Chris Hansen is trending on Twitter due to allegations that he has been using an army of spambots to eliminate his critics.
For about a decade, Chris Hansen has been seen as a knight in shining armor who risks life and limb to rescue poor innocent children from the malignant claws of pedophiles… by using those poor innocent children as bait.
On one hand, it’s good that people are finally accepting that Chris Hansen is trash but on another hand, it’s very depressing that this incident is what it took.
No one had a problem with Chris Hansen using actual minors as bait to catch pedophiles but using spam bots to accuse big YouTubers of pedophilia? Now that’s crossing the line apparently.
Of course, it should be noted that the criticism against Chris Hansen is purely due to his use of spambots to silence criticism which is largely due to the Onison incident. People still seem to be quite fond of his ‘‘heroic activities’’ and continue to support the same tactics being used by anyone else.