So, let’s review some of Reality Syndrome’s claims:
People who are attracted to minors could eventually abuse children. The fact that these people are saying that they don’t want children to be harmed… I think it’s pretty suspicious. They need to seek help.
A frequent claim made by antis is that MAPs are essentially ticking time bombs and will eventually sexually abuse children if they do not seek help. But, why is it that it only applies to people who are sexually attracted to minors?
We already know that most MAPs don’t offend and a lot of people who do sexually abuse children aren’t even MAPs themselves. These people go after children because they’re vulnerable.
The DSM clearly differentiates between “pedophilia” and “pedophilic disorder”. See here: ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics
If this claim were true, why would it only apply to MAPs? Why wouldn’t people who are attracted to adults also be labeled as “potential rapists”? Well, duh, because “pedophilia is disgusting”, that’s why.
Whatever the case, RS is confusing anti-c MAPs with pro-c MAPs, something that he frequently does.
Pedophilia in and of itself can’t be the cause of child sexual abuse, because experts consider it to be a sexual orientation (at least, an age-based sexual orientation).
Do all straight men want to abuse women? No.
Do all gay men want to abuse other men? No.
Why would it be so for pedophilia? The logic that all pedophiles are “potential abusers” quickly falls apart when applied to other sexual orientations.
Prostasia Foundation are only pretending to be a child protection organization. In reality, they are dangerous because they support pedophiles that want to abuse children.
You’re telling me that people who write articles like these would want children to be abused?
Correct me if I’m wrong, but… I don’t see what’s wrong about wanting to prevent child sexual abuse.
“Well, you see, you’re just a stupid disgusting pedophile who doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”
So what if I’m a pedophile? I can’t do anything about my sexual attractions. What I can do is control my urges/temptations and, you know, move on with my life. I’m not at any more risk of harming children than you are.
Yes, I’ll admit, I do think about sex and nudity… A lot. But, there are safe, fictional outlets for that. My attractions are not limited to children (specifically girls), I’m attracted to adults (specifically women) as well.
Are you even aware that people can be attracted to kids AND adults?
Prostasia Foundation advocates for the rights of children, without infringing on human/civil rights and sex positivity. They are actively against child sexual abuse.
Of course, the idea that Prostasia is only pretending to be a child protection organization is… Your opinion. Actually, it’s not even that, you’re just factually wrong.
The minimum age that you can join MAP Support Club is 13… So, not only are there pedophiles talking to 13 year olds in that chat room, but there could be kids 12 and under pretending to be older than they claim to be in there. Who knows, maybe those kids are getting groomed!
This claim is basically fear mongering. You don’t even know if there are kids under the age of 13 that have joined MSC, you’re just assuming that this is the case. Even if there were, don’t you think that the moderators would ban those kids if they admitted their age? Unless, of course, you think the mods would groom the kids as well!
The fact that you were unable to join MSC yourself makes me think that it is unlikely that there are little kids in the chat room. Even then, MSC was made specifically for MAPs and MAP allies, which you are neither. Maybe you should’ve studied for the test.
Believe it or not, I have come across this on… Discord. A few people that I’ve interacted with have claimed to be under the age of 13 (the minimum age required to join). If someone were to report them to Discord staff (with some evidence, such as screenshots), the underage user would have their account terminated. The big difference between Discord and MSC? On Discord, it’s really easy to create an account, all you need is an email address and a password. MSC seems to take more security measures than Discord, making it less likely that there are children under 13 that actually join them.
Also, there is a sheer amount of adult content on Discord. It doesn’t sound like there is much of that on MSC.
MAP Support Club is bad. Pedophiles talking about their sexual fantasies with other pedophiles is sick and disgusting… In my opinion.
See my responses to claims #1 and #2.
There are pedophiles in MAP Support Club that have abused children… But, MSC doesn’t want them to talk about it or admit it because they could get in trouble for it.
Yeah, it could be for legal reasons, as well as for privacy reasons. But, I don’t really know.
As for whether or not some MAPs in MSC have offended… Well, it IS a possibility. But, I believe that child sex offenders should be given a chance to get help and treatment that they need. However, they need to commit themselves to never harm children again.
Here’s what VirPed states regarding child sex offenders:
“We believe that people can change for the better. As a practical matter, we also want to help pedophiles avoid sexual contact with children in the future. So past offenders are welcome in our online support group. However, to be included, you must be truly committed to a child-celibate life. In addition, to repeat, there will be no consideration in our organization of a world that would allow adult-child sex.”
I’m willing to bet that MSC works in a similar matter.
Nepiophiles are people who are attracted to babies… Literal babies! How the hell are there people attracted to babies!?
I don’t know, maybe for the same reason that I’m attracted to prepubescent girls? That is to say, we don’t choose who we are attracted to. There are people who are attracted to animals and others are attracted to inanimate objects. How is this a surprise to you?
If we let pedophiles use child sex dolls, that will just encourage them to go on and commit sexual offenses against children!
I’m not so sure about that:
Think of MAP Support Club as To Catch a Predator, but instead of Chris Hansen, it’s a child predator!
Is this even a good comparison? Absolutely not! But, let’s look more closely at what we’re dealing with here:
To Catch a Predator is a TV series that deals with some guy (Chris Hansen) telling some adults to impersonate as 13-15 year olds to lure MAPs in order to “catch” them in the act, on camera. Today, there are video clips of the series on YouTube that have gained millions of views.
MAP Support Club is a support group for MAPs in which they can chat with others like them and they can, potentially, get some help and support, if they want. Only MAPs and MAP allies may be able to join.
That’s not even close to being a good comparison.
Prostasia HQ is located 50 feet away from an elementary school in San Francisco. There’s no way that can’t be a coincidence. They did this so that the MAPs who work for them can get easy access to children!
There are a few problems with this claim:
Did you ever consider the possibility that the proximity of the school may have not been considered an issue? Perhaps the school wasn’t even a factor in their consideration for when they were choosing a suitable location.
If we assume that there are MAPs doing volunteer work for Prostasia in San Francisco, then they would be anti-c MAPs. You know, people that are attracted to minors who are fundamentally against the sexual abuse of children.
If we’re talking about San Francisco, then wouldn’t earthquakes be more of a threat to those children than MAPs at Prostasia?
With all that being said, you’re just jumping to conclusions.
The MAPs at Prostasia talk about children in a kinky and sex positive way. In other words, these people want to abuse children, no matter how much they may deny it… In my opinion.
See my responses to claims #1 and #2.
So, in conclusion, Reality Syndrome needs a reality check on Prostasia Foundation and MAP Support Club.