Tracking who is driving creation of legislation for censorship and prohibition

How can the parties involved in creating law for censorship and prohibition of objects be identified? Knowing both what the NGOs are and who is pushing for funding and motivating those NGOs would be useful information. Does a place already exist for assembling such information? If not, I would have some proposals for that.


Congratulations on being the first person to post to this brand new forum, before we even announced it! I’d love to hear your proposals but here are just some of the ones that we know about. They are an odd mixture of conservative religious groups along with radical feminist groups… who have a history of making alliances on issues of sexual morality.

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For tracking down who voted, in the USA, there is information from the Library of Congress.
They are tardy in publishing votes. Currently the legislature is in the 116th congress and I look at bills from the 115th and they still have no votes recorded. One can see the ‘sponsors’.

For collaboratively gathering information, I propose GitLab. The software is FLOSS. You can use their hosted instance or deploy one at Prostasia. It includes wiki functionality. It supports sundry workflows and scopes of visibility. People can directly edit a wiki or work on separate copies and then merge.

That may be because many bills that are introduced are never brought for a vote, and some are never even considered in committee. This is why the CREEPER Act was never voted on, for example. There is only a limited amount of time to consider all the bills and some don’t make it because they don’t win enough support or just aren’t a priority for the party leadership.

But regardless of all that, your idea is a fantastic one. At the moment we are understaffed but once we have more capacity, we do intend to have a legislative analyst working on federal and state (and eventually international) legislation and GitLab will be a great tool to use for this.

Yes, this working diagram of hers is quite amazing.


Which article? I would be willing to provide her or someone else tech support if they were working on assembling this information in a community editable way, such as Git(Lab). I have less experience with graphics tools which would be suitable for this task, but would be willing to help by facilitating learning and spreading what information I have. My main chart editing experience is with Unified Modeling Language (UML).

Do you know whether you would wish to use an existing publicly hosted service or your host your own? Moving the content of the documents is easy. You clone a copy of the Git repository holding them. People can work on their local copies also if they wish and then merge them. The repositories can then be uploaded to a Git hosting service.

Here you go:

The diagram Jeremy posted is from the related patreon post: