The paradox of lolicon porn effect

First, I’m aware I put this thread in the CSA prevention, but that’s intentional, because I’m talking here about CSA prevention, just read and you’ll understand my point.

So… I just thought about something here, that, at least I never hear anyone commenting about. But its 100% relevant for children protection and pedophiles.

So anyway, try to follow my logic here, let’s talk first about something people kind unconsciously agree with, and we, that are more involved with it, not only agree but also know is true (because it happened with a lot of us). So, here we go. Read those next phrases, and see if you agree with them, by using your “common sense”, your “life experience” or whatever… Just see if you think is true or not:

First case
Men who consumes a lot of porn will eventually stop looking for real women, and may even lose the ability to have an erection in a real situation with them

Well, I believe that many researchers will totally agree with that, right? I in fact read about it in lots of different studies. Also, people who experience much porn also will agree with it. That, in fact happened to me in the past. But let’s continue:

Second case
People who consume a lot of hentai, will eventually stop looking for real people, and may even lose the ability to have an erection in a real situation with them

So, what you say? Does that make sense to you? Well, makes a lot to me, again, that’s something that I observe happening to other people. Maybe some researchers won’t necessarily agree, probably because there isn’t too much studies about this particular scenario. But again, that’s also something that happened to me.

Now :3
Third case
Pedophiles who consume a lot of lolicon, will eventually stop looking for real children, and may even lose the ability to have an erection in a real situation with them

Well, I guess I made my point very clear by now. Again, that’s kinda what happened to me too, I mean not sure if I can consider that I was a real pedophile in the past… Is kinda complicated. But anyway… I really find curious the fact that people understand that logic, as they agree with the first scenario, but when it comes to lolicon, they for… some reason… think that the OPPOSITE will happen :/… Like, does that make sense for any of you? So, yes, I’m saying here that I think consuming lolicon have a huge potential to make pedophiles stop going after real children and so, be a good tool to help with CSA prevention. Ok, I know this don’t prove anything, that’s not even my point in fact, my point is more in the incoherence about the way people seem to unconscious differentiate those things. And maybe if more people realise this, we may advance in this field of children protection for a change. I just notice too, that the same logic can apply to real CP, and I’m aware that I first though about lolicon, because I’m “biased” on it. But even IF I am, I really don’t think that a person biased on something will necessary be wrong about it. But anyway… I think that’s something that is worth thinking about, and of course, feel free to disagree and tell me your arguments for it.


It’s certainly a theory worth exploring.


Well, I will just leave this here, because… Why not? :3

Also, as a lolicon I disagree with their theory of why this happen. Is not exactly because porn “satiates” the urge for sex. Is because porn makes people more “pick” about it. Like, a person consuming a lot of porn will become more and more critic about it, and starts to look each day for “better porn”. Is like when you compare your actual TV or cellphone with a version from 10-20 years ago. You simply can’t enjoy the old and worse version of it, because you became used to a better version. Same thing happens with sex :/. That’s a slow process, it took some years to happen to me. But after some time, when that person looks behind for the old porns that he used to like, he would think something like: “wow, those porns I liked some time ago were crap, why I watched those things? (I noticed myself thinking that many times in the past few years)” And that translate to real life sex too. When you compare a quality porn with a real sex experience, you’ll start to see how “bad” is the real sex next to the ideal version of it. Porn is made to be as perfect as possible, so reality simply can’t compete with it. That’s what happens to me today with hentai and lolicon. I stop caring about real porn and real sex, because I think hentai is SOO much better than it :3. For me, to compare hentai with a real porn or even real sex is like compare a modern 4k TV, with a black and white tube TV from the 50’s. That’s why people who watch too much porn stop caring about real sex, about his wife or his friends and became isolated.

So, my humble opinion about what people should do?
Stop using emotions to judge the merit of things and try to use reason instead. Also, incentive deep fake 3D virtual porn for pedophiles, because that makes sense.