Study: Doll ban increases risk of offending

A new study has been published that questioned 40 people who were affected by the ban of “Childlike Sex Dolls” in Germany.

Users most frequently mentioned (negative) effects on their (mental) health. Increased insecurity and perceived social and political discrimination were also reported. Participants reported an increase in problematic behaviour, such as viewing child sexual abuse images again, and that they were no longer able to live out their sexuality legally.

From the perspective of those affected, the ban on child sex dolls has a negative impact on their lives and the risk of sexualized violence against children. The available data do not provide any evidence that the tightening of the law serves to protect children, although the study design has limitations in this respect.


This is gold. If it’s proven that it’s actually harmful banning sex dolls, then the more likely sex dolls are going to be legalized.


Can we all say “told you so”!! Banning these things doesn’t help protect children, it endangers children.


What? We literally have shows trying to say that even lusting after dolls is “wrong”:

The only mistake here is not having a command override code, like what Ulysses did to call ED-E in Fallout New Vegas.


Never saw such a well made satire.

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If it’s satire, fine, but either it’s not, the “people” in the comments are too stupid to realize it.


Oh, it’s not a satire of how people act regarding dolls? I thought it was the case. Also, I found the comparatives between a serial killer killing animals with a pedophile using a doll kinda non sense.


It’s said that children who like torturing animals and killing them grow up to be serial murderers. Yeah, well, they’re practicing the real thing on the real thing! So how many people who got into playing violent videos games, go out and become violent criminals? Like people playing Grand Theft Auto suddenly becoming carjackers and killers?

The same morons and their pretzel logic say people who own and/or masturbate with child-like dolls are just “practicing and feeding their desires to go after children”. So why aren’t people who own full size sex dolls out there raping women?

Then there are those of us who just like having them around to not feel so alone and really don’t do anything with them except make them look pretty, changing their outfits and/or doing different hairstyles with them. :heart:


Oh, no, this really appears to be an attempt to say that people who choose to engage in fantasies using literal fake people are just as bad as those who do the same to real people.


Because apparently they only simulate consensual relationships. IIRC, there was some case about someone programming in “raped reactions” to full size sex dolls that have some electronic components.


Of course. How unironic.