Survey on perceptions and opinions on fictional (child) pornographic images

Hi everyone!
My name is Renée Pattyn and I’m a master’s student at Ghent University (Belgium). For my thesis I am conducting a study on the perceptions and opinions on fictional (child) pornographic images by means of a survey. For this purpose, I am looking for respondents who are 18 years or older, of any nationality. The survey is available in both English and Dutch, and will take about 15 minutes.

The data will be collected and processed confidentially, so you can answer as honestly as you want. There are no right or wrong answers. I would really appreciate it if you would complete my survey, as it would help me immensely.

English survey:
Dutch survey:

Thanks, and much appreciated!


Hi and thank you so much for sharing this survey with us!

I have a question, though. Would you mind if it were shared/posted elsewhere, such as Twitter?


Absolutely no problem. Anyone can share it anywhere, as that would definitely help me. Thank you!