indicates a role for which a position is available. indicates a role that is filled or for which we are not currently recruiting.
- Leadership
1.1. Board of Directors
1.1.1. Executive Director
1.1.2. Director
1.2. Advisory Council
1.2.1. Advisor - Administration
2.1. Management team
2.1.1. General Manager
2.1.2. Human Resources Manager
2.2. Operations
2.2.1. Intake coordinator
2.2.2. System administrator
2.2.3. Bookkeeper - Programs
3.1. Policy team
3.1.1. Policy Director
3.1.2. Researcher
3.1.3. Lawyer
3.1.4. Technologist
3.2. Projects team
3.2.1. Program Director
3.2.2. Project Coordinator - Survivor Expressions
3.2.3. Project Coordinator - Exploring the use of fictional and fantasy sexual outlets
3.2.4. Project Coordinator - Protect Fiction Legal Defense Fund
3.2.5. Project Coordinator - Narratives for prevention
3.2.6. Project Coordinator - “CP” deterrence campaign
3.2.7. Project Coordinator - Bringing transparency to the child protection sector
3.2.8. Project Coordinator - Terminology campaign
3.2.9. Project Coordinator - Hall of Fame
3.2.10. Project Coordinator - Prostasia Microgrants
3.2.11. Project Coordinator - Prostasia Ambassadors
3.2.12. Project Coordinator - No Children Harmed
3.2.13. Project Coordinator - Prostasia Conversations - Advocacy
4.1. Advocacy team
4.1.1. Advocacy Director
4.1.2. Legislative analyst
4.1.3. U.S. activist
4.1.4. International activist - Development
5.1. Development team
5.1.1. Development Director
5.1.2. Grant Writer
5.2. Membership and donations
5.2.1. Membership Officer
5.2.2. Merchandise Officer - Communications
6.1. Communications team
6.1.1. Communications Director
6.1.2. Blog Editor
6.1.3. Newsletter Editor
6.2. Web team
6.2.1. Webmaster
6.2.2. Adwords Specialist
6.2.3. SEO Specialist
6.3. Social media
6.3.1. Social Media Manager
6.3.2. Social Media volunteers
6.4. Video and graphics
6.4.1. Designer
6.4.2. Video producer - Community
7.1. Events
7.1.1. Conference Coordinator
7.1.2. Workshop Manager
7.2. Media and community relations
7.2.1. Media Officer
7.2.2. Forum Moderator
1. Leadership
1.1. Board of Directors
1.1.1. Executive Director 🟢
The Executive Director is the nexus between the Board and the Staff. They have oversight over the day to day management of the organization and are responsible for strategic planning and operating within a budget. They host monthly video calls and weekly check-ins for staff. The Executive Director also carries out any roles that are not filled by others, including the General Manager role. Apply here.
1.1.2. Director 🟢
Our Board of Directors meets quarterly to provide oversight of the organization. The Board’s main responsibilities are procedural, such as approving the annual report and financial statements, and exercising oversight of the Executive staff. Apply here.
1.2. Advisory Council
1.2.1. Advisor 🟢
Our Advisory Council is a diverse group of professionals and stakeholder representatives with expertise in a range of fields. Together they discuss and offer advice to our Board and senior staff on Prostasia Foundation’s policies and strategic direction. Apply here.
2. Administration
2.1. Management team
The Management team comprises all Director-level staff (to whom other members of their teams report), along with the following:
2.1.1. General Manager 🔴
The General Manager is the person to whom Director-level staff report, as well as other staff who do not have a line manager. In collaboration with the Human Resources Manager, they are responsible for setting staff targets. They sign off on expenses and approve travel. They are also responsible for corporate filings necessary to maintain Prostasia Foundation as a charity in good standing, and annually updating our Guidestar profile. Apply here.
2.1.2. Human Resources Manager 🟢
The Human Resources Manager is responsible for hiring, onboarding, and evaluating staff and volunteers. If a staff member has a dispute with their line manager, the Human Resources Manager is also their first point of contact to resolve the dispute. Apply here.
2.2. Operations
2.2.1. Intake coordinator 🟢
Our intake coordinator staffs our primary email and snail mail inboxes and our phone number. They answer basic questions and direct more complicated enquiries to the appropriate person. Apply here.
2.2.2. System administrator 🟢
The system administrator maintains our server resources. This includes our Google Workspace account, the server that hosts our public website, and the server that hosts our self-hosted intranet apps (eg. our internal wiki). They work with the MSC Liaison to support the server used by MAP Support Club. They are also responsible for ensuring that domain names and SSL certificates are maintained and updated. Command-line Linux experience is required for this role. Apply here.
2.2.3. Bookkeeper 🟢
The bookkeeper is responsible for entering receipts and expenses into our accounting software, reconciling statements from our bank and from our payments processors, and preparing tax returns and payroll filings (if any). Apply here.
3. Programs
3.1. Policy team
3.1.1. Policy Director 🟢
Our Policy fellow will research and write reports, whitepapers, and submissions on the intersections between child protection policy and human rights, with an emphasis on marginalized communities. They may also submit articles to relevant journals such as the Journal of Online Trust and Safety and the B4UAct Quarterly Review. A bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline is required for this role. Apply here.
3.1.2. Researcher 🔴
Our Researcher ensures that Prostasia’s work is based on a solid scientific footing. You may have a background in psychology, criminal justice, or another relevant discipline—but you will certainly have developed keen primary and secondary research skills, and a skeptical mindset. You will be involved in writing calls for research proposals and liaising with applicants for research grants or subgrants. You will also contribute to writing and fact-checking blog posts. Apply here.
3.1.3. Lawyer 🟢
If you are an attorney licensed to practice in any U.S. state and you have pro bono hours to donate, consider joining our volunteer legal team. You will work with our Legislative Analyst in researching and writing about child protection laws and enforcement practices. Knowledge or interest in constitutional law and criminal law are highly desirable. You will be expected to lead the preparation of amicus curiae briefs and to write and provide legal review for blog posts. Apply here.
3.1.4. Technologist 🟢
Our staff technologist works on technical projects that support our mission, such as our free CSAM scanning plugins. They will work with external contractors on coding projects, and with our Development Officer to secure funding to support our technology projects. They also provide technical review for blog posts. Apply here.
3.2. Projects team
3.2.1. Program Director 🟢
Our Program Director is the senior staff member who supports Prostasia’s strategic goals by establishing, directing, evaluating, and overseeing all of Prostasia’s non-advocacy programs (core ongoing activities) and projects (activities that may be time-limited or contingent on funding). All members of the Projects Team report to the Project Director unless a different report is specified for them. Apply here.
3.2.2. Project Coordinator - Survivor Expressions 🟢
Survivor Expressions is a platform for CSA survivors to tell their stories in their own words and own way—words, illustrations, video, etc. The manager of this project will publicize the platform and encourage survivors to submit content, will select submitted content for publication, and will promote submitted stories on social media. Apply here.
3.2.3. Project Coordinator - Exploring the use of fictional and fantasy sexual outlets 🟢
Working with our Development Officer, the Project Coordinator for our research project “Exploring the use of fictional and fantasy sexual outlets” will work to find new donors for this project, and will be our liaison with the research teams. Responsibilities also include publicizing survey instruments and project outputs. Apply here.
3.2.4. Project Coordinator - Protect Fiction Legal Defense Fund 🟢
The Protect Fiction Legal Defense Fund is used to help those who are battling the censorship or criminalization of fictional outlets. Working with our Development Officer, the Project Coordinator for the Protect Fiction Legal Defense Fund keeps an ear to the ground for worthy causes for the fund to support, liaises with beneficiaries, and publicizes the fund’s work. They report to the Advocacy Director. Apply here.
3.2.5. Project Coordinator - Narratives for prevention 🟢
Narrative performances for the prevention of men’s sexual violence against children is a project that will address harmful masculinity norms, gender-based violence, and child abuse prevention within a supportive storytelling and dialogue setting. Working with our Development Officer, the Project Coordinator will secure funding for this project and oversee its implementation. Apply here.
3.2.6. Project Coordinator - “CP” deterrence campaign 🔴
Prostasia’s "CP” deterrence campaign uses Google search ads to target prevention and support resources at people who may be actively searching for unlawful images. Working with the Adwords Specialist, you will design and monitor effective advertising campaigns. Working with our SEO Specialist, Researcher, Intake Coordinator and MSC Liaison, you will ensure that relevant and up-to-date support resources are made available and monitor conversions. Apply here.
3.2.7. Project Coordinator - Bringing transparency to the child protection sector 🟢
This Project Coordinator will publish a research report to shine a light into the child protection sector and to reveal how Internet companies, child abuse reporting hotlines, and software vendors make decisions to censor or restrict content on the stated grounds of child protection. The Project Coordinator will work with the Policy Director and Development Director to raise funds for this report and to implement the project. They will work with the Communications Director to disseminate the project outputs. Apply here.
3.2.8. Project Coordinator - Terminology campaign 🟢
Our terminology campaign aims to increase the use of accurate terminology about in public discourse such as in news reporting and platform terms of service. An open letter to the UK News Media Code of Practice Committee is the first output of this project. A set of public terminology guidelines is also under development. The Project Coordinator will manage this project in collaboration with the Advocacy and Communications teams, and their report is to the Advocacy Director. Apply here.
3.2.9. Project Coordinator - Hall of Fame 🟢
The coordinator of this project will review suggestions for new Hall of Fame inductees as well as conducting their own original research. They will write balanced appraisals of the candidates and liaise with the Management Team for selection of the successful inductees. They will publish the Hall of Fame updates and work with the Communications team to publicize this. Already shortlisted organizations for the next Hall of Fame include:
- Scarleteen
- Johns Hopkins Moore Center for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse
- The Trevor Project
3.2.10. Project Coordinator - Prostasia Microgrants 🟢
Working with our Development Officer, the Project Coordinator for Prostasia Microgrants will fundraise for a fund of at least $2,000 to launch the next round of Prostasia Microgrants. Once the funds have been raised they will then finalize the grant criteria, publicize the grant round, manage the selection of successful applicants, publicize the finalized grants, and receive reports from grantees. Apply here.
3.2.11. Project Coordinator - Prostasia Ambassadors 🟢
The Prostasia Ambassadors coordinator will build a team of volunteer Prostasia representatives on various social media platforms that are not covered by our Social Media team. Ambassadors will be trained and resourced to engage in basic fundraising and awareness campaigns on the platforms that they cover, as well as to answer simple common questions. Incoming enquiries referred by Ambassadors will be routed to the Intake Coordinator. Apply here.
3.2.12. Project Coordinator - No Children Harmed 🟢
We are looking for a new Project Coordinator who can reactivate our No Children Harmed certification program. Participation in this program is for websites, publishers, service providers, vendors, and event organizers, to certify that they are allies in the fight against child sexual abuse, and that they have taken reasonable steps to avoid harming children. The Project Coordinator will consult stakeholders about possible revisions to the certification program, market it to new members, and verify compliance. Apply here.
3.2.13. Project Coordinator - Prostasia Conversations
In our Prostasia Conversations podcast/vodcast series, we talk with a range of experts and stakeholder representatives about issues such as child sexual abuse prevention, children’s rights, sex education, freedom of expression, and more. The new Project Coordinator for Prostasia Conversations will work with the Video Producer to launch a new season of this series. This will involve scouting for guests, conducting interviews, and preparing transcripts. Apply here.
4. Advocacy
4.1. Advocacy team
4.1.1. Advocacy Director 🟢
The Advocacy Director carries overall responsibility for translating Prostasia’s strategic objectives into actionable advocacy campaigns. They monitor domestic and global developments and prioritize our efforts in promoting evidence-based, stigma-free approaches towards child sexual abuse prevention that uphold the human rights of all. In addition to other members of the Advocacy team, other staff who report to the Advocacy Director are the Project Coordinators for our Terminology campaign and for our Protect Fiction Legal Defense Fund. Apply here.
4.1.2. Legislative analyst 🟢
The Legislative Analyst helps to ensure that Prostasia tracks U.S. federal and/or state bills that pertain to child protection. You will work closely with our Executive Director and U.S. Activist to ensure that appropriate campaigns are developed to target lawmakers and their constituents with the right messaging to positively influence proposed legislation. You could also be involved in drafting suggested amendments to bills, or proposing model provisions. Apply here.
4.1.3. U.S. activist 🟢
As U.S. Activist, you are responsible for working with our management team to identify opportunities for advocacy and lobbying in support of Prostasia’s goals, and for developing persuasive campaigns that are directed at the right external audiences to achieve those goals. Campaign activities may include social media actions, submissions, petitions, open letters, and face to face or virtual meetings with decision makers and influencers. Apply here.
4.1.4. International activist 🟢
Our international activist carries responsibility for global (non-U.S.) advocacy activities. They monitor news sources and engage with local activists, groups, and experts to bring international developments to the team’s attention for action. Working with these local representatives, they develop, promote, and translate local advocacy campaigns and join relevant coalition efforts. Upcoming suggested international campaigns include:
- Addressing the unconstitutional French censorship of art websites under authority reserved for censorship of CSAM.
- Helping local activists to have Germany’s sex doll law declared unconstitutional.
- Responding to Europe’s upcoming new legislation on ighting child sexual abuse: detection, removal and reporting of illegal content online.
- Responding to the UK’s Draft Online Safety Bill.
- Responding to Canada’s proposed approach to address harmful content online.
5. Development
5.1. Development team
5.1.1. Development Director 🟢
Our main sources of funding are memberships, donations, sponsorships, and grants from charitable foundations. The Development Director carries overall responsibility for developing all of these sources of funding by leading our fundraising efforts. Apply here.
5.1.2. Grant Writer 🟢
The Grant Writer is responsible for working with Project Coordinators to develop written proposals and solicitations to philanthropic organizations, corporations, and high net worth individuals for the support of our work through sponsorships and grants. Many donors have specific formats for letters of enquiry, full proposals, and budget that must be adhered to. The Grant Writer will also assist the Development Director in scouting for new grant opportunities. This role requires grant-writing experience. Upcoming deadlines:
- Weyerhaeuser Family Foundation (March 1)
5.2. Membership and donations
5.2.1. Membership Officer 🟢
The Membership Officer is responsible for cultivating and growing our membership base. They send welcome letters to new members and create accounts for them on our forum and website. They publicize and promote membership through our social media and newsletter channels. They work with the Merchandise Officer and Events Officer to provide and promote membership benefits. They also write targeted emails to members and small donors and work with the SEO Specialist to track conversions. Apply here.
5.2.2. Merchandise Officer 🟢
The Merchandise Officer manages our online store. Working with the Designer, they develop and promote branded merchandise and ensure that orders are fulfilled. Apply here.
6. Communications
6.1. Communications team
6.1.1. Communications Director 🟢
The Communications Director carries overall responsibility for delivering Prostasia’s message across our web, social media, and video channels. Members of all of these teams report to the Communications Director. The Communications Director is also responsible for addressing social media misinformation campaigns against Prostasia Foundation in consultation with the Executive Director. Apply here.
6.1.2. Blog Editor 🔴
As blog editor you will be primarily responsible for suggesting topics for blog posts, and commissioning volunteers to write those posts (especially authors from marginalized groups who can write in their own voices on topics that concern them). You will edit the posts, schedule them on our publication calendar, and work with the webmaster and social media manager to have them posted online and publicized. You will also have the opportunity to write your own posts and articles for Prostasia’s website and for submission to other outlets. Current ideas for blog posts include:
- Motivation-facilitation model (already written in draft)
- So you’ve been called a pedophile (already written in draft)
- Online myths about MAPs (already written in draft)
- Pedo-hunting (partly written in draft)
- Child on child abuse
- Suicide and CSA
- Autism and CSA
- Cognitive distortions
- Parenting
- Language and stigma
- Dating websites
- Parole conditions such as penile plethysmography
- Moral panic and religion
- Sex-positive feminism
- Can sexual interests be changed?
- Fiction as therapy for trauma
- Censorship in gaming
- Ageplay Safety Guide
6.1.3. Newsletter Editor 🟢
The Newsletter Editor commissions or writes one lead article, one other feature piece or article, and a review to comprise our newsletter, which should ideally be sent monthly. In addition, all content published on our website since the previous newsletter was published will be featured. Selected old newsletter articles will also be submitted to the Blog Editor for publication in the “From the newsletter archives” blog series. Apply here.
6.2. Web team
6.2.1. Webmaster 🔴
You are responsible for maintaining our website. This includes keeping WordPress and its themes and plugins up to date, formatting and posting blog posts and other website updates, working with the Newsletter Editor to format and posting our newsletter, and collaborating with our Designer and Activist on graphic requests. You will also collaborate with our System Administrator to debug website problems, and with our SEO Specialist to ensure that website content is accessible via search engine. Apply here.
6.2.2. Adwords Specialist 🔴
Working with the Advocacy team and the Project Coordinator for the "CP” campaign, you will develop and refine Google search ads to promote Prostasia Foundation and its programs and services. Apply here.
6.2.3. SEO Specialist 🔴
The SEO Specialist is responsible for search engine optimization for our website content, and for funneling website visitors, newsletter subscribers, and targeted emails to achieve conversion goals. You will work with the Membership Officer and Advocacy team. You should be familiar with the use of Google Search Console and Google Analytics, or be willing to learn. Apply here.
6.3. Social media
6.3.1. Social Media Manager 🔴
As social media manager, your primary responsibility is to manage our Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram social media accounts. This will require you to schedule at least four pieces of content daily, which you will source from Twitter, news aggregation software, from our website and forum, and from other staff and volunteers. You will also be responsible for dealing with replies and comments, in cooperation with Executive Director. You will work closely with our activist, blog editor, and designer. Apply here.
6.3.2. Social Media volunteers 🟢
Our social media volunteers suggest content to be posted to social media, using our Discord server. They report to the Social Media Manager who will edit their suggestions and enter them into our pipeline to be approved and posted. Apply here.
6.4. Video and graphics
6.4.1. Designer 🟢
Our designer translates our work into compelling and consistent visual representations. This role will frequently involve designing simple header graphics for blog posts and campaigns. You will also have the opportunity to add your visual flair to our monthly newsletter. From time to time you will also be called upon to work on infographics, icons, layouts for new web pages, and video inserts. Apply here.
6.4.2. Video producer 🟢
The job includes coordinating the production of video and audio content such as video promos, clips, event recordings, livestream events and webinars. Recording and editing of clips for multiple formats (eg. YouTube, TikTok, Instagram) is required. The Video Producer will also work with the Designer on video inserts, and with the Development Director and Workshop Manager on livestream fundraiser events. Apply here.
7. Community
Since there is no senior staff position for the community team, the line of report is to the General Manager.
7.1. Events
7.1.1. Conference Coordinator 🟢
The Conference Coordinator keeps abreast of opportunities for Prostasia representatives to lead or participate in panels or workshops at professional and community conferences and events. They scout for prospective co-presenters, draft proposals, facilitate preparation, and write reports of completed events. They may work with the Policy Director for preparation of background papers or other supporting documentation. Upcoming events that are open for proposals include:
- National Sexual Assault Conference (deadline: January 12, 2022)
- RightsCon 2022 (deadline: January 13, 2022)
- ATSA 2022 (deadline: February 15, 2022)
- Sexual Freedom Summit (deadline: February 28, 2022)
- NARSOL (deadline not specified)
7.1.2. Workshop Manager 🟢
The Workshop Manager has a similar job to the Conference Coordinator, except for Prostasia-hosted events, which are generally online webinars. Webinars may be free admission or paid. The Workshop Manager will collaborate with staff from the Policy and Advocacy teams to develop workshop content. They will work with the Video Producer on the technical side of the events, and with the Social Media team on publicity. Apply here.
7.2. Media and community relations
The MSC Liaison also works in this team.
7.2.1. Media Officer 🟢
Our Media Officer is responsible for communicating with the press. This includes receiving and responding to press enquiries, maintaining a press mailing list, and drafting and sending press releases. Apply here.
7.2.2. Forum Moderator 🔴
Our Forum moderators help to keep our Discourse Forum running smoothly, by enforcing the forum rules and applying warnings and bans to those who violate them. Apply here.