Texas Doll bill introduced

If passed, it would be a class A misdemeanor to own 6 or more child-like sex dolls in Texas.
While not an outright ban, it would certainly pave the way for more unconstitutional doll laws to be passed. Hopefully this bill never gets out of committee. You can read the text of it here:


Lol what’s with the arbitrary number? “You can have several facsimiles of children to use as masturbation tools, but no more than five, count em, five :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed:!”

What the Hell? :rofl:


Figured I should share this.


Child-like sex dolls: legal, empirical, and ethical perspectives


The review deals with the controversy surrounding the use of highly realistic dolls with a child-like appearance. It summarizes recent empirical findings and provides an overview of the different legal and ethical perspectives on this issue. Countries use different legal approaches to regulate the use or sale of child-like sex dolls. Although a causal link is assumed by some legislators between the prohibition of such dolls and the protection of children from sexual abuse, empirical studies do not support this causality. The imposition of bans will hinder empirical research on the potential use of alternative sexual outputs for people with paraphilic disorders.

It’s both revolting and unsettling how anti-intellectualism permeates among these taboo subjects. No scientific evidence exists to conclusively support any causal link between the consumption of purely fantasy materials (3DCG, cartoons/illustrations) or child-like sex dolls and the sexual abuse of children, and the more we study these matters, the more apparent this conclusion comes. But these right-wingers aren’t interested in science or reality if they can comfortably exist without benefiting from it.

I hope this bill doesn’t materialize into awful legislation that could harm people.


Obviously, there are many statuaries of Jesus’s crucifixion. What if I wanted a statuary of St. Eulalia’s crucifixion? Would that count as a “nude child doll”? Whether or not I fap to said statuary is literally pure thoughtcrimes.


This is extreme nonsense. What difference does it make if X person has five dolls while Y person has 6 dolls? It doesn’t change anything. So, why should there even be a limit? Dolls are personal property. They are no different from, for example, chairs in that sense. Whether or not a person has 100.000.000 chairs it’s not the government’s business. Whether or not a woman has 90.000 makeup products it’s not the government’s business.

There should be no limit for personal ownership, legally speaking.


This is why I feel like banning lolicon is actually really worthless, even if you want to make sure a pedophile doesn’t have any possibility to masturbate, it will be impossible. How can you prevent one from masturbation or feeding their own urges?

How will you prevent a pedophile from masturbating to a some random doll from a child’s toy section? How can you prevent a pedophile from masturbating to some little kids on bathsuits as soon as they get home? How can you prevent a pedophile from looking at pics that the child’s parents post on social media? Or even just masturbating while smelling their perfume or etc?

It’s simple: You can’t. You can’t prevent one from ‘feeding’ their paraphilia or else you will have to ban everything correlated to children.


Thank you! I can’t stand it when people say “pedophiles should avoid places where kids are”. Like, dude, children EXIST. I still need to go to the store and buy groceries so I can, y’know, live. Kids will be there. I need to go to work and make money to buy those groceries. Kids will be there. Children and pedophiles exist on this same planet, asking pedophiles to avoid even being in public where kids MIGHT be (like at the store or movie theater or restaurants) is fucking batshit.

I’m intent on never putting my hands on a child, but I’m also gonna keep living my life and going places where kids might be because that’s the world I live in, a world where we both exist and there’s nothing to be done about that unless you wanna just shove us all inside special child-free “facilities” (concentration camps) where we’re not allowed to leave. And that’s completely insane and will never happen unless the government goes full-tilt authoritarian.

And you know damn well any government willing to do this would shove anyone and everyone who could be even remotely considered “pedophilic” into such a facility: non-offending, lolicons, CLSD owners, POCD sufferers, hebephiles, ephebophiles, etc. Fuck, don’t be surprised if they arbitrarily toss in 30yos with 20yo partners (age gaps), or all LGBT people on the assumption that every single one is a “groomer”, or non-LGBT gender non-conforming peeps like straight drag queens.

Yeah, yeah, I’m taking the notion to an exaggerated extreme, but that’s how this shit always happens. Starts out small, slowly grows into something bigger over time. The boiling frog and all that…


I personally avoid the very best I can to be on places with children. Like I wouldn’t work on Schools or daycares and I don’t actively try to keep on contact with little girls. Whoever, I have no problem to go to the movies watching children’s movies, absolutely no problems to be at a square as I live on a small town and that’s often the only place I can hang out or to go to a family related child’s birthday party. For me, as long as there’s no constant contact or these aren’t places in which I’ll be put in situations in which could turn me on, I do not care to be there.

I don’t judge people who are uncomfortable at all, but that’s it. For the sadness of these people, I exist on the same planet as them and I ain’t gonna stop going to places where your kids may been because you don’t like it.


Right? Like, my neighbors in the apartment next to mine have a kid, I can hear him through the wall. The little girls across the street were playing outside in the snow yesterday. I literally live next door to an elementary school (the same school I went to when I was a boy), you have to go past it to get anywhere. Kids are EVERYWHERE. You simply can’t 100% avoid them even if you wanted to. It’s impossible and a downright stupid thing to suggest.

I repeat, the only way you achieve a world where children and pedophiles are fully separated is to track down and reveal the latter, mark them and segregate them entirely from anywhere and everywhere children might be. And the only way to reasonably achieve this is involuntary internment at a facility where pedophiles cannot leave and will never be allowed to interact with the outside world. This is FUCKING EVIL.

In the summer, it gets hot and I feel like going to the public pool. Yes, I am a pedophile. Yes, kids will be there. No, I’m not gonna do anything. Even if I wanted to, I’d have to be suicidally stupid to try anything at a PUBLIC POOL. I have just as much a right to swim in that pool as anybody else. Don’t like that? Too bad :person_shrugging:.