Im not MAP, but im supporting the liberation of these people.
Hello. Time ago i used to have groups for minor-attracted people on Twitter. All groups got suspended, because of mass reports by “antis” and people who believe in myths about pedophiles, and don’t understand what pedophilia is, and believe that if you are 18yo, but you like 17yo, you are a pedophile. These call anyone pedophile, and can’t understand that pedophilia have STRICT difinition. Twitter is not guilty for the anti-map policy changes. These changes were created under pressure from grassroot groups, users, and powerful evangelical groups. If you are aware of Exodus Cry, NCOSE, and their traffickinghub campaign that uses false, debunked stories, you will know what i mean.
What i don’t like is the fact that MAPS are being stigmatized for no reason. Today, if you say you are MAP, you will lose all friends, job, family, etc…
I created an account on pedophilia website, so now im making articles about what does it mean to be MAP, and why it’s not dangerous. However, the website is not popular, and my articles get no more than 500 views. The site is created by members of PNVD.
It’s impossible to have MAP support groups on social media, because all groups will be suspended. Making your own site is not solution, because this site will be visited only by you and other MAPS. The real purpose is to have groups on social media - because social media is viewed by everyone, so everyone will see the message.
There are people who are against MAPS, but they dont care about children. They simply want to harm MAPS. They spread dangerous misinformation, indicating ALL MAPS are dangerous monsters and deserve to be put to death. They can’t understand that MAPS dont harm children.
They can’t understand that “pedophilia” is entirely made up word, withut any meaning. They can’t understand that the majority of “rapes” are being made by someone the child already knows. In other words, the myth that pedophile is someone that must be a male, fat, ugly, hairy male, who lurks around schools and gives sugar to kids, so kids can follow him, is totally false myth. Such myths are creating distractions from reality. Also, there are double standards. On Twitter, some medias are reporting underage sex. When a female has sex with underage boy, the comment section is fine. When a male has sex with underage girl, the comment section… you know…
They should stop using “pedophile” as a slur. You can’t be sick from pedophilia. No serious scientist will tell you pedophilia is a disease. The only reason why a scientist would tell you it’s a disease, is because the society want to hear that.
If pedophilia is a disease, where are all genes that contribute to pedophilia? Where are all brain changes, hormonal changes? There are none.
I want social media to allow MAP support groups again, because i like supporting people.
Also, people should stop talking about child sex dolls. Chld sex dolls are not real humans. The people who are against child sex dolls, are the same people who think HENTAI equals rape, so it must be banned.
There is no critical thinking and logic, only emotions caused by baseless speculations and assumptions, and myths, and stereotypes.
Religious groups such as Exodus Cry, NCOSE, FTND, are contantly spreading lies about pedophiles. These groups use stereotypes. They use false rape victims. They are all exposed. All anti-map, puritan, anti-porn groups must be abolished!
Im working on my own website. It will be fact checker about anti-“pedophilia” claims.
The main source of hatred towards MAPs, is coming from far-right evangelical groups in the US. They are poweful groups that spread more groups around the world. If we limit them, the hate will be lowered. I created this petition to do so, so feel free to join it. The petition by itself has no legal power. But if enough people join it, this will cause moral weights to legislators. The petition is still not fully done, soon i will finish it. Feel free to join: [LINK REMOVED BY REQUEST]
All information in the petition is legal/legally obtained, even if it looks it’s illegal.
Also, explain me what are your political interests, and what laws you want to see be removed or created, so i can know what to write the next time. Im here to inform and support you. Should there be apetition for child sex doll legalization? What do you think about removing the sex offender registry? A lot of human rights organizations want to remove the registry.
I don’t support child sexual abuse, i.e. UNconsensual sex. Some of the text my looks like im supporting abuse, but im not