Vernal man arrested for possessing anime child pornography

I just came across this news from 2020 where a man in the USA was arrested for hentai. The article mentions “child pornography” without “anime”, so was there real images at play? Wording of the article is a bit weird, or why would the headline say “anime”.

Agents also found over 20 posters that depicted nude child anime pornography,
Other items found in the residence, such as the computer mouse pad, also depicted nude child anime pornography.”

Can someone explain how this is possible? My understanding is that possession of obscene material is legal, so was he perhaps charged for transmission (physical delivery).


According to this: Utah ICAC Task Force Arrests Vernal Man Who Possessed Over 23,000 Files of Child Porn and Child Anime Porn | Derek Brown
He had real CP. The relevant (for us) part is this:
While technically legal, the anime material concerns the ICAC investigators.

“The content that’s specifically concerning to us is the child pornography anime,” said Alan White, ICAC Commander. “If a person is into child pornographic anime, it’s not a huge step to get into child pornography itself, or for that matter to abuse a child.”

To me it is a stretch and an attempt to push a ban/censorship.
Co-relation is not causation. Could they prove that he started with [legal] hentai and moved to CP? Or was he trying not to offend. I mean, to me it sounds the same as reporting that a mass shooter was found playing FPS. And then trying to prove that video games causes violence.

Edit: I also find it suspicious that the article focuses on the anime porn. If ICAC (Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force Program) found conclusive CSAM evidence I would have expected that they used that to prove he was a danger. Wildly speculating, but not out of the question that the agency was trying to show result and justify the arrest. Thousands of alleged real pictures and they focus on the drawings?


So, this entire article title is inflammatory clickbait. Him having hentai alongside CSAM isn’t noteworthy in the slightest. Imagine if he had adult pornography alongside CSAM instead, would it have been mentioned at all in the article?

This reminds me of a thread I made a while back, when a mass shooter was exposed as having a CLSD and everybody started using his murders as proof that doll owners are inherently evil and dangerous:

“If a person masturbated to loli hentai and then committed a terrorist bombing, that means the lolis made him do it and we need to ban them!”

That might as well be what moral guardians are suggesting. It’s “vidya gaems caus violins” all over again. All these people share an ignorant, stupid view of the world…


Apparently that doesn’t count because either “appeal to masses” or “sex is exceptionally bad”.


Clickbait and bs. Nothing new here. Just more sensationalism, yellow journalism.


Clickbait, lol. Why would you mention that he had loli pics along side with CSAM?