Moving to Finland?

I registered to get some opinions on something I am planning to do.

I live in a place where dolls are banned, but lolicon is legal to posess/view. Still living with my parents and have a good paying work-from-home job.

Not a fan of the country, politics and job. Always wanted to study and I now have the oppurtunity to study abroad and (as an EU citizen) live there. My government would finance the living costs (+ my savings). Studying in Finland is also free for EU citizens.

Would you do it? I do not see it getting any better and as someone who just wants to be alone with a fictional partner it’s not something I look forward to. All the preparations are done already (translated certificates, english proficiency exam passed, …).

Would love to hear any finnish peoples thoughts. All I know is that their sex/therapy org. is advocating dolls and is against banning any form of virtual depictions. No idea on what the people think tho.



We can’t decide what’s good for you, or not. Just think about the following:

  1. What if you fail your studies? You would need to find a job otherwise deportation (foreign EU citizens only get to stay if self-funded) Then you’re back home; homeless and unemployed. You only get a permanent residency after graduation and if you are employed.

  2. Is it worth it? You could have a chill life and enjoy lolicon and go crazy with it. Move out into a single appartement and decorate your home with art, buy merchandise etc. This is what I did for a long time and it was fun.

  3. How close are you to quitting your job anyways? Since you live with your parents you are very flexible as to where to go with your life. One is riskier than the other, but not impossible or not as hard as for people who dug their roots deeper (loan, mortgage, married, …)

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It would be wild if I could claim asylum for being a MAP

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