In an effort to bring this forum back into some semblence of order, the following users, mostly QAnons, have been banned for creating multiple accounts to evade suspensions:
@jureaf aka @meiling aka @pacificblue aka @kayton18 aka @ebrimaa52 aka @rasheida15
@citron0 aka @galilea858 aka @paula54
@lucille aka @gilbert880 aka @joycelin aka @ludger-jaguar
@phares05 aka @494305843863493484 aka @KIDSCANTCONSENT
More bans will follow.
I haven’t seen these users to be active. I hope that “More bans will follow” is not about me, right? I haven’t done nothing wrong.
If there is something bad in my behavior on this forum, i promise to change. Tell me what i need to change.
The person with the numerical username was fishy and the guy with the username KIDSCANTCONSENT was obviously a troll.
February 10, 2021, 2:41am
I mean they can’t, but Prostasia isn’t arguing that they can, in fact, Prostasia is arguing the exact opposite.
Anything that sexualizes actual, real-life minors in any way for whatever purpose is affirmatively and rightfully illegal.
So yes, the person is obviously a troll.