Stop using "pedophile" as an insult

Nevermind, found out you were a troll.
Hope you’re having fun.

No, I will refuse to stop using pedophile as an insult. Their thoughts disgust me to no end.

Tragic. Keep feeling disgusted, then, because there’s no way to force someone to stop thinking.

It’s possible to keep pedos stigmatized without having that branch over to LGBT people.

No, we’re not trying to make pedophiles LGBT. Yes, we’re trying to destigmatise them.

As a neo-reactionary, I have come to accept LGBT, but I still refuse to accept pedos.

“Neo-reactionary”? More like QAnon.


Yes, yes, yes, I’m sure that you watch those stupid movies where, if the hero gets infected with vampirism but is unable to find a cure, he kills himself. Pathetic.

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Maybe it’s not my place to say this, but I’m saying it.

I don’t think this forum is a good place to advocate suicide.


Stop encouraging pedophilic teens into committing suicide.


What color is the sky in your world?

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