Sexual Violence is a Huge Problem, DO NOT blame it on Porn

Beware of carceral feminists and moralizing conservatives attempts to start a wave of authoritarianism. Several myths busted. We must defend our civil liberties at all cost.

All fictional and consenting adult pornography ought to be considered free speech.

Moreover, there was no evidence of aggressive content increasing in recent years—in fact, there was actually some evidence for the reverse, with displays of visible aggression dropping over time. It’s also worth noting that videos depicting sexual aggression were less popular on average. These videos racked up fewer views, received fewer “likes,” and were awarded more “thumbs down,” especially videos involving the non-consensual kind of aggression.

As for the common claim that porn causes sexual violence, that one isn’t supported by research either. For instance, national US data actually suggests the opposite conclusion, finding that as pornography consumption has increased, the number of rapes has actually decreased.
Admittedly, this research—like most research on porn—is correlational, meaning we can’t determine cause and effect. However, if there were something to the idea that porn in general was leading to a wave of sexual violence, it would most likely would have shown up by now.

We have known this for a very long time, but people like convenient scapegoats.