Russian Supreme Court bans the LGBT Movement

[Russian court bans LGBT movement]

'Russia’s constitution was changed three years ago to make it clear that marriage means a union between a man and a woman. Same-sex unions are not recognised here.

Ahead of the ruling, I asked Sergei Troshin, a municipal deputy in St Petersburg who came out as gay last year, what effect it would have.

“I think this will mean that anyone whom the state considers an LGBT activist could receive a long prison sentence for ‘participating in an extremist organisation’,” he said.

"For the organiser of such a group, the prison term will be even longer.’

It always starts off as Anti-MAP rhetoric :cupid: :underage: which then evolves into Anti-LGBT rhetoric :rainbow: :no_entry_sign:
The Anti-MAP to Anti-LGBT pipeline is strong :pensive:


This is a huuuuuuge step back for the Russian people… Their government has never been particularly friendly or kind to social minority groups, especially those which find themselves in the crosshairs of traditionalist or religious views.

It should also be noted that, according to most US conservatives, moves like this by foreign governments are favored.


The only mitigating factor is that there are plenty of fundraisers going on on social media to raise funds for Ukrainian weaponry, and so for once, the matter of fighting back directly is easily done. Be generous.