The children selling explicit videos on OnlyFans

It really is, there are freely available tools specifically for removing metadata.

Yeah, good ones, which are frequently open source and totally free, go pretty deep and scrub all metadata, they’re written for security.

Every measure put in place will be bypassed by someone who is determined enough, always has happened and always will happen. Best way to stop it from happening is the give young people the tools and knowledge to make that decision.

There are plenty of good uses for having anonymity online.

“To verify that the person is at least 18 years old, and not a day sooner.”
Well i wish that could be done but i dont think its can. I think that rules can be bypassed easily, so its not a valid solution.

You also seem to be angry at me for rejecting your proposal yet you havent given me a solution that would work, your idea’s would fail or your just making generalized claims.

“But maybe some way to check the metadata of the video against the age declared on the account. If the person uploading is 22 years old and the video they were attempting to upload is 5 years old, it would automatically decline the upload.”

Just upload the image to a random website then download it again. Also that would stop legal models from uploading valid content. I have know idea if the metadata reading thing would even be possible.

Im not trying to specifically argue with you, I’m just saying that the proposal that security would solve the problem is incorrect. There is know evidence that there are effecrive security methods that are’nt being used. But you seem to belive there are.

It looks to me like we are talking about teenagers and not children. People should learn to differentiate those two. That makes a lot of difference when the topic is sex.


No, I said I ASSUME that OF is doing what it can. But, I agree, no system of security will stop a determined person. Especially a horny teen.

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Even with metadata, I suspect someone will find a way to falsify it.

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I’ll take “What are black markets?” for $500, Alex.


“The goal is to make it extremely hard for them to pull crap like this while keeping it easy for legal performers.”
Well yeah but I don’t think only fans did anything wrong, they do what they can. You seem to think that they can do something more and i dont belive its possible. You belive its so obvoise that im a “fucking retard” for not agreeing but you cant give a solid method on how to stop teens.

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Yeah, when you post something on the internet, it is forever on the internet. That’s how things work unfortunately.

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