manipulative tendencies that you have been displaying since you created your account over and over again, as extremely disturbing.

Im angry, because people are misusing words, which creates stigma. For example, on social media they (antis) will use “MAP” to describe “rapist”, “child fucker”, which states that MAPS are “child fuckers” and “rapists”, when this is not true. MAP simply mean minor-attracted person.

This is what fighting against. Im fighting against stigma. Stigma is what is causing the problems when it comes to minor-attracted people.

Stigma causes loss of jobs, friends, social support, etc…

MAP = minor-attracted person
ProMAP = map rights activist. This map rights activist can be MAP or not MAP. Im not MAP, but im pro-MAP

You can be pro-LGBT, without being lesbian, or gay, or bi, or trans. When you are “pro” (proponent), you simply support them without the need to be like them

ECHR says otherwise. ECHR refused to help PNVD. Members of PNVD were prosecuted and the doors of their houses were destroyed (by police) for no reason. I will repeat it again: “FOR NO REASON!”
Last year and half, the Spec Ops of the Netherlands targeted members of PNVD, not because there is evidence against them, but because they were candidates. This means the ruling party used anti-pedophilia stereotypes to target another party, without any evidence, for no reason.

Also, the fouder of PNVD has his own organization, but this organization was dissolved by the court, for no reason, without any evidence.

I have no idea for what “evidence” officials are looking for. But obviously they were trying (and stll are) to find “evidence”. But no one can explain what “evidence” they want to find.

Pedophiles don’t have equal rights. This is why we have discrimination against them.
This is why pedophiles can’t open themselves to the society.
This is why if you harm a pedophile, you will be prosecuted for crime, not for HATE criem.

There is differrent between crime and hate crime. Hate crimes have stronger charges.

Also, the governments allow “pedo-hunt”, and ignore the fact police i calling the “pedo-hunt” to stop.

Can you prove that his is the correct definition?

Believing and knowing are two completely different things Go check the definition on google.

People are against MAPS, because people believe in stereotypes and myths surrounding pedophilia. All these stereotypes are debunked.

If you want to hear concrete information, tell me which stereotype you want to see debunked, so i can show you information.

It’s not the same. You can’t understand that when people argue, they should not use stereotypes and myths as arguments. All stereotypes surroinding pedophilia are debunked. In fact, anti-pedophilia stereotypes are leading to further stigmatization.

Criminal cases are ISOLATED cases. You can’t make working statistic by using isolated cases.

In fact, most people who abuse children, are not pedophiles. Pedophiles don’t abuse children. According to statistics, in most cases the abuser is someone the child already knows, for example, someone from the family. So, the stereotype that a pedophile is someone that must be a male who is fat, ugly, hairy and lurks around schools to give surgar to kids, so kids can follow him, is no longer valid.

If you are a 50 years old male, and you rape 8 years old kid, this doesn’t make you a pedophile, but a rapist.

Rape is about control. Pedophiles don’t do that, according to official statistcs. LEARN THE MEANING OF THE WORDS AND STOP MISUSING THEM, because you are causing people to be stigmatized and to suffer!

See this: Firsthand

All pedophiles i know told me they don’t want to rape children. All cases of pedophiles i have checked, turned out that pedophiles DIDN’T have the intention to cause harm to someone.

Don’t say pedophiles are rapists, because they are not. This is myth. Go check some actual data.

If these 4 misconception are not enough for you, i will show you more.

I didn’t understand your statement about me being hypocritical. Give me more details about why do you think so.

No. Only women having sex was demonized. Men having sex was ok.

Politicians often use one problem, exaggerate it, and present themselves as solution to this problem, so they can boost their political campaigns.

Politicians will use even ONLY ONE CASE of something bad, to make it to look like it’s happening all over the world, so they can gain points for their political campaign.

Learn how politics work. It’s not about you, but about resources, power, etc…

“QAnon isn’t in favor of official narratives, therefore it is fake news and conspiracy theory.”
“QAnon is against what media & fact-checkers are telling me, therefore it isn’t true.”

By the way, why did you mention QAnon? Because you are trying to discredit what im saying. What im talking about has nothing to do with QAnon. Actually, the followers of QAnon would kill me for what im saying.

The death of pedophiles is MANDATED by the Bible. Other people just repeat what loud voices say. Loud voices in this case are the religious, so people will repeat what religious people are saying, ignoring the truth. I will repeat it again, you dont need to be religion is order to act on religious ideology.

In most cases hate crimes are motivated by religion and the idea that when you harm people, you are doing what God wants.

Im learning from leftists.

People can believe in what they want to believe, but they should NOT mess with the truth. If people want to deny truth, and to live in their Fantasy Land that is inconsistent with everything we observe in nature, that’s fine, as long as they DON’T make other people to accept the ideology of the Fantasy Land.

If you keep your faith in your head, then everything will be ok. Everything is ok as long as you dont psh your faith on onther people. Faith is all about logical fallacies.

Just because these places are not religious, it doesnt mean their ideologies are not based on religion. Killing wife if she cheats, for example, is totally a religious thing. Killing wife if she don’t want to be with you anymore, is totally religious thing. The ideology of Natural Morals is against such kind of murders. These murders ARE MOTIVATED BY RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGY, EVEN IF THE KILLER IS NOT RELIGIOUS. THE IDEA THAT YOU MUST KILL, IS COMING FROM RELIGIOUS IDEOLOGIES.

They are still wrong. When i explain what MAPs are, they ignore what i say and continue to say what they think MAP is.

I wont comment all you said, because i realized that you don’t know for what you are actually talking about.


So in the response to people misusing words, you decided, to misuse the words yourself. This is not a solution to any problem, it’s hypocisy.

Doesn’t change the fact, that you called yourself a Pro MAP, while in reality, you are Pro Contact MAP. So I used Pro MAP while referring to you, to inform you, that no one in here is Pro Contact.

You don’t fight for the destigmatization of MAPs, you reinforce the stigma MAPs have by proving with your own example, proving to antis why allowing people like you to discuss their ideas is dangerous. Because it leads to reinforcement of cognitive disruptions that rationalize sexual relationships with minors.

What you describing is an abuse of power, not discrimination based on law. This is why they were seaking “evidence”, they needed it to be able to do anything. Because laws don’t allow them to do anything to pedophiles for being pedophiles, unless they break the law.

The same situation can happen to any person. If you say something improper about the US in the US, the DHS can visit your home suspecting you of spreading anti-American Sentiment.

If someone notifies authorities that you are a terrorist, SWAT team can enter your possession.

This is an abuse of power, but to say that it’s discrimination is inaccurate. In all those instances, law enforcement abuses the powers that they have to investigate their suspicions. And by your words, they have found none.

So to say, that it’s proof that pedophiles don’t have human rights because they can be suspected of a sexual offence, is like saying that regular people have no human rights because they can be suspected of being a terrorist.

I don’t try to prove to you that this is the correct definition, I try to explain to you what is the reason why others have the attitude that they have, and why your constant offence to the fact that people don’t have the same exact knowledge as you is irrational.

Seriously, how old are you that you haven’t yet developed the theory of mind?

Nothing that you wrote in any way addresses the quote of mine you used. Yes, knowledge is different from belief. congratulations on discovering this simple fact, you must be proud of yourself.

This is exactly what my point was about, it’s different, but it’s still connected.

Also, I don’t need any “misinformation” debunked from you. You aren’t even capable to make simple responses without manipulating, misinterpreting and using fallacies. You certainly haven’t displayed any knowledge so far, only unfounded fantasies about the reality that you created to better suit your beliefs.

No one cares that there are myths and whenever they were debunked. What you need to understand is that it’s your duty to adjusts your way of speaking to the person you are talking to, if you really want to convince them of something and explain misinformation, and not behave like an arrogant snark that expects stupid people to simply know things. You should become the source of information, not expect people who aren’t knowledgeable about the topic to become such sources magically.

I do understand that they shouldn’t use stereotyp[es and myths as arguments. But I also understand that people aren’t omniscient. And it’s hypocritical coming from you when you use myths about “things being better back in the past”, and stereotypes about religious people “being all anti-sex and wanting dictatorship over people”.

Again, the floor is made out of the floor, you keep making statements that are oblivious to everyone, pretending you have some kind of super knowledge, and you make the case about something completely off-topic.

Once again, I was explaining to you how other people think. But you take my examples, take things out of context and then create a speech about a completely unrelated topic, that doesn’t address my response in any way, and call it a day, believing yourself to completely cover any doubts.

So far, you haven’t addressed even a single one of my arguments against you, not even one. You keep avoiding the main topic and expect me to become convinced that you are correct

You haven’t said anything I wouldn’t already know. Once again, what do you try to prove? That you completly lack ability to understand other people?

Said the person, who doesn’t know the proper definitions of words he is using, he purposefully misuses terms in the discussion, manipulates with the responses of the people who disagree with them to continue pretending his position is the correct one, constantly creates a strawman of his opponent and then has the audacity to claim that it’s them, that do all the tactics that he’s been using constantly throughout the entire discussion.

That is seriously rich. And you know what, the emotional appeal doesn’t work. Because at the end of the day, it’s you who with his own example causes people to be stigmatized. You with your child exploitation apologetics is the one that makes MAPs be considered child rapists. You are responsible for the very thing you accuse me of. Let that sink in.

If they are any similar to you, then, of course, they didn’t say that they want to rape children. They said to you that they want to have consensual sexual intercourse with children, but hey, because they have been repeating that they “don’t support child abuse” on every post, that must mean it’s not rape, right?

And it keeps baffling me that you assume, that I must be some “uneducated MAP hater”, who doesn’t know the information’s you try to educate me with, (which I do, not only all things you said are exactly the same things Protasia has wrote in their articles, but I actually were reading the papers the informations are from long before Protasia was even a thing) because it’s the assumption that is necessary for you to lie to yourself that my arguments carry no validity and that you can safely dismiss them.

Also, seeing all the manipulation you have used against me, the word of your mouth has absolutely no credibility. You didn’t argue in good faith from the very beginning, you displayed psychopathic traits during our discussion, and you keep playing with words to justify your twisted world view.

Instead of “keeping me educated” with the knowledge I already have, start actually responding to my arguments. Because you won’t convince me if the only thing you do is attacking a strawman of me.

And who has the males had sex with? With men? In times where homosexuality was a sin, you got stoned to death? Once again, your beliefs about how the past was looking like are ridiculous.

“Look at me, I’m so smart, I say things that he already knows about politics, so I must be right about the thing he was answering to, whatever that thing was”.

Sure, politicians use sensationalism to push for laws that wouldn’t be otherwise possible. But this wasn’t your initial argument. Your initial argument was that powers purposefully have been targeting pedophiles for authoritarian reasons.

So once again, you try to explain common knowledge in hopes of looking smart, as a means of avoiding addressing the counterarguments that I’ve made. I seriously don’t know what you consider yourself as, but not a single information that you have been using is anything new to me, and I doubt it would be anything new to anyone on this forum, considering Protasia has been basing their articles on the same data that you refer to.

Because, as I said before, you displayed a level of ridiculous conspiratorial thinking akin to the ideas created by QAnon followers. It’s clearly stated in the quote you cited. But you ignored it as a whole, noticed the word “QAnon” and decided to ask me a question that the quote you used response to. Once again…

It wasn’t an effort to discredit what you are saying (mainly because you don’t say anything of substance). It was an analogy to show you how ridiculous the theory you created sounds like, one that you should understand considering you are the polar opposite to Q Anon.

Okay, show me where in the bible it’s mandated exactly then because it’s the only piece of information that you shared, that is not known to me.

And how exactly does that debunk my claim that non-religious people also hate pedophiles?
I will answer it for you, it doesn’t. You just keep spewing your word salad in an effort to make any response whatsoever.

It doesn’t address my point, that human divisions are caused by our tribal tendencies, and not the religion itself. Non-religious people also tend to be racist or homophobic, which is enough to debunk your claim.

No, you don’t learn anything from anyone. You are simply a totalitarian hypocrite, prioritizing his own pleasures, freedoms and rights over the others, by generalizing an entire group of distinct people into a single category that is easy to hate. Just like many people generalizing all pedophiles as a child rapist, creating an easy target to let their sadistic urges on. You are no different, but sure, keep blaming others.

This quote applies to you perfectly. You keep living in a fantasy land where no child has ever been hurt by the sexual exploitation of adults, messing with the truth of the reality being, that most of such children upon growing up regret it and are negatively affected by such experiences, trying to make others accept your ideology of the fantasy land that you created.

Yes, especially with your faith, in the rightfulness of your own beliefs and opinions, to which you consistently were responding with logical fallacies, once you got challenged.

Now you are just making things up, what religious-based ideologies are there in non-religious places of Africa exactly? I doubt you have such knwoledge, seriously.

Yeah, especially performed by all those atheistic people, who have killed their partners, after they have learned that they cheated on them.

Oh, it doesn’t happen that often? Well, most likely, because we live in civilization, and people don’t kill their wives anymore. You want to make this about religion, but it’s just a common human morality that determies such actions, not the religion.

Ah yes, the “child sex doll will cause rape” type of argument. No, sorry, your fantasy land isn’t even close to reality. Ideologies can be used to rationalize evil acts (you are doing a pretty good job at it yourself), but whenever a person decided to do such an act, is a completely different thing. For example, Christianity assumes that women are males property. But if you ask an average Christian, if they think that women are their property, they will refuse and say no. Simply because most Christians, don’t really read into their religion, and adopt a vague idea of what they should believe in, instead of the actual doctrine.

You try to convince me very hard that religions are the source of all evil, which reminds me of religions efforts to demonize things that they didn’t like. Which only serves to prove, that you don’t need a religion to be a horrible human being, with you being a perfect example of that being the case, since your mentality is exactly that of a strawman of religious person that you created.

Doesn’t matter, if you want them not to be wrong, you have to adjust your own actions to change that fact, instead of complaining that they are wrong.

You won’t comment all that I have said, because you lost an argument a long time ago. You never had any position to the cognitive distortions that you created to begin with, and the only way you can justify leaving this conversation is by you pretending, that “you are just stupid”, with nothing that could actually make you believe that this is the case.

All of your answers try to avoid addressing my counterarguments, by creating the strawman of my position, to which you respond with offtopic, trying to bring the conversation away from the things I criticized, hoping you will not have to defend your initial ideas, and gradually crafting this idea that I simply must not be educated, so you can refuse the further discussion under the pretence of me being uneducated about the topic, which is simply not true, to avoid admitting that you were wrong in your beliefs, because all of your beliefs are a foundation that keeps your fragile ego in check, and allows you to feel good about your own desire to sexually exploit minors.

You claim to fight for the rights of MAPs and destigmatization of pedophlia, but to achieve that, you kept manipulating my words, twisting definitions, playing word games, avoiding addressing my arguments, using fallacies in response, insulting me and lying about your position of the topic, in an effort to make yourself look good and smart. While your arguments aren’t based in anything, other than your own emotional biases, are highly irrational and extremely disturbing since they showed you have a complete disregard for the wellbeing of children in your analysis, you rationalize sexual exploitation of minors as inherently not abusive, to manipulate with the claim that you don’t support child abuse, while you do, which is clear in your argument, that children should be forced to work and study 15 hours a day, just so some adults can have sex with them in a less unethical way. And with your behaviour, you showed that you don’t care about freedom, that you follow the concept of rules for thee but not for me, that you have other people in complete disregard since you pretend to fight for the destigmatization of pedophilia, but all your beliefs reinforce what antipedophiles think pedophiles are really like, you criticize the existing concepts, by cherry-picking instances of panicked zealots, and pretending that their irrational opinions are in any way connected to laws and ideas established long before they even were born, which is a manipulate effort to discredit the validity of those rules with avoiding to address the real reasons why they were established in the first place, you displayed a lot of psychopathic traits, disregard for laws, inability to distinguish the right from wrong, sadistic and aggressive tendencies, especially towards an imaginary group of people you deem unworthy of human rights, in pursuit of imaginary vendetta, and all of that with a huge display of hypocrisy in what you preach, what you accuse others of, and what you yourself display.

And yes, I know you will not read it, “because it’s too long”. You barely were reading the very quotes that you cited, even though they had only 10 words. I know it must be hard for you to read things you know are true, so I’m genuinely not surprised by your reaction to my posts.

Once again, your mission to destigmatize MAPs brought you the opposite effect. If a person like me, who was already quite positive about the position of pedophiles, and was open to provide them with the support that is necessary for their well being, in order to help them restain themselves from sexual relationships with minors, became convinced with your behaviour that maybe the stigma and opposition pedophiles have isn’t entirely undeserved, then I honestly doubt you will do anything positive in your mission with people who already hate pedophiles. If it wasn’t for examples of good MAPs like Dean, who actually have addressed the flaws of your arguments, instead of buying it up because it’s convenient for people like you to believe in such rationalizations, I would completely reverse my opinion of MAPs. I wouldn’t join the “antis”, since they are no better than you, in some cases, they are even worse, but you definitely are a stain on others identifying themselves with the acronym MAP

Not true. Dissolving parties and organization for no reason and without evidence, is against the law.

Im not going to reply to the rest. It’s too long. Maybe i will reply tomorrow.

No you’re not. You’re a psychopathic troll arguing that sexualizing minors is normal and that child predators are innocent people.

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This is not true. Child rapists are not innocent. I said that these who are registered on the SOR (Sex Offender Registry) for no reason, are innocent. If you read the law carefully, you will know that registations can happen to not only adults, but to minors (11-12 years olds) for no reason. If you need details, just ask and i will show you.